###################################################################### # This file was autogenerated by `make`. Do not edit it directly! ###################################################################### # Antigen: A simple plugin manager for zsh # Authors: Shrikant Sharat Kandula # and Contributors <https://github.com/zsh-users/antigen/contributors> # Homepage: http://antigen.sharats.me # License: MIT License <mitl.sharats.me> zmodload zsh/parameter autoload -U is-at-least # While boot.zsh is part of the ext/cache functionallity it may be disabled # with ANTIGEN_CACHE flag, and it's always compiled with antigen.zsh if [[ $ANTIGEN_CACHE != false ]]; then ANTIGEN_CACHE="${ANTIGEN_CACHE:-${ADOTDIR:-$HOME/.antigen}/init.zsh}" ANTIGEN_RSRC="${ANTIGEN_RSRC:-${ADOTDIR:-$HOME/.antigen}/.resources}" # It may not be necessary to check ANTIGEN_AUTO_CONFIG. if [[ $ANTIGEN_AUTO_CONFIG != false && -f $ANTIGEN_RSRC ]]; then # Check the list of files for configuration changes (uses -nt comp) ANTIGEN_CHECK_FILES=$(cat $ANTIGEN_RSRC 2> /dev/null) ANTIGEN_CHECK_FILES=(${(@f)ANTIGEN_CHECK_FILES}) for config in $ANTIGEN_CHECK_FILES; do if [[ "$config" -nt "$config.zwc" ]]; then # Flag configuration file as newer { zcompile "$config" } &! # Kill cache file in order to force full loading (see a few lines below) [[ -f "$ANTIGEN_CACHE" ]] && rm -f "$ANTIGEN_CACHE" fi done fi # If there is a cache file do load from it if [[ -f $ANTIGEN_CACHE && ! $_ANTIGEN_CACHE_LOADED == true ]]; then # Wrap antigen in order to defer cache source until `antigen-apply` antigen() { if [[ $1 == "apply" ]]; then source "$ANTIGEN_CACHE" # Handle `antigen-init` command properly elif [[ $1 == "init" ]]; then source "$2" fi } # Do not continue loading antigen as cache bundle takes care of it. return 0 fi fi [[ -z "$_ANTIGEN_INSTALL_DIR" ]] && _ANTIGEN_INSTALL_DIR=${0:A:h} # Each line in this string has the following entries separated by a space # character. # <repo-url>, <plugin-location>, <bundle-type>, <has-local-clone> [[ $_ANTIGEN_CACHE_LOADED != true ]] && typeset -aU _ANTIGEN_BUNDLE_RECORD # Do not load anything if git is not available. if (( ! $+commands[git] )); then echo 'Antigen: Please install git to use Antigen.' >&2 return 1 fi # Used to defer compinit/compdef typeset -a __deferred_compdefs compdef () { __deferred_compdefs=($__deferred_compdefs "$*") } # A syntax sugar to avoid the `-` when calling antigen commands. With this # function, you can write `antigen-bundle` as `antigen bundle` and so on. antigen () { local cmd="$1" if [[ -z "$cmd" ]]; then echo 'Antigen: Please give a command to run.' >&2 return 1 fi shift if (( $+functions[antigen-$cmd] )); then "antigen-$cmd" "$@" return $? else echo "Antigen: Unknown command: $cmd" >&2 return 1 fi } # Returns the bundle's git revision # # Usage # -antigen-bundle-rev bundle-name [is_local_clone] # # Returns # Bundle rev-parse output (branch name or short ref name) -antigen-bundle-rev () { local bundle=$1 local is_local_clone=$2 local bundle_path=$bundle # Get bunde path inside $ADOTDIR if bundle was effectively cloned if [[ "$is_local_clone" == "true" ]]; then bundle_path=$(-antigen-get-clone-dir $bundle) fi local ref ref=$(git --git-dir="$bundle_path/.git" rev-parse --abbrev-ref '@' 2>/dev/null) # Avoid 'HEAD' when in detached mode if [[ $ref == "HEAD" ]]; then ref=$(git --git-dir="$bundle_path/.git" describe --tags --exact-match 2>/dev/null \ || git --git-dir="$bundle_path/.git" rev-parse --short '@' 2>/dev/null || "-") fi echo $ref } # Usage: # -antigen-bundle-short-name "https://github.com/user/repo.git[|*]" "[branch/name]" # Returns: # user/repo@branch/name -antigen-bundle-short-name () { local bundle_name="${1%|*}" local bundle_branch="$2" local match mbegin mend MATCH MBEGIN MEND [[ "$bundle_name" =~ '.*/(.*/.*).*$' ]] && bundle_name=$match[1] bundle_name="${bundle_name%.git*}" if [[ -n $bundle_branch ]]; then bundle_name="$bundle_name@$bundle_branch" fi echo $bundle_name } # Echo the bundle specs as in the record. The first line is not echoed since it # is a blank line. -antigen-echo-record () { echo ${(j:\n:)_ANTIGEN_BUNDLE_RECORD} } # Filters _ANTIGEN_BUNDLE_RECORD for $1 # # Usage # -antigen-find-bundle example/bundle # # Returns # String if bundle is found -antigen-find-bundle () { echo $(-antigen-find-record $1 | cut -d' ' -f1) } # Filters _ANTIGEN_BUNDLE_RECORD for $1 # # Usage # -antigen-find-record example/bundle # # Returns # String if record is found -antigen-find-record () { local bundle=$1 if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then return 1 fi local record=${bundle/\|/\\\|} echo "${_ANTIGEN_BUNDLE_RECORD[(r)*$record*]}" } # Returns bundle names from _ANTIGEN_BUNDLE_RECORD # # Usage # -antigen-get-bundles [--short|--simple|--long] # # Returns # List of bundles installed -antigen-get-bundles () { local mode revision url bundle_name bundle_entry loc no_local_clone local record bundle make_local_clone mode=${1:-"--short"} for record in $_ANTIGEN_BUNDLE_RECORD; do bundle=(${(@s/ /)record}) url=$bundle[1] loc=$bundle[2] make_local_clone=$bundle[4] bundle_name=$(-antigen-bundle-short-name $url) case "$mode" in --short) # Only check revision for bundle with a requested branch if [[ $url == *\|* ]]; then revision=$(-antigen-bundle-rev $url $make_local_clone) else revision="master" fi if [[ $loc != '/' ]]; then bundle_name="$bundle_name ~ $loc" fi echo "$bundle_name @ $revision" ;; --simple) echo "$bundle_name" ;; --long) echo "$record" ;; esac done } # Usage: # -antigen-get-clone-dir "https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting.git[|feature/branch]" # Returns: # $ANTIGEN_BUNDLES/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting[-feature-branch] -antigen-get-clone-dir () { local bundle="$1" local url="${bundle%|*}" local branch match mbegin mend MATCH MBEGIN MEND [[ "$bundle" =~ "\|" ]] && branch="${bundle#*|}" # Takes a repo url and mangles it, giving the path that this url will be # cloned to. Doesn't actually clone anything. local clone_dir="$ANTIGEN_BUNDLES" url=$(-antigen-bundle-short-name $url) # Suffix with branch/tag name [[ -n "$branch" ]] && url="$url-${branch//\//-}" url=${url//\*/x} echo "$clone_dir/$url" } # Returns bundles flagged as make_local_clone # # Usage # -antigen-cloned-bundles # # Returns # Bundle metadata -antigen-get-cloned-bundles() { -antigen-echo-record | awk '$4 == "true" {print $1}' | sort -u } # Returns a list of themes from a default library (omz) # # Usage # -antigen-get-themes # # Returns # List of themes by name -antigen-get-themes () { local library='robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh' local bundle=$(-antigen-find-bundle $library) if [[ -n "$bundle" ]]; then local dir=$(-antigen-get-clone-dir $ANTIGEN_DEFAULT_REPO_URL) echo $(ls $dir/themes/ | grep '.zsh-theme$' | sed 's/.zsh-theme//') fi return 0 } # This function check ZSH_EVAL_CONTEXT to determine if running in interactive shell. # # Usage # -antigen-interactive-mode # # Returns # Either true or false depending if we are running in interactive mode -antigen-interactive-mode () { WARN "-antigen-interactive-mode: $ZSH_EVAL_CONTEXT \$_ANTIGEN_INTERACTIVE = $_ANTIGEN_INTERACTIVE" if [[ $_ANTIGEN_INTERACTIVE != "" ]]; then [[ $_ANTIGEN_INTERACTIVE == true ]]; return fi [[ "$ZSH_EVAL_CONTEXT" == toplevel* || "$ZSH_EVAL_CONTEXT" == cmdarg* ]]; } # Parses and retrieves a remote branch given a branch name. # # If the branch name contains '*' it will retrieve remote branches # and try to match against tags and heads, returning the latest matching. # # Usage # -antigen-parse-branch https://github.com/user/repo.git x.y.z # # Returns # Branch name -antigen-parse-branch () { local url="$1" branch="$2" branches local match mbegin mend MATCH MBEGIN MEND if [[ "$branch" =~ '\*' ]]; then branches=$(git ls-remote --tags -q "$url" "$branch"|cut -d'/' -f3|sort -n|tail -1) # There is no --refs flag in git 1.8 and below, this way we # emulate this flag -- also git 1.8 ref order is undefined. branch=${${branches#*/*/}%^*} # Why you are like this? fi echo $branch } -antigen-update-repos () { local repo bundle url target local log=/tmp/antigen-v2-migrate.log echo "It seems you have bundles cloned with Antigen v1.x." echo "We'll try to convert directory structure to v2." echo echo -n "Moving bundles to '\$ADOTDIR/bundles'... " # Migrate old repos -> bundles local errors=0 for repo in $ADOTDIR/repos/*; do bundle=${repo/$ADOTDIR\/repos\//} bundle=${bundle//-SLASH-/\/} bundle=${bundle//-COLON-/\:} bundle=${bundle//-STAR-/\*} url=${bundle//-PIPE-/\|} target=$(-antigen-get-clone-dir $url) mkdir -p "${target:A:h}" echo " ---> ${repo/$ADOTDIR\/} -> ${target/$ADOTDIR\/}" | tee > $log mv "$repo" "$target" &> $log if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then echo "Failed to migrate '$repo'!." errors+=1 fi done if [[ $errors == 0 ]]; then echo "Done." else echo "An error ocurred!" fi echo if [[ "$(ls -A $ADOTDIR/repos | wc -l | xargs)" == 0 ]]; then echo "You can safely remove \$ADOTDIR/repos." else echo "Some bundles couldn't be migrated. See \$ADOTDIR/repos." fi echo if [[ $errors == 0 ]]; then echo "Bundles migrated successfuly." rm $log else echo "Some errors occured. Review migration log in '$log'." fi antigen-reset } # Ensure that a clone exists for the given repo url and branch. If the first # argument is `update` and if a clone already exists for the given repo # and branch, it is pull-ed, i.e., updated. # # This function expects three arguments in order: # - 'url=<url>' # - 'update=true|false' # - 'verbose=true|false' # # Returns true|false Whether cloning/pulling was succesful -antigen-ensure-repo () { # Argument defaults. Previously using ${1:?"missing url argument"} format # but it seems to mess up with cram if (( $# < 1 )); then echo "Antigen: Missing url argument." return 1 fi # The url. No sane default for this, so just empty. local url=$1 # Check if we have to update. local update=${2:-false} # Verbose output. local verbose=${3:-false} shift $# # Get the clone's directory as per the given repo url and branch. local clone_dir=$(-antigen-get-clone-dir $url) if [[ -d "$clone_dir" && $update == false ]]; then return true fi # A temporary function wrapping the `git` command with repeated arguments. --plugin-git () { (\cd -q "$clone_dir" && eval ${ANTIGEN_CLONE_ENV} git --git-dir="$clone_dir/.git" --no-pager "$@" &>>! $ANTIGEN_LOG) } local success=false # If its a specific branch that we want, checkout that branch. local branch="master" # TODO FIX THIS if [[ $url == *\|* ]]; then branch="$(-antigen-parse-branch ${url%|*} ${url#*|})" fi if [[ ! -d $clone_dir ]]; then eval ${ANTIGEN_CLONE_ENV} git clone ${=ANTIGEN_CLONE_OPTS} --branch "$branch" -- "${url%|*}" "$clone_dir" &>> $ANTIGEN_LOG success=$? elif $update; then # Save current revision. local old_rev="$(--plugin-git rev-parse HEAD)" # Pull changes if update requested. --plugin-git checkout "$branch" --plugin-git pull origin "$branch" success=$? # Update submodules. --plugin-git submodule update ${=ANTIGEN_SUBMODULE_OPTS} # Get the new revision. local new_rev="$(--plugin-git rev-parse HEAD)" fi if [[ -n $old_rev && $old_rev != $new_rev ]]; then echo Updated from $old_rev[0,7] to $new_rev[0,7]. if $verbose; then --plugin-git log --oneline --reverse --no-merges --stat '@{1}..' fi fi # Remove the temporary git wrapper function. unfunction -- --plugin-git return $success } # Helper function: Same as `$1=$2`, but will only happen if the name # specified by `$1` is not already set. -antigen-set-default () { local arg_name="$1" local arg_value="$2" eval "test -z \"\$$arg_name\" && typeset -g $arg_name='$arg_value'" } -antigen-env-setup () { typeset -gU fpath path # Pre-startup initializations. -antigen-set-default ANTIGEN_OMZ_REPO_URL \ https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh.git -antigen-set-default ANTIGEN_PREZTO_REPO_URL \ https://github.com/sorin-ionescu/prezto.git -antigen-set-default ANTIGEN_DEFAULT_REPO_URL $ANTIGEN_OMZ_REPO_URL # Default Antigen directory. -antigen-set-default ADOTDIR $HOME/.antigen [[ ! -d $ADOTDIR ]] && mkdir -p $ADOTDIR # Defaults bundles directory. -antigen-set-default ANTIGEN_BUNDLES $ADOTDIR/bundles # If there is no bundles directory, create it. if [[ ! -d $ANTIGEN_BUNDLES ]]; then mkdir -p $ANTIGEN_BUNDLES # Check for v1 repos directory, transform it to v2 format. [[ -d $ADOTDIR/repos ]] && -antigen-update-repos fi -antigen-set-default ANTIGEN_COMPDUMP "${ADOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zcompdump" -antigen-set-default ANTIGEN_LOG /dev/null # CLONE_OPTS uses ${=CLONE_OPTS} expansion so don't use spaces # for arguments that can be passed as `--key=value`. -antigen-set-default ANTIGEN_CLONE_ENV "GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=0" -antigen-set-default ANTIGEN_CLONE_OPTS "--single-branch --recursive --depth=1" -antigen-set-default ANTIGEN_SUBMODULE_OPTS "--recursive --depth=1" # Complain when a bundle is already installed. -antigen-set-default _ANTIGEN_WARN_DUPLICATES true # Compatibility with oh-my-zsh themes. -antigen-set-default _ANTIGEN_THEME_COMPAT true # Add default built-in extensions to load at start up -antigen-set-default _ANTIGEN_BUILTIN_EXTENSIONS 'lock parallel defer cache' # Setup antigen's own completion. if -antigen-interactive-mode; then TRACE "Gonna create compdump file @ env-setup" COMPDUMP autoload -Uz compinit compinit -d "$ANTIGEN_COMPDUMP" compdef _antigen antigen else (( $+functions[antigen-ext-init] )) && antigen-ext-init fi } # Load a given bundle by sourcing it. # # The function also modifies fpath to add the bundle path. # # Usage # -antigen-load "bundle-url" ["location"] ["make_local_clone"] ["btype"] # # Returns # Integer. 0 if success 1 if an error ocurred. -antigen-load () { local bundle list typeset -A bundle; bundle=($@) typeset -Ua list; list=() local location="${bundle[dir]}/${bundle[loc]}" # Prioritize location when given. if [[ -f "${location}" ]]; then list=(${location}) else # Directory locations must be suffixed with slash location="$location/" # Prioritize theme with antigen-theme if [[ ${bundle[btype]} == "theme" ]]; then list=(${location}*.zsh-theme(N[1])) fi # Common frameworks if [[ $#list == 0 ]]; then # dot-plugin, init and functions support (omz, prezto) # Support prezto function loading. See https://github.com/zsh-users/antigen/pull/428 list=(${location}*.plugin.zsh(N[1]) ${location}init.zsh(N[1]) ${location}/functions(N[1])) fi # Default to zsh and sh if [[ $#list == 0 ]]; then list=(${location}*.zsh(N) ${location}*.sh(N)) fi fi -antigen-load-env ${(kv)bundle} # If there is any sourceable try to load it if ! -antigen-load-source "${list[@]}" && [[ ! -d ${location} ]]; then return 1 fi return 0 } -antigen-load-env () { typeset -A bundle; bundle=($@) local location=${bundle[dir]}/${bundle[loc]} # Load to path if there is no sourceable if [[ -d ${location} ]]; then PATH="$PATH:${location:A}" fpath+=("${location:A}") return fi PATH="$PATH:${location:A:h}" fpath+=("${location:A:h}") } -antigen-load-source () { typeset -a list list=($@) local src match mbegin mend MATCH MBEGIN MEND # Return error when we're given an empty list if [[ $#list == 0 ]]; then return 1 fi # Using a for rather than `source $list` as we need to check for zsh-themes # In order to create antigen-compat file. This is only needed for interactive-mode # theme switching, for static loading (cache) there is no need. for src in $list; do if [[ $_ANTIGEN_THEME_COMPAT == true && -f "$src" && "$src" == *.zsh-theme* ]]; then local compat="${src:A}.antigen-compat" echo "# Generated by Antigen. Do not edit!" >! "$compat" cat $src | sed -Ee '/\{$/,/^\}/!{ s/^local // }' >>! "$compat" src="$compat" fi if ! source "$src" 2>/dev/null; then return 1 fi done } # Usage: # -antigen-parse-args output_assoc_arr <args...> -antigen-parse-args () { local argkey key value index=0 args local match mbegin mend MATCH MBEGIN MEND local var=$1 shift # Bundle spec arguments' default values. #setopt XTRACE VERBOSE builtin typeset -A args args[url]="$ANTIGEN_DEFAULT_REPO_URL" #unsetopt XTRACE VERBOSE args[loc]=/ args[make_local_clone]=true args[btype]=plugin #args[branch]= # commented out as it may cause assoc array kv mismatch while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do argkey="${1%\=*}" key="${argkey//--/}" value="${1#*=}" case "$argkey" in --url|--loc|--branch|--btype) if [[ "$value" == "$argkey" ]]; then printf "Required argument for '%s' not provided.\n" $key >&2 else args[$key]="$value" fi ;; --no-local-clone) args[make_local_clone]=false ;; --*) printf "Unknown argument '%s'.\n" $key >&2 ;; *) value=$key case $index in 0) key=url local domain="" local url_path=$value # Full url with protocol or ssh github url (github.com:org/repo) if [[ "$value" =~ "://" || "$value" =~ ":" ]]; then if [[ "$value" =~ [@.][^/:]+[:]?[0-9]*[:/]?(.*)@?$ ]]; then url_path=$match[1] domain=${value/$url_path/} fi fi if [[ "$url_path" =~ '@' ]]; then args[branch]="${url_path#*@}" value="$domain${url_path%@*}" else value="$domain$url_path" fi ;; 1) key=loc ;; esac let index+=1 args[$key]="$value" ;; esac shift done # Check if url is just the plugin name. Super short syntax. if [[ "${args[url]}" != */* ]]; then case "$ANTIGEN_DEFAULT_REPO_URL" in "$ANTIGEN_OMZ_REPO_URL") args[loc]="plugins/${args[url]}" ;; "$ANTIGEN_PREZTO_REPO_URL") args[loc]="modules/${args[url]}" ;; *) args[loc]="${args[url]}" ;; esac args[url]="$ANTIGEN_DEFAULT_REPO_URL" fi # Resolve the url. # Expand short github url syntax: `username/reponame`. local url="${args[url]}" if [[ $url != git://* && $url != https://* && $url != http://* && $url != ssh://* && $url != /* && $url != *github.com:*/* ]]; then url="https://github.com/${url%.git}.git" fi args[url]="$url" # Ignore local clone if url given is not a git directory if [[ ${args[url]} == /* && ! -d ${args[url]}/.git ]]; then args[make_local_clone]=false fi # Add the branch information to the url if we need to create a local clone. # Format url in bundle-metadata format: url[|branch] if [[ ! -z "${args[branch]}" && ${args[make_local_clone]} == true ]]; then args[url]="${args[url]}|${args[branch]}" fi # Add the theme extension to `loc`, if this is a theme, but only # if it's especified, ie, --loc=theme-name, in case when it's not # specified antige-load-list will look for *.zsh-theme files if [[ ${args[btype]} == "theme" && ${args[loc]} != "/" && ${args[loc]} != *.zsh-theme ]]; then args[loc]="${args[loc]}.zsh-theme" fi local name="${args[url]%|*}" local branch="${args[branch]}" # Extract bundle name. if [[ "$name" =~ '.*/(.*/.*).*$' ]]; then name="${match[1]}" fi name="${name%.git*}" # Format bundle name with optional branch. if [[ -n "${branch}" ]]; then args[name]="${name}@${branch}" else args[name]="${name}" fi # Format bundle path. if [[ ${args[make_local_clone]} == true ]]; then local bpath="$name" # Suffix with branch/tag name if [[ -n "$branch" ]]; then # bpath is in the form of repo/name@version => repo/name-version # Replace / with - in bundle branch. local bbranch=${branch//\//-} # If branch/tag is semver-like do replace * by x. bbranch=${bbranch//\*/x} bpath="${name}-${bbranch}" fi bpath="$ANTIGEN_BUNDLES/$bpath" args[dir]="${(qq)bpath}" else # if it's local then path is just the "url" argument, loc remains the same args[dir]=${args[url]} fi # Escape url and branch (may contain semver-like and pipe characters) args[url]="${(qq)args[url]}" if [[ -n "${args[branch]}" ]]; then args[branch]="${(qq)args[branch]}" fi # Escape bundle name (may contain semver-like characters) args[name]="${(qq)args[name]}" eval "${var}=(${(kv)args})" return 0 } # Updates revert-info data with git hash. # # This does process only cloned bundles. # # Usage # -antigen-revert-info # # Returns # Nothing. Generates/updates $ADOTDIR/revert-info. -antigen-revert-info() { local url # Update your bundles, i.e., `git pull` in all the plugin repos. date >! $ADOTDIR/revert-info -antigen-get-cloned-bundles | while read url; do local clone_dir="$(-antigen-get-clone-dir "$url")" if [[ -d "$clone_dir" ]]; then (echo -n "$clone_dir:" \cd -q "$clone_dir" git rev-parse HEAD) >> $ADOTDIR/revert-info fi done } -antigen-use-oh-my-zsh () { typeset -g ZSH ZSH_CACHE_DIR ANTIGEN_DEFAULT_REPO_URL=$ANTIGEN_OMZ_REPO_URL if [[ -z "$ZSH" ]]; then ZSH="$(-antigen-get-clone-dir "$ANTIGEN_DEFAULT_REPO_URL")" fi if [[ -z "$ZSH_CACHE_DIR" ]]; then ZSH_CACHE_DIR="$ZSH/cache/" fi antigen-bundle --loc=lib } -antigen-use-prezto () { ANTIGEN_DEFAULT_REPO_URL=$ANTIGEN_PREZTO_REPO_URL antigen-bundle "$ANTIGEN_PREZTO_REPO_URL" } # Initialize completion antigen-apply () { LOG "Called antigen-apply" # Load the compinit module. This will readefine the `compdef` function to # the one that actually initializes completions. TRACE "Gonna create compdump file @ apply" COMPDUMP autoload -Uz compinit compinit -d "$ANTIGEN_COMPDUMP" # Apply all `compinit`s that have been deferred. local cdef for cdef in "${__deferred_compdefs[@]}"; do compdef "$cdef" done { zcompile "$ANTIGEN_COMPDUMP" } &! unset __deferred_compdefs } # Syntaxes # antigen-bundle <url> [<loc>=/] # Keyword only arguments: # branch - The branch of the repo to use for this bundle. antigen-bundle () { TRACE "Called antigen-bundle with $@" BUNDLE if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then printf "Antigen: Must provide a bundle url or name.\n" >&2 return 1 fi builtin typeset -A bundle; -antigen-parse-args 'bundle' ${=@} if [[ -z ${bundle[btype]} ]]; then bundle[btype]=bundle fi local record="${bundle[url]} ${bundle[loc]} ${bundle[btype]} ${bundle[make_local_clone]}" if [[ $_ANTIGEN_WARN_DUPLICATES == true && ! ${_ANTIGEN_BUNDLE_RECORD[(I)$record]} == 0 ]]; then printf "Seems %s is already installed!\n" ${bundle[name]} return 1 fi # Clone bundle if we haven't done do already. if [[ ! -d "${bundle[dir]}" ]]; then if ! -antigen-bundle-install ${(kv)bundle}; then return 1 fi fi # Load the plugin. if ! -antigen-load ${(kv)bundle}; then TRACE "-antigen-load failed to load ${bundle[name]}" BUNDLE printf "Antigen: Failed to load %s.\n" ${bundle[btype]} >&2 return 1 fi # Only add it to the record if it could be installed and loaded. _ANTIGEN_BUNDLE_RECORD+=("$record") } # # Usage: # -antigen-bundle-install <record> # Returns: # 1 if it fails to install bundle -antigen-bundle-install () { typeset -A bundle; bundle=($@) # Ensure a clone exists for this repo, if needed. # Get the clone's directory as per the given repo url and branch. local bpath="${bundle[dir]}" # Clone if it doesn't already exist. local start=$(date +'%s') printf "Installing %s... " "${bundle[name]}" if ! -antigen-ensure-repo "${bundle[url]}"; then # Return immediately if there is an error cloning TRACE "-antigen-bundle-instal failed to clone ${bundle[url]}" BUNDLE printf "Error! Activate logging and try again.\n" >&2 return 1 fi local took=$(( $(date +'%s') - $start )) printf "Done. Took %ds.\n" $took } antigen-bundles () { # Bulk add many bundles at one go. Empty lines and lines starting with a `#` # are ignored. Everything else is given to `antigen-bundle` as is, no # quoting rules applied. local line setopt localoptions no_extended_glob # See https://github.com/zsh-users/antigen/issues/456 grep '^[[:space:]]*[^[:space:]#]' | while read line; do antigen-bundle ${=line%#*} done } # Cleanup unused repositories. antigen-cleanup () { local force=false if [[ $1 == --force ]]; then force=true fi if [[ ! -d "$ANTIGEN_BUNDLES" || -z "$(\ls -A "$ANTIGEN_BUNDLES")" ]]; then echo "You don't have any bundles." return 0 fi # Find directores in ANTIGEN_BUNDLES, that are not in the bundles record. typeset -a unused_clones clones local url record clone for record in $(-antigen-get-cloned-bundles); do url=${record% /*} clones+=("$(-antigen-get-clone-dir $url)") done for clone in $ANTIGEN_BUNDLES/*/*(/); do if [[ $clones[(I)$clone] == 0 ]]; then unused_clones+=($clone) fi done if [[ -z $unused_clones ]]; then echo "You don't have any unidentified bundles." return 0 fi echo 'You have clones for the following repos, but are not used.' echo "\n${(j:\n:)unused_clones}" if $force || (echo -n '\nDelete them all? [y/N] '; read -q); then echo echo for clone in $unused_clones; do echo -n "Deleting clone \"$clone\"..." \rm -rf "$clone" echo ' done.' done else echo echo "Nothing deleted." fi } antigen-help () { antigen-version cat <<EOF Antigen is a plugin management system for zsh. It makes it easy to grab awesome shell scripts and utilities, put up on Github. Usage: antigen <command> [args] Commands: apply Must be called in the zshrc after all calls to 'antigen bundle'. bundle Install and load a plugin. cache-gen Generate Antigen's cache with currently loaded bundles. cleanup Remove clones of repos not used by any loaded plugins. init Use caching to quickly load bundles. list List currently loaded plugins. purge Remove a bundle from the filesystem. reset Clean the generated cache. restore Restore plugin state from a snapshot file. revert Revert plugins to their state prior to the last time 'antigen update' was run. selfupdate Update antigen. snapshot Create a snapshot of all active plugin repos and save it to a snapshot file. update Update plugins. use Load a supported zsh pre-packaged framework. For further details and complete documentation, visit the project's page at 'http://antigen.sharats.me'. EOF } # Antigen command to load antigen configuration # # This method is slighlty more performing than using various antigen-* methods. # # Usage # Referencing an antigen configuration file: # # antigen-init "/path/to/antigenrc" # # or using HEREDOCS: # # antigen-init <<EOBUNDLES # antigen use oh-my-zsh # # antigen bundle zsh/bundle # antigen bundle zsh/example # # antigen theme zsh/theme # # antigen apply # EOBUNDLES # # Returns # Nothing antigen-init () { local src="$1" line # If we're given an argument it should be a path to a file if [[ -n "$src" ]]; then if [[ -f "$src" ]]; then source "$src" return else printf "Antigen: invalid argument provided.\n" >&2 return 1 fi fi # Otherwise we expect it to be a heredoc grep '^[[:space:]]*[^[:space:]#]' | while read -r line; do eval $line done } # List instaled bundles either in long (record), short or simple format. # # Usage # antigen-list [--short|--long|--simple] # # Returns # List of bundles antigen-list () { local format=$1 # List all currently installed bundles. if [[ -z $_ANTIGEN_BUNDLE_RECORD ]]; then echo "You don't have any bundles." >&2 return 1 fi -antigen-get-bundles $format } # Remove a bundle from filesystem # # Usage # antigen-purge example/bundle [--force] # # Returns # Nothing. Removes bundle from filesystem. antigen-purge () { local bundle=$1 local force=$2 if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Antigen: Missing argument." >&2 return 1 fi if -antigen-purge-bundle $bundle $force; then antigen-reset else return $? fi return 0 } # Remove a bundle from filesystem # # Usage # antigen-purge example/bundle [--force] # # Returns # Nothing. Removes bundle from filesystem. -antigen-purge-bundle () { local bundle=$1 local force=$2 local clone_dir="" local record="" local url="" local make_local_clone="" if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Antigen: Missing argument." >&2 return 1 fi # local keyword doesn't work on zsh <= 5.0.0 record=$(-antigen-find-record $bundle) if [[ ! -n "$record" ]]; then echo "Bundle not found in record. Try 'antigen bundle $bundle' first." >&2 return 1 fi url="$(echo "$record" | cut -d' ' -f1)" make_local_clone=$(echo "$record" | cut -d' ' -f4) if [[ $make_local_clone == "false" ]]; then echo "Bundle has no local clone. Will not be removed." >&2 return 1 fi clone_dir=$(-antigen-get-clone-dir "$url") if [[ $force == "--force" ]] || read -q "?Remove '$clone_dir'? (y/n) "; then # Need empty line after read -q [[ ! -n $force ]] && echo "" || echo "Removing '$clone_dir'."; rm -rf "$clone_dir" return $? fi return 1 } # Removes cache payload and metadata if available # # Usage # antigen-reset # # Returns # Nothing antigen-reset () { [[ -f "$ANTIGEN_CACHE" ]] && rm -f "$ANTIGEN_CACHE" "$ANTIGEN_CACHE.zwc" 1> /dev/null [[ -f "$ANTIGEN_RSRC" ]] && rm -f "$ANTIGEN_RSRC" 1> /dev/null [[ -f "$ANTIGEN_COMPDUMP" ]] && rm -f "$ANTIGEN_COMPDUMP" "$ANTIGEN_COMPDUMP.zwc" 1> /dev/null [[ -f "$ANTIGEN_LOCK" ]] && rm -f "$ANTIGEN_LOCK" 1> /dev/null echo 'Done. Please open a new shell to see the changes.' } antigen-restore () { local line if [[ $# == 0 ]]; then echo 'Please provide a snapshot file to restore from.' >&2 return 1 fi local snapshot_file="$1" # TODO: Before doing anything with the snapshot file, verify its checksum. # If it fails, notify this to the user and confirm if restore should # proceed. echo -n "Restoring from $snapshot_file..." sed -n '1!p' "$snapshot_file" | while read line; do local version_hash="${line%% *}" local url="${line##* }" local clone_dir="$(-antigen-get-clone-dir "$url")" if [[ ! -d $clone_dir ]]; then git clone "$url" "$clone_dir" &> /dev/null fi (\cd -q "$clone_dir" && git checkout $version_hash) &> /dev/null done echo ' done.' echo 'Please open a new shell to get the restored changes.' } # Reads $ADORDIR/revert-info and restores bundles' revision antigen-revert () { local line if [[ -f $ADOTDIR/revert-info ]]; then cat $ADOTDIR/revert-info | sed -n '1!p' | while read line; do local dir="$(echo "$line" | cut -d: -f1)" git --git-dir="$dir/.git" --work-tree="$dir" \ checkout "$(echo "$line" | cut -d: -f2)" 2> /dev/null done echo "Reverted to state before running -update on $( cat $ADOTDIR/revert-info | sed -n '1p')." else echo 'No revert information available. Cannot revert.' >&2 return 1 fi } # Update (with `git pull`) antigen itself. # TODO: Once update is finished, show a summary of the new commits, as a kind of # "what's new" message. antigen-selfupdate () { (\cd -q $_ANTIGEN_INSTALL_DIR if [[ ! ( -d .git || -f .git ) ]]; then echo "Your copy of antigen doesn't appear to be a git clone. " \ "The 'selfupdate' command cannot work in this case." return 1 fi local head="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" if [[ $head == "HEAD" ]]; then # If current head is detached HEAD, checkout to master branch. git checkout master fi git pull # TODO Should be transparently hooked by zcache antigen-reset &>> /dev/null ) } antigen-snapshot () { local snapshot_file="${1:-antigen-shapshot}" local urls url dir version_hash snapshot_content local -a bundles # The snapshot content lines are pairs of repo-url and git version hash, in # the form: # <version-hash> <repo-url> urls=$(-antigen-echo-record | awk '$4 == "true" {print $1}' | sort -u) for url in ${(f)urls}; do dir="$(-antigen-get-clone-dir "$url")" version_hash="$(\cd -q "$dir" && git rev-parse HEAD)" bundles+=("$version_hash $url"); done snapshot_content=${(j:\n:)bundles} { # The first line in the snapshot file is for metadata, in the form: # key='value'; key='value'; key='value'; # Where `key`s are valid shell variable names. # Snapshot version. Has no relation to antigen version. If the snapshot # file format changes, this number can be incremented. echo -n "version='1';" # Snapshot creation date+time. echo -n " created_on='$(date)';" # Add a checksum with the md5 checksum of all the snapshot lines. chksum() { (md5sum; test $? = 127 && md5) 2>/dev/null | cut -d' ' -f1 } local checksum="$(echo "$snapshot_content" | chksum)" unset -f chksum; echo -n " checksum='${checksum%% *}';" # A newline after the metadata and then the snapshot lines. echo "\n$snapshot_content" } > "$snapshot_file" } # Loads a given theme. # # Shares the same syntax as antigen-bundle command. # # Usage # antigen-theme zsh/theme[.zsh-theme] # # Returns # 0 if everything was succesfully antigen-theme () { local name=$1 result=0 record local match mbegin mend MATCH MBEGIN MEND if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then printf "Antigen: Must provide a theme url or name.\n" >&2 return 1 fi -antigen-theme-reset-hooks record=$(-antigen-find-record "theme") if [[ "$1" != */* && "$1" != --* ]]; then # The first argument is just a name of the plugin, to be picked up from # the default repo. antigen-bundle --loc=themes/$name --btype=theme else antigen-bundle "$@" --btype=theme fi result=$? # Remove a theme from the record if the following conditions apply: # - there was no error in bundling the given theme # - there is a theme registered # - registered theme is not the same as the current one if [[ $result == 0 && -n $record ]]; then # http://zsh-workers.zsh.narkive.com/QwfCWpW8/what-s-wrong-with-this-expression if [[ "$record" =~ "$@" ]]; then return $result else _ANTIGEN_BUNDLE_RECORD[$_ANTIGEN_BUNDLE_RECORD[(I)$record]]=() fi fi return $result } -antigen-theme-reset-hooks () { # This is only needed on interactive mode autoload -U add-zsh-hook is-at-least local hook # Clear out prompts PROMPT="" if [[ -n $RPROMPT ]]; then RPROMPT="" fi for hook in chpwd precmd preexec periodic; do add-zsh-hook -D "${hook}" "prompt_*" # common in omz themes add-zsh-hook -D "${hook}" "*_${hook}" add-zsh-hook -d "${hook}" "vcs_info" done } # Updates the bundles or a single bundle. # # Usage # antigen-update [example/bundle] # # Returns # Nothing. Performs a `git pull`. antigen-update () { local bundle=$1 url # Clear log :> $ANTIGEN_LOG # Update revert-info data -antigen-revert-info # If no argument is given we update all bundles if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then # Here we're ignoring all non cloned bundles (ie, --no-local-clone) -antigen-get-cloned-bundles | while read url; do -antigen-update-bundle $url done # TODO next minor version # antigen-reset else if -antigen-update-bundle $bundle; then # TODO next minor version # antigen-reset else return $? fi fi } # Updates a bundle performing a `git pull`. # # Usage # -antigen-update-bundle example/bundle # # Returns # Nothing. Performs a `git pull`. -antigen-update-bundle () { local bundle="$1" local record="" local url="" local make_local_clone="" local start=$(date +'%s') if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then printf "Antigen: Missing argument.\n" >&2 return 1 fi record=$(-antigen-find-record $bundle) if [[ ! -n "$record" ]]; then printf "Bundle not found in record. Try 'antigen bundle %s' first.\n" $bundle >&2 return 1 fi url="$(echo "$record" | cut -d' ' -f1)" make_local_clone=$(echo "$record" | cut -d' ' -f4) local branch="master" if [[ $url == *\|* ]]; then branch="$(-antigen-parse-branch ${url%|*} ${url#*|})" fi printf "Updating %s... " $(-antigen-bundle-short-name "$url" "$branch") if [[ $make_local_clone == "false" ]]; then printf "Bundle has no local clone. Will not be updated.\n" >&2 return 1 fi # update=true verbose=false if ! -antigen-ensure-repo "$url" true false; then printf "Error! Activate logging and try again.\n" >&2 return 1 fi local took=$(( $(date +'%s') - $start )) printf "Done. Took %ds.\n" $took } antigen-use () { if [[ $1 == oh-my-zsh ]]; then -antigen-use-oh-my-zsh elif [[ $1 == prezto ]]; then -antigen-use-prezto elif [[ $1 != "" ]]; then ANTIGEN_DEFAULT_REPO_URL=$1 antigen-bundle $@ else echo 'Usage: antigen-use <library-name|url>' >&2 echo 'Where <library-name> is any one of the following:' >&2 echo ' * oh-my-zsh' >&2 echo ' * prezto' >&2 echo '<url> is the full url.' >&2 return 1 fi } antigen-version () { local version="v2.2.2" local extensions revision="" if [[ -d $_ANTIGEN_INSTALL_DIR/.git ]]; then revision=" ($(git --git-dir=$_ANTIGEN_INSTALL_DIR/.git rev-parse --short '@'))" fi printf "Antigen %s%s\n" $version $revision if (( $+functions[antigen-ext] )); then typeset -a extensions; extensions=($(antigen-ext-list)) if [[ $#extensions -gt 0 ]]; then printf "Extensions loaded: %s\n" ${(j:, :)extensions} fi fi } typeset -Ag _ANTIGEN_HOOKS; _ANTIGEN_HOOKS=() typeset -Ag _ANTIGEN_HOOKS_META; _ANTIGEN_HOOKS_META=() typeset -g _ANTIGEN_HOOK_PREFIX="-antigen-hook-" typeset -g _ANTIGEN_EXTENSIONS; _ANTIGEN_EXTENSIONS=() # -antigen-add-hook antigen-apply antigen-apply-hook replace # - Replaces hooked function with hook, do not call hooked function # - Return -1 to stop calling further hooks # -antigen-add-hook antigen-apply antigen-apply-hook pre (pre-call) # - By default it will call hooked function # -antigen-add-hook antigen-pply antigen-apply-hook post (post-call) # - Calls antigen-apply and then calls hook function # Usage: # -antigen-add-hook antigen-apply antigen-apply-hook ["replace"|"pre"|"post"] ["once"|"repeat"] antigen-add-hook () { local target="$1" hook="$2" type="$3" mode="${4:-repeat}" if (( ! $+functions[$target] )); then printf "Antigen: Function %s doesn't exist.\n" $target return 1 fi if (( ! $+functions[$hook] )); then printf "Antigen: Function %s doesn't exist.\n" $hook return 1 fi if [[ "${_ANTIGEN_HOOKS[$target]}" == "" ]]; then _ANTIGEN_HOOKS[$target]="${hook}" else _ANTIGEN_HOOKS[$target]="${_ANTIGEN_HOOKS[$target]}:${hook}" fi _ANTIGEN_HOOKS_META[$hook]="target $target type $type mode $mode called 0" # Do shadow for this function if there is none already local hook_function="${_ANTIGEN_HOOK_PREFIX}$target" if (( ! $+functions[$hook_function] )); then # Preserve hooked function eval "function ${_ANTIGEN_HOOK_PREFIX}$(functions -- $target)" # Create hook, call hook-handler to further process hook functions eval "function $target () { noglob -antigen-hook-handler $target \$@ return \$? }" fi return 0 } # Private function to handle multiple hooks in a central point. -antigen-hook-handler () { local target="$1" args hook called local hooks meta shift typeset -a args; args=(${@}) typeset -a pre_hooks replace_hooks post_hooks; typeset -a hooks; hooks=(${(s|:|)_ANTIGEN_HOOKS[$target]}) typeset -A meta; for hook in $hooks; do meta=(${(s: :)_ANTIGEN_HOOKS_META[$hook]}) if [[ ${meta[mode]} == "once" && ${meta[called]} == 1 ]]; then WARN "Ignoring hook due to mode ${meta[mode]}: $hook" continue fi let called=${meta[called]}+1 meta[called]=$called _ANTIGEN_HOOKS_META[$hook]="${(kv)meta}" WARN "Updated meta: "${(kv)meta} case "${meta[type]}" in "pre") pre_hooks+=($hook) ;; "replace") replace_hooks+=($hook) ;; "post") post_hooks+=($hook) ;; esac done WARN "Processing hooks: ${hooks}" for hook in $pre_hooks; do WARN "Pre hook:" $hook $args noglob $hook $args [[ $? == -1 ]] && WARN "$hook shortcircuited" && return $ret done # A replace hook will return inmediately local replace_hook=0 ret=0 for hook in $replace_hooks; do replace_hook=1 # Should not be needed if `antigen-remove-hook` removed unneeded hooks. if (( $+functions[$hook] )); then WARN "Replace hook:" $hook $args noglob $hook $args [[ $? == -1 ]] && WARN "$hook shortcircuited" && return $ret fi done if [[ $replace_hook == 0 ]]; then WARN "${_ANTIGEN_HOOK_PREFIX}$target $args" noglob ${_ANTIGEN_HOOK_PREFIX}$target $args ret=$? else WARN "Replaced hooked function." fi for hook in $post_hooks; do WARN "Post hook:" $hook $args noglob $hook $args [[ $? == -1 ]] && WARN "$hook shortcircuited" && return $ret done LOG "Return from hook ${target} with ${ret}" return $ret } # Usage: # -antigen-remove-hook antigen-apply-hook antigen-remove-hook () { local hook="$1" typeset -A meta; meta=(${(s: :)_ANTIGEN_HOOKS_META[$hook]}) local target="${meta[target]}" local -a hooks; hooks=(${(s|:|)_ANTIGEN_HOOKS[$target]}) # Remove registered hook if [[ $#hooks > 0 ]]; then hooks[$hooks[(I)$hook]]=() fi _ANTIGEN_HOOKS[${target}]="${(j|:|)hooks}" if [[ $#hooks == 0 ]]; then # Destroy base hook eval "function $(functions -- ${_ANTIGEN_HOOK_PREFIX}$target | sed s/${_ANTIGEN_HOOK_PREFIX}//)" if (( $+functions[${_ANTIGEN_HOOK_PREFIX}$target] )); then unfunction -- "${_ANTIGEN_HOOK_PREFIX}$target" fi fi unfunction -- $hook 2> /dev/null } # Remove all defined hooks. -antigen-reset-hooks () { local target for target in ${(k)_ANTIGEN_HOOKS}; do # Release all hooked functions eval "function $(functions -- ${_ANTIGEN_HOOK_PREFIX}$target | sed s/${_ANTIGEN_HOOK_PREFIX}//)" unfunction -- "${_ANTIGEN_HOOK_PREFIX}$target" 2> /dev/null done _ANTIGEN_HOOKS=() _ANTIGEN_HOOKS_META=() _ANTIGEN_EXTENSIONS=() } # Initializes an extension # Usage: # antigen-ext ext-name antigen-ext () { local ext=$1 local func="-antigen-$ext-init" if (( $+functions[$func] && $_ANTIGEN_EXTENSIONS[(I)$ext] == 0 )); then eval $func local ret=$? WARN "$func return code was $ret" if (( $ret == 0 )); then LOG "LOADED EXTENSION $ext" EXT -antigen-$ext-execute && _ANTIGEN_EXTENSIONS+=($ext) else WARN "IGNORING EXTENSION $func" EXT return 1 fi else printf "Antigen: No extension defined or already loaded: %s\n" $func >&2 return 1 fi } # List installed extensions # Usage: # antigen ext-list antigen-ext-list () { echo $_ANTIGEN_EXTENSIONS } # Initializes built-in extensions # Usage: # antigen-ext-init antigen-ext-init () { # Initialize extensions. unless in interactive mode. local ext for ext in ${(s/ /)_ANTIGEN_BUILTIN_EXTENSIONS}; do # Check if extension is loaded before intializing it (( $+functions[-antigen-$ext-init] )) && antigen-ext $ext done } # Initialize defer lib -antigen-defer-init () { typeset -ga _DEFERRED_BUNDLE; _DEFERRED_BUNDLE=() if -antigen-interactive-mode; then return 1 fi } -antigen-defer-execute () { # Hooks antigen-bundle in order to defer its execution. antigen-bundle-defer () { _DEFERRED_BUNDLE+=("${(j: :)${@}}") return -1 # Stop right there } antigen-add-hook antigen-bundle antigen-bundle-defer replace # Hooks antigen-apply in order to release hooked functions antigen-apply-defer () { WARN "Defer pre-apply" DEFER PRE-APPLY antigen-remove-hook antigen-bundle-defer # Process all deferred bundles. local bundle for bundle in ${_DEFERRED_BUNDLE[@]}; do LOG "Processing deferred bundle: ${bundle}" DEFER antigen-bundle $bundle done unset _DEFERRED_BUNDLE } antigen-add-hook antigen-apply antigen-apply-defer pre once } # Initialize lock lib -antigen-lock-init () { # Default lock path. -antigen-set-default ANTIGEN_LOCK $ADOTDIR/.lock typeset -g _ANTIGEN_LOCK_PROCESS=false # Use env variable to determine if we should load this extension -antigen-set-default ANTIGEN_MUTEX true # Set ANTIGEN_MUTEX to false to avoid loading this extension if [[ $ANTIGEN_MUTEX == true ]]; then return 0; fi # Do not use mutex return 1; } -antigen-lock-execute () { # Hook antigen command in order to check/create a lock file. # This hook is only run once then releases itself. antigen-lock () { LOG "antigen-lock called" # If there is a lock set up then we won't process anything. if [[ -f $ANTIGEN_LOCK ]]; then # Set up flag do the message is not repeated for each antigen-* command [[ $_ANTIGEN_LOCK_PROCESS == false ]] && printf "Antigen: Another process in running.\n" _ANTIGEN_LOCK_PROCESS=true # Do not further process hooks. For this hook to properly work it # should be registered first. return -1 fi WARN "Creating antigen-lock file at $ANTIGEN_LOCK" touch $ANTIGEN_LOCK } antigen-add-hook antigen antigen-lock pre once # Hook antigen-apply in order to release .lock file. antigen-apply-lock () { WARN "Freeing antigen-lock file at $ANTIGEN_LOCK" unset _ANTIGEN_LOCK_PROCESS rm -f $ANTIGEN_LOCK &> /dev/null } antigen-add-hook antigen-apply antigen-apply-lock post once } # Initialize parallel lib -antigen-parallel-init () { WARN "Init parallel extension" PARALLEL typeset -ga _PARALLEL_BUNDLE; _PARALLEL_BUNDLE=() if -antigen-interactive-mode; then return 1 fi } -antigen-parallel-execute() { WARN "Exec parallel extension" PARALLEL # Install bundles in parallel antigen-bundle-parallel-execute () { WARN "Parallel antigen-bundle-parallel-execute" PARALLEL typeset -a pids; pids=() local args pid WARN "Gonna install in parallel ${#_PARALLEL_BUNDLE} bundles." PARALLEL # Do ensure-repo in parallel WARN "${_PARALLEL_BUNDLE}" PARALLEL typeset -Ua repositories # Used to keep track of cloned repositories to avoid # trying to clone it multiple times. for args in ${_PARALLEL_BUNDLE}; do typeset -A bundle; -antigen-parse-args 'bundle' ${=args} if [[ ! -d ${bundle[dir]} && $repositories[(I)${bundle[url]}] == 0 ]]; then WARN "Install in parallel ${bundle[name]}." PARALLEL echo "Installing ${bundle[name]}!..." # $bundle[url]'s format is "url|branch" as to create "$ANTIGEN_BUNDLES/bundle/name-branch", # this way you may require multiple branches from the same repository. -antigen-ensure-repo "${bundle[url]}" > /dev/null &! pids+=($!) else WARN "Bundle ${bundle[name]} already cloned locally." PARALLEL fi repositories+=(${bundle[url]}) done # Wait for all background processes to end while [[ $#pids > 0 ]]; do for pid in $pids; do # `ps` may diplay an error message such "Signal 18 (CONT) caught by ps # (procps-ng version 3.3.9).", see https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=732410 if [[ $(ps -o pid= -p $pid 2>/dev/null) == "" ]]; then pids[$pids[(I)$pid]]=() fi done sleep .5 done builtin local bundle &> /dev/null for bundle in ${_PARALLEL_BUNDLE[@]}; do antigen-bundle $bundle done WARN "Parallel install done" PARALLEL } # Hooks antigen-apply in order to release hooked functions antigen-apply-parallel () { WARN "Parallel pre-apply" PARALLEL PRE-APPLY #antigen-remove-hook antigen-pre-apply-parallel # Hooks antigen-bundle in order to parallel its execution. antigen-bundle-parallel () { TRACE "antigen-bundle-parallel: $@" PARALLEL _PARALLEL_BUNDLE+=("${(j: :)${@}}") } antigen-add-hook antigen-bundle antigen-bundle-parallel replace } antigen-add-hook antigen-apply antigen-apply-parallel pre once antigen-apply-parallel-execute () { WARN "Parallel replace-apply" PARALLEL REPLACE-APPLY antigen-remove-hook antigen-bundle-parallel # Process all parallel bundles. antigen-bundle-parallel-execute unset _PARALLEL_BUNDLE antigen-remove-hook antigen-apply-parallel-execute antigen-apply } antigen-add-hook antigen-apply antigen-apply-parallel-execute replace once } typeset -ga _ZCACHE_BUNDLE_SOURCE _ZCACHE_CAPTURE_BUNDLE typeset -g _ZCACHE_CAPTURE_PREFIX # Generates cache from listed bundles. # # Iterates over _ANTIGEN_BUNDLE_RECORD and join all needed sources into one, # if this is done through -antigen-load-list. # Result is stored in ANTIGEN_CACHE. # # _ANTIGEN_BUNDLE_RECORD and fpath is stored in cache. # # Usage # -zcache-generate-cache # # Returns # Nothing. Generates ANTIGEN_CACHE -antigen-cache-generate () { local -aU _fpath _PATH _sources local record LOG "Gonna generate cache for $_ZCACHE_BUNDLE_SOURCE" for record in $_ZCACHE_BUNDLE_SOURCE; do record=${record:A} # LOG "Caching $record" if [[ -f $record ]]; then # Adding $'\n' as a suffix as j:\n: doesn't work inside a heredoc. if [[ $_ANTIGEN_THEME_COMPAT == true && "$record" == *.zsh-theme* ]]; then local compat="${record:A}.antigen-compat" echo "# Generated by Antigen. Do not edit!" >! "$compat" cat $record | sed -Ee '/\{$/,/^\}/!{ s/^local // }' >>! "$compat" record="$compat" fi _sources+=("source '${record}';"$'\n') elif [[ -d $record ]]; then _PATH+=("${record}") _fpath+=("${record}") fi done cat > $ANTIGEN_CACHE <<EOC #-- START ZCACHE GENERATED FILE #-- GENERATED: $(date) #-- ANTIGEN v2.2.2 $(functions -- _antigen) antigen () { local MATCH MBEGIN MEND [[ "\$ZSH_EVAL_CONTEXT" =~ "toplevel:*" || "\$ZSH_EVAL_CONTEXT" =~ "cmdarg:*" ]] && source "$_ANTIGEN_INSTALL_DIR/antigen.zsh" && eval antigen \$@; return 0; } typeset -gaU fpath path fpath+=(${_fpath[@]}) path+=(${_PATH[@]}) _antigen_compinit () { autoload -Uz compinit; compinit -d "$ANTIGEN_COMPDUMP"; compdef _antigen antigen add-zsh-hook -D precmd _antigen_compinit } autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook; add-zsh-hook precmd _antigen_compinit compdef () {} if [[ -n "$ZSH" ]]; then ZSH="$ZSH"; ZSH_CACHE_DIR="$ZSH_CACHE_DIR" fi #--- BUNDLES BEGIN ${(j::)_sources} #--- BUNDLES END typeset -gaU _ANTIGEN_BUNDLE_RECORD; _ANTIGEN_BUNDLE_RECORD=($(print ${(qq)_ANTIGEN_BUNDLE_RECORD})) typeset -g _ANTIGEN_CACHE_LOADED; _ANTIGEN_CACHE_LOADED=true typeset -ga _ZCACHE_BUNDLE_SOURCE; _ZCACHE_BUNDLE_SOURCE=($(print ${(qq)_ZCACHE_BUNDLE_SOURCE})) typeset -g _ANTIGEN_CACHE_VERSION; _ANTIGEN_CACHE_VERSION='v2.2.2' #-- END ZCACHE GENERATED FILE EOC { zcompile "$ANTIGEN_CACHE" } &! # Compile config files, if any LOG "CHECK_FILES $ANTIGEN_CHECK_FILES" [[ $ANTIGEN_AUTO_CONFIG == true && -n $ANTIGEN_CHECK_FILES ]] && { echo ${(j:\n:)ANTIGEN_CHECK_FILES} >! "$ANTIGEN_RSRC" for rsrc in $ANTIGEN_CHECK_FILES; do zcompile $rsrc done } &! return true } # Initializes caching mechanism. # # Hooks `antigen-bundle` and `antigen-apply` in order to defer bundle install # and load. All bundles are loaded from generated cache rather than dynamically # as these are bundled. # # Usage # -antigen-cache-init # Returns # Nothing -antigen-cache-init () { if -antigen-interactive-mode; then return 1 fi _ZCACHE_CAPTURE_PREFIX=${_ZCACHE_CAPTURE_PREFIX:-"--zcache-"} _ZCACHE_BUNDLE_SOURCE=(); _ZCACHE_CAPTURE_BUNDLE=() # Cache auto config files to check for changes (.zshrc, .antigenrc etc) -antigen-set-default ANTIGEN_AUTO_CONFIG true # Default cache path. -antigen-set-default ANTIGEN_CACHE $ADOTDIR/init.zsh -antigen-set-default ANTIGEN_RSRC $ADOTDIR/.resources if [[ $ANTIGEN_CACHE == false ]]; then return 1 fi return 0 } -antigen-cache-execute () { # Main function. Deferred antigen-apply. antigen-apply-cached () { # TRACE "APPLYING CACHE" EXT # Auto determine check_files # There always should be 5 steps from original source as the correct way is to use # `antigen` wrapper not `antigen-apply` directly and it's called by an extension. LOG "TRACE: ${funcfiletrace}" if [[ $ANTIGEN_AUTO_CONFIG == true && $#ANTIGEN_CHECK_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then ANTIGEN_CHECK_FILES+=(~/.zshrc) if [[ $#funcfiletrace -ge 6 ]]; then ANTIGEN_CHECK_FILES+=("${${funcfiletrace[6]%:*}##* }") fi fi # Generate and compile cache -antigen-cache-generate [[ -f "$ANTIGEN_CACHE" ]] && source "$ANTIGEN_CACHE"; # Commented out in order to have a working `cache-gen` command #unset _ZCACHE_BUNDLE_SOURCE unset _ZCACHE_CAPTURE_BUNDLE _ZCACHE_CAPTURE_FUNCTIONS # Release all hooked functions antigen-remove-hook -antigen-load-env-cached antigen-remove-hook -antigen-load-source-cached antigen-remove-hook antigen-bundle-cached } antigen-add-hook antigen-apply antigen-apply-cached post once # Defer antigen-bundle. antigen-bundle-cached () { _ZCACHE_CAPTURE_BUNDLE+=("${(j: :)${@}}") } antigen-add-hook antigen-bundle antigen-bundle-cached pre # Defer loading. -antigen-load-env-cached () { local bundle typeset -A bundle; bundle=($@) local location=${bundle[dir]}/${bundle[loc]} # Load to path if there is no sourceable if [[ ${bundle[loc]} == "/" ]]; then _ZCACHE_BUNDLE_SOURCE+=("${location}") return fi _ZCACHE_BUNDLE_SOURCE+=("${location}") } antigen-add-hook -antigen-load-env -antigen-load-env-cached replace # Defer sourcing. -antigen-load-source-cached () { _ZCACHE_BUNDLE_SOURCE+=($@) } antigen-add-hook -antigen-load-source -antigen-load-source-cached replace return 0 } # Generate static-cache file at $ANTIGEN_CACHE using currently loaded # bundles from $_ANTIGEN_BUNDLE_RECORD # # Usage # antigen-cache-gen # # Returns # Nothing antigen-cache-gen () { -antigen-cache-generate } #compdef _antigen # Setup antigen's autocompletion _antigen () { local -a _1st_arguments _1st_arguments=( 'apply:Load all bundle completions' 'bundle:Install and load the given plugin' 'bundles:Bulk define bundles' 'cleanup:Clean up the clones of repos which are not used by any bundles currently loaded' 'cache-gen:Generate cache' 'init:Load Antigen configuration from file' 'list:List out the currently loaded bundles' 'purge:Remove a cloned bundle from filesystem' 'reset:Clears cache' 'restore:Restore the bundles state as specified in the snapshot' 'revert:Revert the state of all bundles to how they were before the last antigen update' 'selfupdate:Update antigen itself' 'snapshot:Create a snapshot of all the active clones' 'theme:Switch the prompt theme' 'update:Update all bundles' 'use:Load any (supported) zsh pre-packaged framework' ); _1st_arguments+=( 'help:Show this message' 'version:Display Antigen version' ) __bundle() { _arguments \ '--loc[Path to the location <path-to/location>]' \ '--url[Path to the repository <github-account/repository>]' \ '--branch[Git branch name]' \ '--no-local-clone[Do not create a clone]' } __list() { _arguments \ '--simple[Show only bundle name]' \ '--short[Show only bundle name and branch]' \ '--long[Show bundle records]' } __cleanup() { _arguments \ '--force[Do not ask for confirmation]' } _arguments '*:: :->command' if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then _describe -t commands "antigen command" _1st_arguments return fi local -a _command_args case "$words[1]" in bundle) __bundle ;; use) compadd "$@" "oh-my-zsh" "prezto" ;; cleanup) __cleanup ;; (update|purge) compadd $(type -f \-antigen-get-bundles &> /dev/null || antigen &> /dev/null; -antigen-get-bundles --simple 2> /dev/null) ;; theme) compadd $(type -f \-antigen-get-themes &> /dev/null || antigen &> /dev/null; -antigen-get-themes 2> /dev/null) ;; list) __list ;; esac } zmodload zsh/datetime ANTIGEN_DEBUG_LOG=${ANTIGEN_DEBUG_LOG:-${ADOTDIR:-$HOME/.antigen}/debug.log} LOG () { local PREFIX="[LOG][${EPOCHREALTIME}]" echo "${PREFIX} ${funcfiletrace[1]}\n${PREFIX} $@" >> $ANTIGEN_DEBUG_LOG } ERR () { local PREFIX="[ERR][${EPOCHREALTIME}]" echo "${PREFIX} ${funcfiletrace[1]}\n${PREFIX} $@" >> $ANTIGEN_DEBUG_LOG } WARN () { local PREFIX="[WRN][${EPOCHREALTIME}]" echo "${PREFIX} ${funcfiletrace[1]}\n${PREFIX} $@" >> $ANTIGEN_DEBUG_LOG } TRACE () { local PREFIX="[TRA][${EPOCHREALTIME}]" echo "${PREFIX} ${funcfiletrace[1]}\n${PREFIX} $@\n${PREFIX} ${(j:\n:)funcstack}" >> $ANTIGEN_DEBUG_LOG } -antigen-env-setup