import Cloudflare from 'cloudflare' import Axios from 'axios' import { CronJob } from 'cron' import { config } from 'dotenv' import winston from 'winston' const logger = winston.createLogger({ level: 'info', transports: [ new winston.transports.Console({ format: winston.format.combine(winston.format.timestamp(), winston.format.colorize(), winston.format.simple()), }), ], }) const Cache = new Map() async function getCurrentIp(resolver?: string): Promise { const { data } = await Axios({ url: resolver || '', method: 'GET', }) return data as string } function checkIfUpdateIsRequired(newIP: string): boolean { // Check if IP has changed. const current = Cache.get('ip') if (newIP !== current) { Cache.set('ip', newIP) return true } return false } type DNSRecord = { zone: string record: string ip: string } async function update(cf: Cloudflare, options: DNSRecord) { // Find zone if (!Cache.has('zone')) { logger.debug('Fetching zone') const zones: { result: { id: string; name: string }[] } = (await cf.zones.browse()) as any const zone = zones.result.find((z) => === if (!zone) { logger.error(`Zone "${}"" not found`) process.exit(1) } Cache.set('zone', } const zoneId = Cache.get('zone')! logger.debug(`Zone ID: ${zoneId}`) // Set record const records: { result: { id: string; type: string; name: string; ttl: number }[] } = (await cf.dnsRecords.browse( zoneId )) as any const relevant = records.result.filter((r) => === options.record && r.type === 'A') if (relevant.length === 0) { // Create DNS Record logger.debug('Creating DNS record') await cf.dnsRecords.add(zoneId, { type: 'A', name: options.record, content: options.ip, ttl: 1, }) } else { if (relevant.length > 1) { // Delete other records as they cannot all point to the same IP logger.debug('Deleting other DNS records') for (const record of relevant.slice(1)) { await cf.dnsRecords.del(zoneId, } } // Update DNS Record logger.debug('Updating DNS record') const record = relevant[0]! await cf.dnsRecords.edit(zoneId,, { type: 'A', name: options.record, content: options.ip, ttl: record.ttl, })`Updated DNS record ${}`) } } async function main() { config() const { EMAIL, KEY, TOKEN, ZONE, DNS_RECORD, CRON, RESOLVER } = process.env if (!ZONE || !DNS_RECORD) { logger.error('Missing environment variables') process.exit(1) } // Initialize Cloudflare const cf = new Cloudflare(TOKEN ? { token: TOKEN } : { email: EMAIL, key: KEY }) async function fn() { const ip = await getCurrentIp(RESOLVER) const changed = checkIfUpdateIsRequired(ip)`Running. Update required: ${!!changed}`) if (changed) await update(cf, { ip, record: DNS_RECORD!, zone: ZONE! }).catch((e) => logger.error(e.message)) } new CronJob(CRON || '*/5 * * * *', fn, null, true, undefined, null, true)'Started service.') } main()