- [From `v2` to `v3`](#from-v2-to-v3) - [Formatting numbers, dates and times](#formatting-numbers-dates-and-times) - [Casing utilities](#casing-utilities) - [Getting the client locale](#getting-the-client-locale) - [From `v1` to `v2`](#from-v1-to-v2) - [Adding dictionaries](#adding-dictionaries) - [Setting the initial and fallback locales](#setting-the-initial-and-fallback-locales) - [Interpolating values](#interpolating-values) - [Adding custom formats](#adding-custom-formats) #### From `v2` to `v3` ##### Formatting numbers, dates and times In `v2`, to format numbers, dates and times you would access the `date`, `time` or `number` method of the main formatter method: ```js $_.time(dateValue) $_.date(dateValue) $_.number(100000000) ``` In `v3`, these utilities are exported as standalone formatter stores, making them tree-shakeable: ```js import { time, date, number } from 'svelte-i18n' $time(someDateValue) $date(someDateValue) $number(100000000) ``` ##### Casing utilities The casing utilities `$_.title`, `$_.capital`, `$_.lower`, `$_.upper` were removed from the library. In `v2`: ```js $_.lower('message.id') $_.upper('message.id') $_.title('message.id') $_.capital('message.id') ``` In `v3`: ```js function capital(str: string) { return str.replace(/(^|\s)\S/, l => l.toLocaleUpperCase()) } function title(str: string) { return str.replace(/(^|\s)\S/g, l => l.toLocaleUpperCase()) } $_('message.id').toLocaleLowerCase() $_('message.id').toLocaleUpperCase() title($_('message.id')) capital($_('message.id')) ``` ##### Getting the client locale In `v2`, the [`init`](/docs/Methods.md#init) method could automatically set the initial locale based on some heuristcs from the client: ```js import { init } from 'svelte-i18n' init({ initialLocale: { navigator: true, }, }) ``` However, many people didn't need that kind of extra weight in their apps. So in `v3` you have to explicitly import the utility desired: - [`getLocaleFromHostname`](/docs/Methods.md#getlocalefromhostname) - [`getLocaleFromPathname`](/docs/Methods.md#getlocalefrompathname) - [`getLocaleFromNavigator`](/docs/Methods.md#getlocalefromnavigator) - [`getLocaleFromQueryString`](/docs/Methods.md#getlocalefromquerystring) - [`getLocaleFromHash`](/docs/Methods.md#getlocalefromhash) ```js import { init, getLocaleFromNavigator } from 'svelte-i18n' init({ initialLocale: getLocaleFromNavigator(), }) ``` #### From `v1` to `v2` ##### Adding dictionaries In `v1`, dictionaries were added through the store API of `$dictionary`. ```js import { dictionary } from 'svelte-i18n' dictionary.set({ en: { ... }, pt: { ... }, }) dictionary.update(d => { d.fr = { ... } return d }) ``` In `v2`, you can use [`addMessages(locale, messages)`](/docs/Methods.md#addmessages) to add new messages to the main dictionary. ```js import { addMessages } from 'svelte-i18n' addMessages('en', { ... }) addMessages('pt', { ... }) addMessages('fr', { ... }) // message dictionaries are merged together addMessages('en', { ... }) ``` _It's also possible to asynchronously load your locale dictionary, see [register()](/docs/Methods.md#register)._ ##### Setting the initial and fallback locales In `v1`, to set the initial and fallback locales you could use `getClientLocale()` together with `$locale = ...` or `locale.set(...)`. ```js import { getClientLocale, locale } from 'svelte-i18n' locale.set( getClientLocale({ fallback: 'en', navigator: true, }) ) ``` In `v2`, both locales can be defined very similarly with [`init()`](/docs/Methods.md#init). ```js import { init } from 'svelte-i18n' init({ fallbackLocale: 'en', initialLocale: { navigator: true, }, }) ``` ##### Interpolating values In `v1`, interpolated values were the whole object passed as the second argument of the `$format` method. ```svelte

{$_('navigation.pagination', { current: 2, max: 10 })}

``` In `v2`, the interpolated values are passed in the `values` property. ```svelte

{$_('navigation.pagination', { values: { current: 2, max: 10 }})}

``` ##### Adding custom formats In `v1`, custom formats could be added with `addCustomFormats()`. ```js import { addCustomFormats } from 'svelte-i18n' addCustomFormats({ number: { EUR: { style: 'currency', currency: 'EUR' }, }, }) ``` In `v2`, custom formats are added through [`init()`](/docs/Methods.md#init). ```js import { init } from 'svelte-i18n' init({ fallbackLocale: ..., initialLocale, ..., formats:{ number: { EUR: { style: 'currency', currency: 'EUR' }, }, } }) ```