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synced 2025-03-12 17:07:29 +00:00
Fully customisable react form utility.
🌈 Features
- Typescript compatible
- Customizable extractor, validator, getter and setters. (More in the docs)
- 0 Dependencies
- Tiny
- React Hooks
- Live Web
- Live React-Native
- Examples
- Docs
- Contructor
- Returns
npm i formhero
🚀 Quickstart
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { useForm } from 'formhero'
const Form = () => {
const { auto, form } = useForm({
username: '',
password: '',
const _submit = (e: React.FormEvent) => {
return (
<form onSubmit={_submit}>
<input {...auto('username')} />
<input {...auto('password')} />
<button type="submit">Go 🚀</button>
🔥 Examples
const Form = () => {
const { auto, form, errors } = useForm({
username: '',
email: '',
password: ''
}, {
username: value => value.length > 3,
email: {
validator: /@/,
message: 'Must contain an @',
password: [
validator: /[A-Z]/,
message: 'Must contain an uppercase letter'
validator: /[\d]/,
message: 'Must contain a digit'
return (
<h1>Errors & Validation</h1>
<input {...auto('username')} placeholder="Username" />
{errors.username && 'Must be longer than 3'}
<input {...auto('email')} placeholder="EMail" />
<input {...auto('password')} placeholder="Password" type="password" />
Easy Customization
Often it happens that you use a specific input or framework, so the default getter, setter and extractor for the event won't cut it. No worries: formhero got you covered!
const Form = () => {
const { auto, form, errors } = useForm({
awesome: true,
return (
<form onSubmit={e => {
<input type="checkbox" {...auto('awesome', {
setter: 'checked',
getter: 'onChange',
extractor: (e) => e.target.checked
})} />
Is it awesome?
<input type="submit" />
📖 Documentation
const {auto, errors, update, form, isValid} = useForm(initial, validators, options)
This is the base state of the form. Also the typescript types are inhered by this.
const initial = {
username: 'defaultValue',
password: '',
rememberMe: true,
A validator is an object that taked in either a RegExp
or a Function
(can be async). Optionally you can pass a message string that will be displayed instead of the default one.
Example: Regular Expression
const validators = {
// Only contains letters.
// This could also be a (also async) function that returns a boolean.
username: /^[A-z]*$/,
Example: Function
const validators = {
username: (value: string) => value.lenght > 3,
Example: With Object
const validators = {
username: {
validator: /^[A-z]*$/,
message: 'My custom error message',
Example: Multiple Validators
const validators = {
username: [
validator: /^[A-z]*$/,
message: 'My custom error message',
async (value) => value.length > 0,
validator: (value) => true,
message: 'Some other error',
Sometimes it's practical to have some different default values when using for example react-native or some other framework where the default value
, onChange
and (e)=> e.target.value
do not apply.
Example: React Native (Method 1 - Global options)
Check the Expo Snack for a live preview
import * as React from 'react';
import { Text, SafeAreaView, TextInput } from 'react-native';
import { useForm } from 'formhero';
const initial = {
username: 'i am all lowercase',
const validators = {};
const options = {
setter: 'value', // This is not stricly necessarry as 'value' would already be the default.
getter: 'onChangeText',
extractor: text => text.toLowerCase(),
export default () => {
const { form, auto } = useForm(initial, validators, options);
return (
style={{ height: 40, borderColor: 'gray', borderWidth: 2 }}
Example: React Native (Method 2 - Local overwrite)
// ...
export default () => {
const { form, auto } = useForm({
username: 'i am all lowercase',
return (
style={{ height: 40, borderColor: 'gray', borderWidth: 2 }}
{...auto('username', {
setter: 'value', // This is not stricly necessarry as 'value' would already be the default.
getter: 'onChangeText',
extractor: text => text.toLowerCase(),