import { setOutput } from '@actions/core' // Fetch the current versions from the download page const URL = `` const html = await fetch(URL).then((r) => r.text()) // Find all the downloadable versions const re = /"\/download\/nginx-(\d+\.){3}tar\.gz"/g const matches = html.match(re) // Clean up the matches to semver format const clean = (match) => match.replace(/"/g, '').replace('/download/nginx-', '').replace('.tar.gz', '') const versions = // Map the docker tags to the versions const tagsMap = Object.fromEntries( => [v, v])) // Add the mainline, stable and latests tags tagsMap['latest'] = versions[0] tagsMap['mainline'] = versions[0] tagsMap['stable'] = versions[1] // Export as github action matrix // const githubActionMatrix = { include: Object.entries(tagsMap).map(([tag, version]) => ({ tag, version })), } setOutput('matrix', githubActionMatrix)