const http = require('http') const https = require('https') // GET YOUR OWN AT: const APP_KEY = 'myAppId' const REGEXP = { URL: /^\/[\d]{1,8}$/ } const API = { // Define max 60 calls per 1 Minute MAX_CALLS: 60, INTERVAL: 1000 * 60, // 1 Minute current_calls: 0, last_reset:, } const CACHE = {} const MAX_AGE = 60 * 1000 // 1 Minute const LAST_UPDATE_KEY = 'last_update' function getForZip(zip) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // If interval is over, reset max count if ( - API.last_reset > API.INTERVAL) { API.last_reset = API.current_calls = 0 } // Check if too many calls were already made if (API.current_calls > API.MAX_CALLS) resolve() API.current_calls++; // Make the call https.get({ host: '', path: `/data/2.5/forecast?APPID=${APP_KEY}&zip=${zip},DE&units=metric`, timeout: 15 * 1000, }, res => { res.setEncoding('utf8') let body = '' res.on('data', data => { body += data }) res.on('end', () => { const data = JSON.parse(body) data[LAST_UPDATE_KEY] = resolve(data) }) }) }) } function getUrlFromPath(path) { // Check if url is valid if (!REGEXP.URL.test(path)) return false else // Exctract ZIP code return path.replace('/', '') } const server = http.createServer(async(req, res) => { const zip = getUrlFromPath(req.url) // Check if url is valid if (zip === false) { res.writeHead(400, {}) res.end() return } // If there is no cached version, get it // If the last cached version is older than MAX_AGE, get it if (CACHE[zip] === undefined || - CACHE[zip][LAST_UPDATE_KEY] > MAX_AGE) CACHE[zip] = await getForZip(zip) res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }) res.write(JSON.stringify(CACHE[zip] || {})) res.end() }) server.listen(8000)