The `step` property (defaults to `200`) helps reducing the amounts of transformations cloudinary need to perform and less credits being billed to you.
How? Basically whenever we calculate the dynamic size of the image rendered on the DOM we will get very specific numbers depending on the device.
With `step` we approximate the size needed to a multiple of `step`.
###### Example
Immagine the same `<img />` has the width of `420`,`470` and `1080` on an iPhone, Android and Laptop respectively.
With a `step` size of e.g. `100` (`<imguse:image={{...,step:100}}/>`) they will become `500`, `500`, and `1100`. This will limit the ammount of transformations needed.
### `bind`
With bind we can dynamically set the width and/or height of the transformet image depending of the rendered size.
-`bind: this` The size of the `<img />` element
-`bind: el` The computed size of another element in the dom (usefull for a carousell e.g.)
-`bind: { width: this }` Only bind the width, leaving the height free. Also works with height of course
-`bind: { width: '.wrapper' }` Finds the closest element that matches the selector and uses it for width.
##### Note
If you provide a `bind` options (`<imguse:image={{...,bind:true}}/>`) but no crop option, we will automcatically add `crop: 'fill'` otherwise the image will not be resized by cloudinary.
###### TLDR;
<!-- Is internally equivalent to the following -->