import browser from 'webextension-polyfill' let wrapper let lastReported = 0 function init() { wrapper = window.document.createElement('div') wrapper.classList.add('ora--wrapper') wrapper.classList.add('hidden') const inner = window.document.createElement('div') inner.innerHTML = `

Overtime ⏱

You have no time left on this website 🥺

` wrapper.appendChild(inner) window.document.body.appendChild(wrapper) } async function check() { if (window.document.hidden) return const isBlocked = await browser.runtime.sendMessage({ type: 'check', host:, }) = isBlocked ? 'initial' : 'none' } init() check() setInterval(check, 2000) function logActivity() { const now = // Limit reports to once every second if (now - lastReported < 1000) return lastReported = now browser.runtime.sendMessage({ type: 'report', }) } window.document.addEventListener('mousemove', logActivity, false) window.document.addEventListener('keydown', logActivity, false) window.document.addEventListener('scroll', logActivity, false)