import { parse } from 'svelte/compiler'; import { collectFormatCalls, collectMessageDefinitions, collectMessages, extractMessages, } from '../../src/cli/extract'; describe('collecting format calls', () => { it('returns nothing if there are no script tag', () => { const ast = parse(`
`); const calls = collectFormatCalls(ast); expect(calls).toHaveLength(0); }); it('returns nothing if there are no imports', () => { const ast = parse(``); const calls = collectFormatCalls(ast); expect(calls).toHaveLength(0); }); it('returns nothing if there are no format imports', () => { const ast = parse( ``, ); const calls = collectFormatCalls(ast); expect(calls).toHaveLength(0); }); it('collects all format calls in the instance script', () => { const ast = parse(``); const calls = collectFormatCalls(ast); expect(calls).toHaveLength(2); expect(calls[0]).toMatchObject({ type: 'CallExpression' }); expect(calls[1]).toMatchObject({ type: 'CallExpression' }); }); it('collects all format calls with renamed imports', () => { const ast = parse(``); const calls = collectFormatCalls(ast); expect(calls).toHaveLength(3); expect(calls[0]).toMatchObject({ type: 'CallExpression' }); expect(calls[1]).toMatchObject({ type: 'CallExpression' }); expect(calls[2]).toMatchObject({ type: 'CallExpression' }); }); }); describe('collecting message definitions', () => { it('returns nothing if there are no imports from the library', () => { const ast = parse( ``, ); expect(collectMessageDefinitions(ast)).toHaveLength(0); }); it('gets all message definition objects', () => { const ast = parse(` `); const definitions = collectMessageDefinitions(ast); expect(definitions).toHaveLength(8); definitions.forEach((definition) => { expect(definition).toMatchObject({ type: 'ObjectExpression' }); }); }); it('throws an error if an spread is found', () => { const ast = parse(``); expect(() => collectMessageDefinitions(ast), ).toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot( `"Found invalid 'SpreadElement' at L4:23"`, ); }); }); describe('collecting messages', () => { it('collects all messages in both instance and html ASTs', () => { const markup = `
{$_({id: 'msg_2'})}
{$_('msg_3', { default: 'Message'})}
`; const messages = collectMessages(markup); expect(messages).toHaveLength(7); expect(messages).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ id: 'foo' }), expect.objectContaining({ id: 'msg_1' }), expect.objectContaining({ id: 'msg_2' }), expect.objectContaining({ id: 'msg_3', default: 'Message' }), expect.objectContaining({ id: 'page.title' }), expect.objectContaining({ id: 'disabled', default: 'Disabled', }), expect.objectContaining({ id: 'enabled', default: 'Enabled', }), ]), ); }); it('ignores non-static message ids', () => { const markup = ` `; const messages = collectMessages(markup); expect(messages).toHaveLength(0); }); }); describe('messages extraction', () => { it('returns a object built based on all found message paths', () => { const markup = `


{$_({ id: 'subtitle'})}

`; const dict = extractMessages(markup); expect(dict).toMatchObject({ title: '', subtitle: '' }); }); it('creates deep nested properties', () => { const markup = `


{$_({ id: ''})}

`; const dict = extractMessages(markup); expect(dict).toMatchObject({ home: { page: { title: '', subtitle: '' } }, list: ['', '', ''], }); }); it('creates a shallow dictionary', () => { const markup = `


{$_({ id: ''})}

`; const dict = extractMessages(markup, { shallow: true }); expect(dict).toMatchObject({ '': '', '': '', 'list.0': '', 'list.1': '', 'list.2': '', }); }); it('allow to pass a initial dictionary and only append non-existing props', () => { const markup = `


{$_({ id: ''})}

`; const dict = extractMessages(markup, { overwrite: false, accumulator: { home: { page: { title: 'Page title', }, }, }, }); expect(dict).toMatchObject({ home: { page: { title: 'Page title', subtitle: '', }, }, list: ['', '', ''], }); }); it('allow to pass a initial dictionary and only append shallow non-existing props', () => { const markup = `


{$_({ id: ''})}

`; const dict = extractMessages(markup, { overwrite: false, shallow: true, accumulator: { '': 'Page title', }, }); expect(dict).toMatchObject({ '': 'Page title', '': '', }); }); });