remove unsued stuff

This commit is contained in:
Niccolo Borgioli 2024-11-17 01:08:38 +01:00
parent 117762921f
commit 2494c032a0
5 changed files with 0 additions and 285 deletions
presets/AT Translated Set 2 keyboard

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
"autoload": {
"AT Translated Set 2 keyboard": "Thinkpad X1 Carbon 2Gen"
"macros": {
"keystroke_sleep_ms": 10
"gamepad": {
"joystick": {
"non_linearity": 4,
"pointer_speed": 80,
"left_purpose": "none",
"right_purpose": "none",
"x_scroll_speed": 2,
"y_scroll_speed": 0.5

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
"mapping": {
"1,102,1": "Escape",
"1,107,1": "Escape",
"1,29,1+1,104,1": "KEY_VOLUMEDOWN",
"1,29,1+1,109,1": "KEY_VOLUMEUP",
"1,1,1": "grave"

View File

@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
"Escape": 1,
"1": 2,
"2": 3,
"3": 4,
"4": 5,
"5": 6,
"6": 7,
"7": 8,
"8": 9,
"9": 10,
"0": 11,
"minus": 12,
"equal": 13,
"BackSpace": 14,
"Tab": 15,
"q": 16,
"w": 17,
"e": 18,
"r": 19,
"t": 20,
"y": 21,
"u": 22,
"i": 23,
"o": 24,
"p": 25,
"bracketleft": 26,
"bracketright": 27,
"Return": 28,
"Control_L": 29,
"a": 30,
"s": 31,
"d": 32,
"f": 33,
"g": 34,
"h": 35,
"j": 36,
"k": 37,
"l": 38,
"semicolon": 39,
"apostrophe": 40,
"grave": 41,
"Shift_L": 42,
"backslash": 43,
"z": 44,
"x": 45,
"c": 46,
"v": 47,
"b": 48,
"n": 49,
"m": 50,
"comma": 51,
"period": 52,
"slash": 53,
"Shift_R": 54,
"KP_Multiply": 55,
"Alt_L": 56,
"space": 57,
"Caps_Lock": 58,
"F1": 59,
"F2": 60,
"F3": 61,
"F4": 62,
"F5": 63,
"F6": 64,
"F7": 65,
"F8": 66,
"F9": 67,
"F10": 68,
"Num_Lock": 69,
"Scroll_Lock": 70,
"KP_Home": 71,
"KP_Up": 72,
"KP_Prior": 73,
"KP_Subtract": 74,
"KP_Left": 75,
"KP_Begin": 76,
"KP_Right": 77,
"KP_Add": 78,
"KP_End": 79,
"KP_Down": 80,
"KP_Next": 81,
"KP_Insert": 82,
"KP_Delete": 83,
"ISO_Level3_Shift": 84,
"less": 86,
"F11": 87,
"F12": 88,
"Katakana": 90,
"Hiragana": 91,
"Henkan_Mode": 92,
"Hiragana_Katakana": 93,
"Muhenkan": 94,
"KP_Enter": 96,
"Control_R": 97,
"KP_Divide": 98,
"Print": 210,
"Alt_R": 100,
"Linefeed": 101,
"Home": 102,
"Up": 103,
"Prior": 104,
"Left": 105,
"Right": 106,
"End": 107,
"Down": 108,
"Next": 109,
"Insert": 110,
"Delete": 111,
"XF86AudioMute": 113,
"XF86AudioLowerVolume": 114,
"XF86AudioRaiseVolume": 115,
"XF86PowerOff": 116,
"KP_Equal": 117,
"plusminus": 118,
"Pause": 119,
"XF86LaunchA": 120,
"KP_Decimal": 121,
"Hangul": 122,
"Hangul_Hanja": 123,
"Super_L": 125,
"Super_R": 126,
"Menu": 127,
"Cancel": 223,
"Redo": 182,
"SunProps": 130,
"Undo": 131,
"SunFront": 132,
"XF86Copy": 133,
"XF86Open": 134,
"XF86Paste": 135,
"Find": 136,
"XF86Cut": 137,
"Help": 138,
"XF86MenuKB": 139,
"XF86Calculator": 140,
"XF86Sleep": 142,
"XF86WakeUp": 143,
"XF86Explorer": 144,
"XF86Send": 231,
"XF86Xfer": 147,
"XF86Launch1": 148,
"XF86Launch2": 149,
"XF86WWW": 150,
"XF86DOS": 151,
"XF86ScreenSaver": 152,
"XF86RotateWindows": 153,
"XF86TaskPane": 154,
"XF86Mail": 215,
"XF86Favorites": 156,
"XF86MyComputer": 157,
"XF86Back": 158,
"XF86Forward": 159,
"XF86Eject": 162,
"XF86AudioNext": 163,
"XF86AudioPlay": 207,
"XF86AudioPrev": 165,
"XF86AudioStop": 166,
"XF86AudioRecord": 167,
"XF86AudioRewind": 168,
"XF86Phone": 169,
"XF86Tools": 183,
"XF86HomePage": 172,
"XF86Reload": 173,
"XF86Close": 206,
"XF86ScrollUp": 177,
"XF86ScrollDown": 178,
"parenleft": 179,
"parenright": 180,
"XF86New": 181,
"XF86Launch5": 184,
"XF86Launch6": 185,
"XF86Launch7": 186,
"XF86Launch8": 187,
"XF86Launch9": 188,
"XF86AudioMicMute": 190,
"XF86TouchpadToggle": 191,
"XF86TouchpadOn": 192,
"XF86TouchpadOff": 193,
"Mode_switch": 195,
"NoSymbol": 199,
"XF86AudioPause": 201,
"XF86Launch3": 202,
"XF86Launch4": 203,
"XF86LaunchB": 204,
"XF86Suspend": 205,
"XF86AudioForward": 208,
"XF86WebCam": 212,
"XF86AudioPreset": 213,
"XF86Messenger": 216,
"XF86Search": 217,
"XF86Go": 218,
"XF86Finance": 219,
"XF86Game": 220,
"XF86Shop": 221,
"XF86MonBrightnessDown": 224,
"XF86MonBrightnessUp": 225,
"XF86AudioMedia": 226,
"XF86Display": 227,
"XF86KbdLightOnOff": 228,
"XF86KbdBrightnessDown": 229,
"XF86KbdBrightnessUp": 230,
"XF86Reply": 232,
"XF86MailForward": 233,
"XF86Save": 234,
"XF86Documents": 235,
"XF86Battery": 236,
"XF86Bluetooth": 237,
"XF86WLAN": 238,
"XF86UWB": 239,
"XF86Next_VMode": 241,
"XF86Prev_VMode": 242,
"XF86MonBrightnessCycle": 243,
"XF86WWAN": 246,
"XF86RFKill": 247

View File

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
if exists('g:vscode')
syntax on
set number relativenumber
set noerrorbells
set tabstop=2 softtabstop=2
set shiftwidth=2
set expandtab
set smartindent
set nu
set nowrap
set smartcase
set noswapfile
set nobackup
set undodir=~/.vim/undodir
set undofile
set incsearch
nmap <Space> <Plug>(easymotion-bd-w)
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
function! Cond(cond, ...)
let opts = get(a:000, 0, {})
return a:cond ? opts : extend(opts, { 'on': [], 'for': [] })
Plug 'morhetz/gruvbox', Cond(!exists('g:vscode'))
Plug 'scrooloose/nerdtree', Cond(!exists('g:vscode'))
Plug 'itchyny/lightline.vim', Cond(!exists('g:vscode'))
Plug 'editorconfig/editorconfig-vim', Cond(!exists('g:vscode'))
Plug 'asvetliakov/vim-easymotion', Cond(exists('g:vscode'), { 'as': 'vsc-easymotion' })
Plug 'easymotion/vim-easymotion', Cond(!exists('g:vscode'))
Plug 'tpope/vim-surround'
call plug#end()

View File

@ -8,13 +8,8 @@
- link:
~/.gitconfig: files/git/gitconfig
~/.vim: files/vim
~/.vimrc: files/vimrc
~/.config/nvim: files/nvim
~/.config/fish: files/fish
~/.config/key-mapper: files/key-mapper
~/.config/omp: files/omp
~/.zshrc: files/zsh/.zshrc
~/.antigen.zsh: files/zsh/.antigen.zsh
~/.gitignore_global: files/git/gitignore_global
~/.tmux.conf: files/tmux.conf