# Koa Router Koa Router with support for recursive nesting and regexp and dynamic urls. No dependecies and lightweight code. ### Simple Example ```javascript const Koa = require('koa'), router = require('cca-koa-router') const app = new Koa(), port = 3000 app.use(router(_ => { _.get('/user/:user', (c, n) => { c.body = c.request.params['user'] // GET /user/foo => 'foo' }) })) app.listen(port) ``` ## Documentation - [Options](#options) - [Modes](#modes) - [Nesting](#nesting) - [Methods](#methods) - [Parameters](#params) ##### ~ `router(options, builder)` ##### Options: - `prefix` Prefix for the paths - `end` If trailing paths sould be counted - `case` Case sentitive ###### Default ```javascript { prefix: '', end: false, case: false } ``` ##### Modes: 1. `router(builder)` No options specified, use default 2. `router('string', builder)` String will be taken as the prefix 3. `router({}, builder)` Specify custom options ###### Example ```javascript // 1 app.use(router(_ => { _.get('/mypath', (c, n) => { // GET /mypath c.body = 'Some Response' }) })) // 2 app.use(router('/myprefix', _ => { _.get('/mypath', (c, n) => { // GET /myprefix/mypath c.body = 'Some Response' }) })) // 3 app.use(router({ prefix: '/myprefix', case: true }, _ => { _.get('/myPath', (c, n) => { // GET /myprefix/myPath c.body = 'Some Response' }) })) ```` ##### Nesting You can nest recursively `routers`. Each can have its own `options`. ###### Example ```javascript app.use(router(_ => { _.nest(router('/user', _ => { _.get('/view', (c, n) => { c.body = 'View User' }) _.get('/edit', (c, n) => { c.body = 'Edit User' }) })) _.get('/', c => { c.body = 'Root' }) })) /* GET / => 'Root' GET /user/view => 'View User' GET /user/edit => 'Edit User' */ ``` ##### Methods Supported methods: - `GET` - `POST` - `PUT` - `PATCH` - `DELETE` Special "methods": - `ALL` Used if none other method is defined - `NEST` Used to nest layers of the router ###### Example ```javascript app.use(router(_ => { _.get('/path', c => { c.body = 'GET' }) _.post('/path', c => { c.body = 'POST' }) // ... _.delete('/path', c => { c.body = 'DELETE' }) })) ``` ##### Params The `router` suppors parametrs in the url/path. Parameters will be stored in the `ctx.request.params` object ###### Example ```javascript app.use(router(_ => { _.get('/user/:user/:id/view/:type', (c, n) => { c.body = c.request.params }) })) /* GET /user/foo/123/view/active => {"user":"foo","id":"123","type":"active"} */ ```