This is a CLI utility that help reduce load times and bytes by splitting typography files into smaller chunks for different unicode ranges automatically _without the tears_.
Lets assume we want to use 2 variable fonts, one of which has an italic version still as a separate file. Also on our webserver we serve our static fonts from `/fonts/`.
1. Get the font files
2. Write a little config file `glyphance.yaml` and define the font-families (`Mulish` and `FireCode` e.g.) and their files or variations.
The idea came mostly at how google fonts subsets their typefaces on [Google Fonts](
They split the fonts into multiple blocks of unicode chars, and leverage the [`unicode-range`]( property of `@font-face` to only deliver the parts of a font that are needed for a website, drastically reducing bytes sent over the wire.
Under the hood it uses the amazing [fonttools]( to do the heavy lifting.
## 📖 API & Documentation
> Config file reference can be found under [docs/config](./docs/config/).
By default Glyphance uses the same ranges as Google Fonts. However you can customize and specify your own ranges. See the [list of possible values](