> :information_source: `svelte-i18n` is due to some reworking, like moving from a singleton to instances. This will be worked on when I find the time and priority :pray: [![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/svelte-i18n.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/js/svelte-i18n) ![](https://github.com/kaisermann/svelte-i18n/workflows/CI/badge.svg) # svelte-i18n > Internationalization for Svelte. `svelte-i18n` helps you localize your app using the reactive tools Svelte provides. By using [stores](https://svelte.dev/docs#svelte_store) to keep track of the current `locale`, `dictionary` of messages and to `format` messages, we keep everything neat, in sync and easy to use on your svelte files. **Requirements** - Node: `>= 11.15.0` - Browsers: `Chrome 38+`, `Edge 16+`, `Firefox 13+`, `Opera 25+`, `Safari 8+`. ```svelte


``` ```jsonc // en.json { "page": { "home": { "title": "Homepage", "nav": "Home" }, "about": { "title": "About", "nav": "About" }, "contact": { "title": "Contact", "nav": "Contact Us" } } } ``` - [Documentation](/docs/Getting%20Started.md) - [Sapper Template](https://github.com/kaisermann/sapper-template-i18n) - [i18n VSCode extension (3rd party)](https://github.com/antfu/i18n-ally)