import { lookup, lookupCache } from '../../../src/runtime/includes/lookup'; import { $dictionary, addMessages, } from '../../../src/runtime/stores/dictionary'; beforeEach(() => { $dictionary.set({}); }); test('returns null if no locale was passed', () => { expect(lookup('', undefined)).toBeUndefined(); expect(lookup('', null)).toBeUndefined(); }); test('gets a shallow message of a locale dictionary', () => { addMessages('en', { field: 'name' }); expect(lookup('field', 'en')).toBe('name'); }); test('gets a deep message of a locale dictionary', () => { addMessages('en', { deep: { field: 'lastname' } }); expect(lookup('deep.field', 'en')).toBe('lastname'); }); test('gets a message from the fallback dictionary', () => { addMessages('en', { field: 'name' }); expect(lookup('field', 'en-US')).toBe('name'); }); test('gets an array ', () => { addMessages('en', { careers: [ { role: 'Role 1', description: 'Description 1', }, { role: 'Role 2', description: 'Description 2', }, ], }); expect(lookup('careers', 'en-US')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Array [ Object { "description": "Description 1", "role": "Role 1", }, Object { "description": "Description 2", "role": "Role 2", }, ] `); }); test('caches found messages by locale', () => { addMessages('en', { field: 'name' }); addMessages('pt', { field: 'nome' }); lookup('field', 'en-US'); lookup('field', 'pt'); expect(lookupCache).toMatchObject({ 'en-US': { field: 'name' }, pt: { field: 'nome' }, }); }); test("doesn't cache falsy messages", () => { addMessages('en', { field: 'name' }); addMessages('pt', { field: 'nome' }); lookup('field_2', 'en-US'); lookup('field_2', 'pt'); expect(lookupCache).not.toMatchObject({ 'en-US': { field_2: 'name' }, pt: { field_2: 'nome' }, }); });