#### init > `import { init } from 'svelte-i18n'` `init(options: InitOptions): void` Method responsible for configuring some of the library behaviours such as the global fallback and initial locales. Must be called before setting a locale and displaying your view. ```ts interface InitOptions { // the global fallback locale fallbackLocale: string // set of heuristic configs to define the client's locale initialLocale?: InitialLocaleOptions // custom time/date/number formats formats?: Formats // loading delay interval loadingDelay?: number } interface InitialLocaleOptions { // the fallback locale to use if no message is found in the current one fallback?: string // when 'true', check the 'window.navigator.language' to set the current locale navigator?: boolean // key to look for a locale on 'window.location.search' // 'example.com?locale=en-US' search?: string // key to look for a locale on 'window.location.hash' // 'example.com#locale=en-US' hash?: string // pattern to look in the window.location.pathname. // It returns the first capturing group. pathname?: RegExp // pattern to look in the window.location.hostname. // It returns the first capturing group. hostname?: RegExp } ``` **Example**: ```js import { init } from 'svelte-i18n' init({ // fallback to en if current locale is not in the dictionary fallbackLocale: 'en', initialLocale: { // based on the user's browser navigator: true, }, }) ``` ##### Custom formats It's possible to define custom format styles via the `formats` property if you want to quickly pass a set of options to the underlying `Intl` formatter. ```ts interface Formats { number: Record date: Record time: Record } ``` Please refer to the [Intl.NumberFormat](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/NumberFormat.md) and [Intl.DateTimeFormat](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/DateTimeFormat.md) documentations to see available formatting options. **Example**: ```js import { init } from 'svelte-i18n' init({ // fallback to en if current locale is not in the dictionary fallbackLocale: 'en', formats: { number: { EUR: { style: 'currency', currency: 'EUR' }, }, }, }) ``` ```html
{$_.number(123456.789, { format: 'EUR' })}
``` #### addMessages `import { addMessages } from 'svelte-i18n` `addMessages(locale: string, ...dicts: Dictionary[]): void` Merge one ore more dictionary of messages with the `locale` dictionary. **Example**: ```js addMessages('en', { field_1: 'Name' }) addMessages('en', { field_2: 'Last Name' }) addMessages('pt', { field_1: 'Nome' }) addMessages('pt', { field_2: 'Sobrenome' }) // Results in dictionary { en: { field_1: 'Name', field_2: 'Last Name' }, pt: { field_1: 'Nome', field_2: 'Sobrenome' } } ``` #### register > `import { register } from 'svelte-i18n'` `register(locale: string, loader: () => Promise): void` Registers an async message `loader` for the specified `locale`. The loader queue is executed when changing to `locale` or when calling `waitLocale(locale)`. **Example**: ```js import { register } from 'svelte-i18n' register('en', () => import('./_locales/en.json')) register('pt', () => import('./_locales/pt.json')) ``` See [how to asynchronously load dictionaries](/svelte-i18n/blob/master/docs#22-asynchronous). #### waitLocale > `import { waitLocale } from 'svelte-i18n'` `waitLocale(locale: string = $locale): Promise` Executes the queue of `locale`. If the queue isn't resolved yet, the same promise is returned. Great to use in the `preload` method of Sapper for awaiting [`loaders`](/svelte-i18n/blob/master/docs#22-asynchronous). **Example**: ```svelte ``` ### Low level API #### getDateFormatter / getTimeFormatter / getNumberFormatter > `import { getDateFormatter, getNumberFormatter, getTimeFormatter } from 'svelte-i18n'` ```ts type FormatterOptions = T & { format?: string locale?: string // defaults to current locale } getDateFormatter( options: FormatterOptions ): Intl.DateTimeFormat getTimeFormatter( options: FormatterOptions ): Intl.DateTimeFormat getNumberFormatter( options: FormatterOptions ): Intl.NumberFormat ``` Each of these methods return their respective [`Intl.xxxxFormatter`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects.md#Internationalization) variant. Click [here](/docs/formatting.md#accessing-formatters-directly) for an example of usage. #### getMessageFormatter > `import { getMessageFormatter } from 'svelte-i18n'` `getMessageFormatter(messageId: string, locale: string): IntlMessageFormat` Returns an instance of a [`IntlMessageFormat`](https://github.com/formatjs/formatjs/blob/master/packages/intl-messageformat/README.md).