# occulto 🔒 > Occulto <kbd>/okˈkul.to/</kbd> > > _hidden, concealed. secret._ ![version badge](https://badgen.net/npm/v/occulto) ![downloads badge](https://badgen.net/npm/dt/occulto) ![dependency count](https://badgen.net/bundlephobia/dependency-count/occulto) ![minzip size badge](https://badgen.net/bundlephobia/minzip/occulto) ![types badge](https://badgen.net/npm/types/occulto) Isomorphic encryption library that works both in the browser and node with _no dependencies_ and written in Typescript. [**📒 API Documentation 📒**](https://occulto.pages.dev) ## Quickstart 🚀 ###### Requirements - Node >= 16 required ###### Install ``` npm i occulto ``` ## Examples ### [RSA](https://occulto.pages.dev/classes/RSA) ```typescript import { RSA } from 'occulto' const pair = await RSA.generateKeyPair() const encrypted = await RSA.encrypt('some text', pair.public) const decrypted = await RSA.decrypt(encrypted, pair.private) ``` ### [AES](https://occulto.pages.dev/classes/AES) [Available Modes](https://occulto.pages.dev/enums/Modes) ```javascript import { Symmetric } from 'occulto' const encrypted = await Symmetric.encryptEasy('some string', 'myPass') const decrypted = await Symmetric.decryptEasy(encrypted, 'myPass') ``` ### [Hash](https://occulto.pages.dev/classes/Hash) [Available hashes](https://occulto.pages.dev/enums/Hashes) ```typescript import { Hash } from 'occulto' const hash = Hash.digest('something') const h = Hash.digest('something', Hash.Hashes.MD5) ```