import { getLocaleFromQueryString, getLocaleFromHash, getLocaleFromNavigator, getLocaleFromPathname, getLocaleFromHostname, } from '../../../src/runtime/includes/localeGetters' import { flatObj } from '../../../src/runtime/includes/flatObj' describe('getting client locale', () => { beforeEach(() => { delete window.location window.location = { pathname: '/', hostname: '', hash: '', search: '', } as any }) test('gets the locale based on the passed hash parameter', () => { window.location.hash = '#locale=en-US&lang=pt-BR' expect(getLocaleFromHash('lang')).toBe('pt-BR') }) test('gets the locale based on the passed search parameter', () => { = '?locale=en-US&lang=pt-BR' expect(getLocaleFromQueryString('lang')).toBe('pt-BR') }) test('gets the locale based on the navigator language', () => { expect(getLocaleFromNavigator()).toBe(window.navigator.language) }) test('gets the locale based on the pathname', () => { window.location.pathname = '/en-US/foo/' expect(getLocaleFromPathname(/^\/(.*?)\//)).toBe('en-US') }) test('gets the locale base on the hostname', () => { window.location.hostname = '' expect(getLocaleFromHostname(/^(.*?)\./)).toBe('pt') }) test('returns null if no locale was found', () => { expect(getLocaleFromQueryString('lang')).toBe(null) }) }) describe('deep object handling', () => { test('flattens a deep object', () => { const obj = { a: { b: { c: { d: 'foo' } } }, e: { f: 'bar' }, } expect(flatObj(obj)).toMatchObject({ 'a.b.c.d': 'foo', 'e.f': 'bar', }) }) test('flattens a deep object with array values', () => { const obj = { a: { b: { c: { d: ['foo', 'bar'] } } }, e: { f: ['foo', 'bar'] }, } expect(flatObj(obj)).toMatchObject({ 'a.b.c.d.0': 'foo', 'a.b.c.d.1': 'bar', 'e.f.0': 'foo', 'e.f.1': 'bar', }) }) })