import { writable, derived } from 'svelte/store' import resolvePath from 'object-resolve-path' import merge from 'deepmerge' import { capital, title, upper, lower, getClientLocale, getGenericLocaleFrom, getGenericLocalesFrom, } from './utils' import { MessageObject, Formatter } from './types' import { getMessageFormatter, getDateFormatter, getNumberFormatter, getTimeFormatter, } from './formatters' let currentLocale: string let currentDictionary: Record> const dictQueue: Record = {} const hasLocale = (locale: string) => locale in currentDictionary async function registerLocaleLoader(locale: string, loader: any) { if (!(locale in currentDictionary)) { $dictionary.update(d => { d[locale] = {} return d }) } if (!(locale in dictQueue)) dictQueue[locale] = [] dictQueue[locale].push(loader) } function getAvailableLocale(locale: string): string | null { if (locale in currentDictionary || locale in dictQueue || locale == null) return locale return getAvailableLocale(getGenericLocaleFrom(locale)) } const lookupCache: Record> = {} const addToCache = (path: string, locale: string, message: string) => { if (!(locale in lookupCache)) lookupCache[locale] = {} if (!(path in lookupCache[locale])) lookupCache[locale][path] = message return message } const invalidateLookupCache = (locale: string) => { delete lookupCache[locale] } const lookupMessage = (path: string, locale: string): string => { if (locale == null) return null if (locale in lookupCache && path in lookupCache[locale]) { return lookupCache[locale][path] } if (hasLocale(locale)) { if (path in currentDictionary[locale]) { return addToCache(path, locale, currentDictionary[locale][path]) } const message = resolvePath(currentDictionary[locale], path) if (message) return addToCache(path, locale, message) } return lookupMessage(path, getGenericLocaleFrom(locale)) } const formatMessage: Formatter = (id, options = {}) => { if (typeof id === 'object') { options = id as MessageObject id = } const { values, locale = currentLocale, default: defaultValue } = options if (locale == null) { throw new Error( '[svelte-i18n] Cannot format a message without first setting the initial locale.' ) } const message = lookupMessage(id, locale) if (!message) { console.warn( `[svelte-i18n] The message "${id}" was not found in "${getGenericLocalesFrom(locale).join( '", "' )}".` ) return defaultValue || id } if (!values) return message return getMessageFormatter(message, locale).format(values) } formatMessage.time = (t, options) => getTimeFormatter(currentLocale, options).format(t) = (d, options) => getDateFormatter(currentLocale, options).format(d) formatMessage.number = (n, options) => getNumberFormatter(currentLocale, options).format(n) = (id, options) => capital(formatMessage(id, options)) formatMessage.title = (id, options) => title(formatMessage(id, options)) formatMessage.upper = (id, options) => upper(formatMessage(id, options)) formatMessage.lower = (id, options) => lower(formatMessage(id, options)) const $dictionary = writable>>({}) $dictionary.subscribe(newDictionary => (currentDictionary = newDictionary)) function loadLocale(localeToLoad: string) { return Promise.all( getGenericLocalesFrom(localeToLoad).map(localeItem => flushLocaleQueue(localeItem) .then(() => [localeItem, { err: undefined }]) .catch(e => [localeItem, { err: e }]) ) ) } async function flushLocaleQueue(locale: string = currentLocale) { if (!(locale in dictQueue)) return return Promise.all(dictQueue[locale].map((loader: any) => loader())).then(partials => { dictQueue[locale] = [] partials = => partial.default || partial) invalidateLookupCache(locale) $dictionary.update(d => { d[locale] = merge.all([d[locale] || {}].concat(partials)) return d }) }) } const $locale = writable(null) const localeSet = $locale.set $locale.set = (newLocale: string): void | Promise => { const locale = getAvailableLocale(newLocale) if (locale) { if (locale in dictQueue && dictQueue[locale].length > 0) { return flushLocaleQueue(locale).then(() => localeSet(newLocale)) } return localeSet(newLocale) } throw Error(`[svelte-i18n] Locale "${newLocale}" not found.`) } $locale.update = (fn: (locale: string) => void | Promise) => localeSet(fn(currentLocale)) $locale.subscribe((newLocale: string) => (currentLocale = newLocale)) const $format = derived([$locale, $dictionary], () => formatMessage) const $locales = derived([$dictionary], ([$dictionary]) => Object.keys($dictionary)) // defineMessages allow us to define and extract dynamic message ids const defineMessages = (i: Record) => i export { customFormats, addCustomFormats } from './formatters' export { $locale as locale, $dictionary as dictionary, $format as _, $format as format, $locales as locales, getClientLocale, defineMessages, loadLocale as preloadLocale, registerLocaleLoader, flushLocaleQueue, }