# Koa Body Parser Koa-Middleware for parsing body parameters in the request. Lightweight and no dependencies. ##### Supported encodings: - form-data - x-www-form-urlencoded - json ### Complete Example ```javascript const Koa = require('koa'), router = require('koa-simple-router'), parser = require('cca-koa-parser') const app = new Koa(), port = 3001 app.use(parser) app.use(router({}, _ => { _.post('/', (c, n) => { c.body = [200, c.request.body] }) })) app.listen(port) ``` ## Documentation ##### ~ `body` Element The Parser defines an object `ctx.request.body` where all the sent parameters are stored ###### Example ```javascript // Request: HTTP POST / ctx.request.body['username'] => "joe" ```