2022-12-21 22:39:59 +01:00

120 lines
3.5 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import lru_cache
from os.path import dirname, join
from typing import Union
# Day 15
# Common
def read_input(filename):
data = join(dirname(__file__), '..', filename)
with open(data) as f:
return f.read().strip()
test = read_input('test.txt')
data = read_input('input.txt')
class Point:
x: int
y: int
def manhattan(self, other: 'Point'):
return abs(self.x - other.x) + abs(self.y - other.y)
def tuning_freq(self) -> int:
return (self.x * 4000000) + self.y
def parse(s: str) -> 'Point':
return Point(*map(lambda s: int(s[2:]), s.split(', '))) # Format: x=8, y=7
class Interval:
start: int
end: int
def __contains__(self, other: Union[int, 'Interval']) -> bool:
if type(other) is int:
return self.start <= other and other <= self.end
elif isinstance(other, Interval):
return other.start in self or other.end in self
return False
def __add__(self, other: 'Interval') -> 'Interval':
return Interval(min(self.start, other.start), max(self.end, other.end))
def __len__(self) -> int:
return abs(self.start - self.end) + 1
def reduce(intervals: list['Interval']):
combined: list['Interval'] = []
for interval in intervals:
for added in combined:
if added in interval or interval in added:
combined.append(added + interval)
return combined if combined == intervals else Interval.reduce(combined)
class Map:
sensors: dict[Point, Point]
max_distance: int
def analyse_line(self, line: int, minimum: int | float, maximum: int | float):
intervals: list[Interval] = []
for sensor, beacon in self.sensors.items():
radius = sensor.manhattan(beacon) # Radius of the sensor
dy = radius - abs(sensor.y - line) # Check if line is in the radius of the sensor
if dy >= 0:
# Add interval for scanned line
intervals.append(Interval(max(minimum, sensor.x-dy), min(maximum, sensor.x+dy)))
intervals = Interval.reduce(intervals)
return sum([len(i) for i in intervals]), intervals
def flag_1(self, line: int):
score, _ = self.analyse_line(line, float('-inf'), float('inf'))
return score - 1
def flag_2(self, limit: int) -> int:
for line in range(limit):
score, intervals = self.analyse_line(line, 0, limit)
if score != limit + 1:
print(line, intervals)
return Point(intervals[0].end + 1, line).tuning_freq()
raise Exception("Not found")
@ staticmethod
def parse(data: str) -> 'Map':
sensors: dict[Point, Point] = {}
max_distance = 0
for line in data.splitlines():
sensor, beacon = line.split(':')
s = Point.parse(sensor[10:])
b = Point.parse(beacon[22:])
sensors[s] = b
max_distance = max(max_distance, s.manhattan(b))
return Map(sensors, max_distance)
# Running
m = Map.parse(data)
print(Point(3446137, 3204480).tuning_freq())
# print(m.flag_2(4_000_000))