mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 08:57:29 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,60 +1,62 @@
import * as React from 'react'
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import { useMemo, useState } from 'react'
export type FieldOptions<G extends string = 'onChange', S extends string = 'value'> = {
extractor?: useFormExtractor
getter: G
setter: S
// Possible future ideas
// TODO: Scroll to error field
// TODO: Focus on error field
export type FieldOptions<G extends string = 'onChange', S extends string = 'value', T = any> = {
extractor?: useFormExtractor<T> | null
getter?: G
setter?: S
type RuleFunctionReturn = boolean | string
type RuleFunction<I> = (value: I) => RuleFunctionReturn | Promise<RuleFunctionReturn>
type Rule<I> = RuleFunction<I> | RegExp
type RuleObject<I> = Rule<I> | { rule: Rule<I>; message: string }
type RuleSet<I> = RuleObject<I> | RuleObject<I>[]
type RuleFunction<I, F> = (value: I, data: F) => RuleFunctionReturn | Promise<RuleFunctionReturn>
type Rule<I, F> = RuleFunction<I, F> | RegExp
type RuleObject<I, F> = Rule<I, F> | { rule: Rule<I, F>; message: string }
type RuleSet<I, F> = RuleObject<I, F> | RuleObject<I, F>[]
function isSimpleRule<I>(obj: RuleObject<I>): obj is Rule<I> {
function isSimpleRule<I, F>(obj: RuleObject<I, F>): obj is Rule<I, F> {
return obj instanceof RegExp || typeof obj === 'function'
export type useFormExtractor = (from: any) => any
export type useFormExtractor<T = any> = (from: any) => T
export const NoExtractor: useFormExtractor = (v: unknown) => v
export const HTMLInputExtractor: useFormExtractor = (e: React.FormEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => e.currentTarget.value
export const HTMLCheckboxExtractor: useFormExtractor = (e: React.FormEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => e.currentTarget.checked
export type FormOptions<R> = {
rules: R
// fields: FieldOptions
// Form = Type of form
// F = Type of form
// R = Rules, derived from F
// E = Errors, derived from F
export const useForm = <Form extends object, R extends { [K in keyof Form]?: RuleSet<Form[K]> }, E extends { [key in keyof R]?: RuleFunctionReturn }>(init: Form, options?: FormOptions<R>) => {
export const useForm = <F extends object, R extends { [K in keyof F]?: RuleSet<F[K], F> }, E extends { [key in keyof R]?: RuleFunctionReturn }>(init: F, options?: FormOptions<R>) => {
const validators: R = options?.rules ?? ({} as R)
const [form, setForm] = useState<Form>(init)
const [form, setForm] = useState<F>(init)
const [errors, setErrors] = useState<E>({} as E)
const [isValid, setIsValid] = useState<boolean>(true)
useEffect(() => {
setIsValid(!Object.values(errors).reduce((acc, cur) => acc || cur !== undefined, false))
const isValid = useMemo(() => {
return !Object.values(errors).reduce((acc, cur) => acc || cur !== undefined, false)
}, [errors])
const setField = <A extends keyof Form>(key: A, value: Form[A]) => {
const setField = <A extends keyof F>(key: A, value: F[A]) => {
[key]: value,
async function applyRule<I>(value: any, rule: Rule<I>): Promise<RuleFunctionReturn> {
if (typeof rule === 'function') return await rule(value)
async function applyRule<I>(value: any, rule: Rule<I, F>): Promise<RuleFunctionReturn> {
if (typeof rule === 'function') return await rule(value, form)
if (rule instanceof RegExp) return rule.test(value)
throw new Error(`Unsupported validator: ${rule}`)
async function validate<K extends keyof Form>(key: K, value: Form[K]) {
const set: RuleSet<Form[K]> | undefined = validators[key] as any
async function validate<K extends keyof F>(key: K, value: F[K]) {
const set: RuleSet<F[K], F> | undefined = validators[key] as any
if (!set) return
const rules = Array.isArray(set) ? set : [set]
@ -74,18 +76,19 @@ export const useForm = <Form extends object, R extends { [K in keyof Form]?: Rul
function update<A extends keyof Form, RAW = any>(key: A, extractor?: (e: RAW) => Form[A]) {
return (value: RAW) => {
const extracted = extractor ? extractor(value) : HTMLInputExtractor(value)
// Internal use
function update<A extends keyof F>(key: A, extractor?: useFormExtractor<F[A]> | null) {
return (value: any) => {
const extracted = extractor ? extractor(value) : extractor === undefined ? HTMLInputExtractor(value) : value
setField(key, extracted)
validate(key, extracted)
type FieldReturn<K extends keyof Form, G extends string, S extends string> = { [getter in G]: ReturnType<typeof update<K>> } & { [setter in S]: Form[K] }
function field<K extends keyof Form>(key: K): FieldReturn<K, 'onChange', 'value'>
function field<K extends keyof Form, G extends string, S extends string>(key: K, opts: FieldOptions<G, S>): FieldReturn<K, G, S>
function field<K extends keyof Form, G extends string, S extends string>(key: K, opts?: FieldOptions<G, S>): FieldReturn<K, G, S> {
type FieldReturn<K extends keyof F, G extends string, S extends string> = { [getter in G]: ReturnType<typeof update<K>> } & { [setter in S]: F[K] }
function field<K extends keyof F>(key: K): FieldReturn<K, 'onChange', 'value'>
function field<K extends keyof F, G extends string, S extends string>(key: K, opts: FieldOptions<G, S, F[K]>): FieldReturn<K, G, S>
function field<K extends keyof F, G extends string, S extends string>(key: K, opts?: FieldOptions<G, S, F[K]>): FieldReturn<K, G, S> {
return {
[opts?.getter || 'onChange']: update<K>(key, opts?.extractor),
[opts?.setter || 'value']: form[key],
@ -1,34 +1,15 @@
import { act, cleanup, fireEvent, render, screen } from '@testing-library/react'
import React, { useEffect } from 'react'
import { act, cleanup, fireEvent, render } from '@testing-library/react'
import React from 'react'
import { beforeEach, describe, expect, test } from 'vitest'
import { useForm } from '../lib'
import { Insight, Util } from './shared'
const Insight = {
Portal({ data }: { data: any }) {
return <div data-testid="result">{JSON.stringify(data)}</div>
async verify(obj: any) {
const result = await screen.findByTestId('result')
const data = JSON.parse(result.innerText)
const Util = {
find<E extends HTMLElement = HTMLInputElement>(id: string) {
return screen.findByTestId<E>(id)
writeToField(node: HTMLInputElement, value: string) {
fireEvent.change(node, { target: { value } })
describe('Field', () => {
test('Basic Form', async () => {
const BasicForm = () => {
function Component() {
const form = useForm({ username: '', password: '' })
const { field } = form
return (
@ -47,7 +28,7 @@ describe('Field', () => {
render(<BasicForm />)
render(<Component />)
async function inputIntoForm(id: string, value: string) {
const node = await Util.find(id)
await act(() => {
@ -60,27 +41,65 @@ describe('Field', () => {
await inputIntoForm('password', 'bar')
test('setField', async () => {
const value = 'foo'
const Component = () => {
const { field, setField, form } = useForm({ username: '', password: '' })
useEffect(() => setField('username', value), [])
test.skip('Checkbox', async () => {
function Component() {
const { field, form } = useForm({ cool: false })
return (
<input data-testid="field" {...field('username')}></input>
{...field('cool', {
setter: 'checked',
getter: 'onChange',
extractor: (e) => e.target.checked,
<Insight.Portal data={form} />
render(<Component />)
const node = await screen.findByTestId<HTMLInputElement>('field')
Insight.verify({ username: value, password: '' })
const field = await Util.find('field')
await Insight.verify({ cool: false })
await act(() => {
// Bugged for now
await Insight.verify({ cool: true })
test('Select', async () => {
function Component() {
const { form, field } = useForm({ letter: '' })
return (
<select data-testid="field" {...field('letter')}>
<option value="a">A</option>
<option value="b">B</option>
<option value="c">C</option>
<Insight.Portal data={form} />
render(<Component />)
const field = await Util.find('field')
const value = 'b'
await act(() => {
fireEvent.change(field, { target: { value } })
await Insight.verify({ letter: value })
test('Field sync', async () => {
const value = 'foo'
const Component = () => {
function Component() {
const { field, form } = useForm({ name: '' })
return (
@ -101,54 +120,3 @@ describe('Field', () => {
describe('Validation', () => {
test('Basic', async () => {
const Component = () => {
const { errors, field } = useForm({ password: '' }, { rules: { password: [(p) => p.length > 8] } })
return (
<input {...field('password')} data-testid="field" />
<Insight.Portal data={errors} />
render(<Component />)
const node = await Util.find('field')
await act(() => {
Util.writeToField(node, '123')
Insight.verify({ password: true })
test('Array of rules', async () => {
const Component = () => {
const { errors, field } = useForm({ password: '' }, { rules: { password: [(p) => p.length > 8, /#/] } })
return (
<input {...field('password')} data-testid="field" />
<Insight.Portal data={errors} />
render(<Component />)
const node = await Util.find('field')
await act(() => {
Util.writeToField(node, '12345678')
Insight.verify({ password: true })
await act(() => {
Util.writeToField(node, '1234#5678')
// Is valid
// Reset / setForm
// Set error
// Checkbox
// Extractor
// Custom extractor
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
import React from 'react'
// Custom field with non standard setter and getter. Emulate custom component from a library
export function NumberField(props: { number: number; update: (value: number) => void }) {
return <input data-testid="field" value={props.number} onChange={(e) => props.update(parseInt(e.target.value))} />
// Component that needs a different extractor, as it's returning the actual value and not the event.
export function DirectReturnInput(props: { value: string; onChange: (v: string) => void }) {
return <input data-testid="field" value={props.value} onChange={(e) => props.onChange(e.target.value)} />
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
import { act, cleanup, render } from '@testing-library/react'
import React from 'react'
import { beforeEach, describe, test } from 'vitest'
import { useForm } from '../lib'
import { DirectReturnInput, NumberField } from './blocks'
import { Insight, Util } from './shared'
describe('Options', () => {
test('Custom component props', async () => {
function Component() {
const { form, field } = useForm({ foo: 5 })
return (
{...field('foo', {
setter: 'number',
getter: 'update',
extractor: null,
<Insight.Portal data={form} />
render(<Component />)
const node = await Util.find('field')
await act(() => {
Util.writeToField(node, '123')
Insight.verify({ foo: 123 })
test('Disable default extractor', async () => {
function Component() {
const { form, field } = useForm({ username: '' })
return (
<DirectReturnInput {...field('username', { extractor: null })} />
<Insight.Portal data={form} />
render(<Component />)
const node = await Util.find('field')
await act(() => {
Util.writeToField(node, '123')
Insight.verify({ username: '123' })
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
import { fireEvent, screen } from '@testing-library/react'
import React from 'react'
import { expect } from 'vitest'
export const Insight = {
Portal({ data }: { data: any }) {
return <div data-testid="result">{JSON.stringify(data)}</div>
async verify(obj: any) {
const result = await screen.findByTestId('result')
const data = JSON.parse(result.innerText)
export const Util = {
find<E extends HTMLElement = HTMLInputElement>(id: string) {
return screen.findByTestId<E>(id)
writeToField(node: HTMLInputElement, value: string) {
fireEvent.change(node, { target: { value } })
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
import { cleanup, render } from '@testing-library/react'
import React, { useEffect } from 'react'
import { beforeEach, describe, expect, test } from 'vitest'
import { useForm } from '../lib'
import { Insight, Util } from './shared'
describe('Utility', () => {
test('Manually set a single field', async () => {
const value = 'foo'
function Component() {
const { field, setField, form } = useForm({ username: '', password: '' })
useEffect(() => setField('username', value), [])
return (
<input data-testid="field" {...field('username')}></input>
<Insight.Portal data={form} />
render(<Component />)
const node = await Util.find('field')
Insight.verify({ username: value, password: '' })
test('Manually set the form state later on', async () => {
const value = 'foo'
function Component() {
const { form, field, setForm } = useForm({ username: '' })
useEffect(() => {
username: value,
}, [])
return (
<input data-testid="username" {...field('username')} />
<Insight.Portal data={form} />
render(<Component />)
const node = await Util.find('username')
await Insight.verify({ username: value })
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
import { act, cleanup, fireEvent, render } from '@testing-library/react'
import React from 'react'
import { beforeEach, describe, test } from 'vitest'
import { useForm } from '../lib'
import { Insight, Util } from './shared'
describe('Validation', () => {
test('Basic', async () => {
function Component() {
const { errors, field } = useForm({ password: '' }, { rules: { password: [(p) => p.length > 8] } })
return (
<input {...field('password')} data-testid="field" />
<Insight.Portal data={errors} />
render(<Component />)
const node = await Util.find('field')
await act(() => {
Util.writeToField(node, '123')
Insight.verify({ password: true })
test('Array of rules', async () => {
function Component() {
const { errors, field } = useForm({ password: '' }, { rules: { password: [(p) => p.length > 8, /#/] } })
return (
<input {...field('password')} data-testid="field" />
<Insight.Portal data={errors} />
render(<Component />)
const node = await Util.find('field')
await act(() => {
Util.writeToField(node, '12345678')
Insight.verify({ password: true })
await act(() => {
Util.writeToField(node, '1234#5678')
// https://github.com/testing-library/react-testing-library/issues/828
test.skip('Invalid rule', async () => {
function Component() {
const { field } = useForm(
{ username: '' },
rules: {
username: [
// @ts-ignore Give an invalid rules and expect to fail
return (
<input data-testid="field" {...field('username')} />
render(<Component />)
const field = await Util.find('field')
await act(() => {
Util.writeToField(field, 'abc')
test('Invalid dependency on other component', async () => {
function Component() {
const { errors, field } = useForm(
{ min: 10, max: 20 },
rules: {
max: (value, form) => value > form.min,
return (
<input type="number" {...field('min')} />
<input type="number" {...field('max')} data-testid="max" />
<Insight.Portal data={errors} />
render(<Component />)
const field = await Util.find('max')
const value = 5
await act(() => {
fireEvent.change(field, { target: { value } })
await Insight.verify({ max: true })
Reference in New Issue
Block a user