import { Bytes, RSA } from '../dist/esm/index.js' import { Promises } from './utils.js' import { Precomputed } from './values.js' describe('RSA', () => { describe('Generate keys', function () { this.timeout(5_000) it('Should be able to generate a keypair', async () => { await RSA.generateKeyPair() }) it('Should be able to generate a keypair with 2048bit', async () => { await RSA.generateKeyPair(2048) }) it('Should be able to generate a keypair with 4096bit', async () => { await RSA.generateKeyPair(4096) }) it('Should not be able to generate a key below 2048bit', async () => { await Promises.reject(() => RSA.generateKeyPair(1024)) }) it('Should not be able to generate a key below 2048bit', async () => { await Promises.reject(() => RSA.generateKeyPair(-1)) }) }) describe('Encryption', () => { for (const message of Object.values(Precomputed.Crypto.Messages)) { it(`Should be able to encrypt and decrypt "${message.slice(0, 8)}..."`, async () => { const pair = await RSA.generateKeyPair(2 ** 11) const bytes = Bytes.encode(message) try { const encrypted = await RSA.encrypt(bytes, pair.public)'Should have thrown error') const decrypted = await RSA.decrypt(encrypted, pair.private) chai.expect(decrypted) chai.expect(message) } catch {} }) } }) })