import fs from 'fs' import { dirname, resolve } from 'path' import program from 'commander' import glob from 'tiny-glob' import { preprocess } from 'svelte/compiler' import { extractMessages } from './extract' const { readFile, writeFile, mkdir, access } = fs.promises const fileExists = (path: string) => access(path) .then(() => true) .catch(() => false) program .command('extract [output]') .description('extract all message definitions from files to a json') .option( '-s, --shallow', 'extract to a shallow dictionary (ids with dots interpreted as strings, not paths)', false, ) .option( '--overwrite', 'overwrite the content of the output file instead of just appending new properties', false, ) .option( '-c, --config ', 'path to the "svelte.config.js" file', process.cwd(), ) .action(async (globStr, output, { shallow, overwrite, config }) => { const filesToExtract = (await glob(globStr)).filter(file => file.match(/\.html|svelte$/i), ) const svelteConfig = await import( resolve(config, 'svelte.config.js') ).catch(() => null) let accumulator = {} if (output != null && overwrite === false && (await fileExists(output))) { accumulator = await readFile(output) .then(file => JSON.parse(file.toString())) .catch((e: Error) => { console.warn(e) accumulator = {} }) } for await (const filePath of filesToExtract) { const buffer = await readFile(filePath) let content = buffer.toString() if (svelteConfig && svelteConfig.preprocess) { const processed = await preprocess(content, svelteConfig.preprocess, { filename: filePath, }) content = processed.code } extractMessages(content, { accumulator, shallow }) } const jsonDictionary = JSON.stringify(accumulator, null, ' ') if (output == null) return console.log(jsonDictionary) await mkdir(dirname(output), { recursive: true }) await writeFile(output, jsonDictionary) }) program.parse(process.argv)