import { dictionary, locale, format } from '../src/index' let _ let currentLocale const dict = { pt: { hi: 'olá você', 'switch.lang': 'Trocar idioma', greeting: { ask: 'Por favor, digite seu nome', message: 'Olá {name}, como vai?', }, photos: 'Você {n, plural, =0 {não tem fotos.} =1 {tem uma foto.} other {tem # fotos.}}', cats: 'Tenho {n, number} {n,plural,=0{gatos}one{gato}other{gatos}}', }, en: { hi: 'hi yo', 'switch.lang': 'Switch language', greeting: { ask: 'Please type your name', message: 'Hello {name}, how are you?', }, photos: 'You have {n, plural, =0 {no photos.} =1 {one photo.} other {# photos.}}', cats: 'I have {n, number} {n,plural,one{cat}other{cats}}', }, } format.subscribe(formatFn => { _ = formatFn }) dictionary.set(dict) locale.subscribe(l => (currentLocale = l)) locale.set('pt') it('should change locale', () => { locale.set('pt') expect(currentLocale).toBe('pt') locale.set('en') expect(currentLocale).toBe('en') }) it('should fallback to message id if id is not found', () => { expect(_('batatinha')).toBe('batatinha') }) it('should translate to current locale', () => { locale.set('pt') expect(_('switch.lang')).toBe('Trocar idioma') locale.set('en') expect(_('switch.lang')).toBe('Switch language') }) it('should translate to passed locale', () => { expect(_('switch.lang', 'pt')).toBe('Trocar idioma') expect(_('switch.lang', 'en')).toBe('Switch language') }) it('should interpolate message with variables', () => { expect(_('greeting.message', { name: 'Chris' })).toBe( 'Hello Chris, how are you?', ) }) it('should interpolate message with variables according to passed locale', () => { expect(_('greeting.message', { name: 'Chris' }, 'pt')).toBe( 'Olá Chris, como vai?', ) }) describe('utilities', () => { beforeAll(() => { locale.set('en') }) it('should capital a translated message', () => { expect('hi')).toBe('Hi yo') }) it('should title a translated message', () => { expect(_.title('hi')).toBe('Hi Yo') }) it('should lowercase a translated message', () => { expect(_.lower('hi')).toBe('hi yo') }) it('should uppercase a translated message', () => { expect(_.upper('hi')).toBe('HI YO') }) const date = new Date(2019, 3, 24, 23, 45) it('should format a time value', () => { locale.set('en') expect(_.time(date)).toBe('11:45 PM') expect(_.time(date, 'medium')).toBe('11:45:00 PM') }) it('should format a date value', () => { expect('4/24/19') expect(, 'medium')).toBe('Apr 24, 2019') }) // number it('should format a date value', () => { expect(_.number(123123123)).toBe('123,123,123') }) })