import i18n from '../src/svelte-i18n' import { Store } from 'svelte/store.umd' import { capitalize, titlelize, upper, lower, isObject } from '../src/utils' const store = new Store() const locales = { 'pt-br': { test: 'teste', phrase: 'adoro banana', phrases: ['Frase 1', 'Frase 2'], interpolation: { key: 'Olá, {0}! Como está {1}?', named: 'Olá, {name}! Como está {time}?' }, wow: { much: { deep: { list: [, 'muito profundo'] } } }, obj: { a: 'a' } } } i18n(store, [ locales, { 'pt-br': { obj: { b: 'b' } } } ]) /** * Dummy test */ describe('Utilities', () => { it('should check if a variable is an object', () => { expect(isObject({})).toBe(true) expect(isObject(1)).toBe(false) }) }) describe('Localization', () => { it('should start with a clean store', () => { const { _, locale } = store.get() expect(locale).toBeFalsy() expect(_).toBeFalsy() }) it('should change the locale after a "locale" store event', () => {'locale', 'en') const { locale, _ } = store.get() expect(locale).toBe('en') expect(_).toBeInstanceOf(Function) }) it('should have a .setLocale() method', () => { expect(store.setLocale).toBeInstanceOf(Function) store.setLocale('pt-br') const { locale } = store.get() expect(locale).toBe('pt-br') }) it('should return the message id when no message identified by it was found', () => { store.setLocale('pt-br') const { locale, _ } = store.get() expect(_('non.existent')).toBe('non.existent') }) it('should get a message by its id', () => { const { _ } = store.get() expect(_('test')).toBe(locales['pt-br'].test) }) it('should get a deep nested message by its string path', () => { store.setLocale('pt-br') const { locale, _ } = store.get() expect(_('obj.b')).toBe('b') }) it('should get a message within an array by its index', () => { store.setLocale('pt-br') const { locale, _ } = store.get() expect(_('phrases[1]')).toBe(locales['pt-br'].phrases[1]) /** Not found */ expect(_('phrases[2]')).toBe('phrases[2]') }) it('should interpolate with {numeric} placeholders', () => { store.setLocale('pt-br') const { locale, _ } = store.get() expect(_('interpolation.key', ['Chris', 'o dia'])).toBe('Olá, Chris! Como está o dia?') }) it('should interpolate with {named} placeholders', () => { store.setLocale('pt-br') const { locale, _ } = store.get() expect( _('interpolation.named', { name: 'Chris', time: 'o dia' }) ).toBe('Olá, Chris! Como está o dia?') }) }) describe('Localization utilities', () => { it('should capitalize a translated message', () => { store.setLocale('pt-br') const { _ } = store.get() expect(_.capitalize('phrase')).toBe('Adoro banana') }) it('should titlelize a translated message', () => { store.setLocale('pt-br') const { _ } = store.get() expect(_.titlelize('phrase')).toBe('Adoro Banana') }) it('should lowercase a translated message', () => { store.setLocale('pt-br') const { _ } = store.get() expect(_.lower('phrase')).toBe('adoro banana') }) it('should uppercase a translated message', () => { store.setLocale('pt-br') const { _ } = store.get() expect(_.upper('phrase')).toBe('ADORO BANANA') }) })