import { AES, Bytes, Hashes, Hex } from '../dist/index.js' import { Precomputed } from './values.js' describe('AES', () => { for (const keySize of [128, 192, 256]) { describe('Key Size: ' + keySize, () => { for (const message of Object.values(Precomputed.Crypto.Messages)) { describe(`Message: ${message.slice(0, 8)}...`, () => { it('Basic API', async () => { const data = Bytes.encode(message) const [key] = await AES.derive('foo', { name: 'PBKDF2', hash: Hashes.SHA_512, iterations: 1000, length: keySize, salt: Hex.decode(Precomputed.Crypto.Bytes[16]), }) const ciphertext = await AES.encrypt(data, key, AES.Modes.GCM) const plaintext = await AES.decrypt(ciphertext, key) chai.expect(data) chai.expect(message) }) it('Easy API', async () => { const password = 'foobar' const encrypted = await AES.encryptEasy(message, password) const decrypted = await AES.decryptEasy(encrypted, password) chai.expect(message) }) }) } }) } })