import { Formatter } from '../../../src/client/types/index' import { $format } from '../../../src/client/stores/format' import { init } from '../../../src/client/configs' import { addMessages } from '../../../src/client/stores/dictionary' import { $locale } from '../../../src/client/stores/locale' let format: Formatter $format.subscribe(f => (format = f)) addMessages('en', require('../../fixtures/en.json')) addMessages('en-GB', require('../../fixtures/en-GB.json')) addMessages('pt', require('../../fixtures/pt.json')) addMessages('pt-BR', require('../../fixtures/pt-BR.json')) addMessages('pt-PT', require('../../fixtures/pt-PT.json')) beforeEach(() => { init({ fallbackLocale: 'en' }) }) test('formats a message by its id and the current locale', () => { expect(format({ id: 'form.field_1_name' })).toBe('Name') }) test('formats a message by its id and the a passed locale', () => { expect(format({ id: 'form.field_1_name', locale: 'pt' })).toBe('Nome') }) test('formats a message with interpolated values', () => { expect(format({ id: 'photos', values: { n: 0 } })).toBe('You have no photos.') expect(format({ id: 'photos', values: { n: 1 } })).toBe('You have one photo.') expect(format({ id: 'photos', values: { n: 21 } })).toBe( 'You have 21 photos.' ) }) test('accepts a message id as first argument', () => { expect(format('form.field_1_name')).toBe('Name') }) test('accepts a message id as first argument and formatting options as second', () => { expect(format('form.field_1_name', { locale: 'pt' })).toBe('Nome') }) test('throws if no locale is set', () => { $locale.set(null) expect(() => format('form.field_1_name')).toThrow( '[svelte-i18n] Cannot format a message without first setting the initial locale.' ) }) test('uses a missing message default value', () => { expect(format('missing', { default: 'Missing Default' })).toBe( 'Missing Default' ) }) test('warn on missing messages', () => { const warn = global.console.warn global.console.warn = jest.fn() format('missing') expect(console.warn).toBeCalledWith( `[svelte-i18n] The message "missing" was not found in "en".` ) global.console.warn = warn }) describe('format utilities', () => { test('time', () => { expect(format.time(new Date(2019, 0, 1, 20, 37))).toBe('8:37 PM') }) test('date', () => { expect( Date(2019, 0, 1, 20, 37))).toBe('1/1/19') }) test('number', () => { expect(format.number(123123123)).toBe('123,123,123') }) test('capital', () => { expect('title')).toBe('Page title') }) test('title', () => { expect(format.title('title')).toBe('Page Title') }) test('upper', () => { expect(format.upper('title')).toBe('PAGE TITLE') }) test('lower', () => { expect(format.lower('title')).toBe('page title') }) })