ninjabenji 1e62f6cb05
DOC - Note on config filename extension
Seems the config file can be located wherever needed but not using an extension or using an extension other than .yml causes the following error
could not load config file
Unsupported Config Type ""
2022-04-08 10:31:42 +01:00

1.1 KiB


-c, --config

Specify the config file to be used (must use .yml as an extension). If omitted autorestic will search for for a .autorestic.yml in the current directory and your home directory.

autorestic -c /path/to/my/config.yml


Run the CLI in CI Mode, which means there will be no interactivity, no colors and automatically sets the --verbose flag.

This can be useful when you want to run cron e.g. as all the output will be saved.

autorestic --ci backup -a

-v, --verbose

Verbose mode will show the output of the native restic commands that are otherwise not printed out. Useful for debugging or logging in automated tasks.

autorestic --verbose backup -a


With --restic-bin you can specify to run a specific restic binary. This can be useful if you want to create a custom binary with root access that can be executed by any user.

autorestic --restic-bin /some/path/to/my/custom/restic/binary
