import { derived } from 'svelte/store'; import type { MessageFormatter, MessageObject, TimeFormatter, DateFormatter, NumberFormatter, JSONGetter, } from '../types'; import { lookup } from '../includes/lookup'; import { hasLocaleQueue } from '../includes/loaderQueue'; import { getMessageFormatter, getTimeFormatter, getDateFormatter, getNumberFormatter, } from '../includes/formatters'; import { getOptions } from '../configs'; import { $dictionary } from './dictionary'; import { getCurrentLocale, getPossibleLocales, $locale } from './locale'; const formatMessage: MessageFormatter = (id, options = {}) => { let messageObj = options as MessageObject; if (typeof id === 'object') { messageObj = id as MessageObject; id =; } const { values, locale = getCurrentLocale(), default: defaultValue, } = messageObj; if (locale == null) { throw new Error( '[svelte-i18n] Cannot format a message without first setting the initial locale.', ); } let message = lookup(id, locale); if (!message) { if (getOptions().warnOnMissingMessages) { // istanbul ignore next console.warn( `[svelte-i18n] The message "${id}" was not found in "${getPossibleLocales( locale, ).join('", "')}".${ hasLocaleQueue(getCurrentLocale()) ? `\n\nNote: there are at least one loader still registered to this locale that wasn't executed.` : '' }`, ); } message = defaultValue || id; } else if (typeof message !== 'string') { console.warn( `[svelte-i18n] Message with id "${id}" must be of type "string", found: "${typeof message}". Gettin its value through the "$format" method is deprecated; use the "json" method instead.`, ); return message; } if (!values) { return message; } let result = message; try { result = getMessageFormatter(message, locale).format(values) as string; } catch (e) { console.warn(`[svelte-i18n] Message "${id}" has syntax error:`, e.message); } return result; }; const formatTime: TimeFormatter = (t, options) => { return getTimeFormatter(options).format(t); }; const formatDate: DateFormatter = (d, options) => { return getDateFormatter(options).format(d); }; const formatNumber: NumberFormatter = (n, options) => { return getNumberFormatter(options).format(n); }; const getJSON: JSONGetter = ( id: string, locale = getCurrentLocale(), ) => { return lookup(id, locale) as T; }; export const $format = derived([$locale, $dictionary], () => formatMessage); export const $formatTime = derived([$locale], () => formatTime); export const $formatDate = derived([$locale], () => formatDate); export const $formatNumber = derived([$locale], () => formatNumber); export const $getJSON = derived([$locale, $dictionary], () => getJSON);