#!/usr/bin/env node import { Argument, Option, program } from '@commander-js/extra-typings' import { setBase, status } from '@cryptgeon/shared' import prettyBytes from 'pretty-bytes' import { download } from './download.js' import { parseFile, parseNumber } from './parsers.js' import { uploadFiles, uploadText } from './upload.js' import { exit } from './utils.js' const defaultServer = process.env['CRYPTGEON_SERVER'] || 'https://cryptgeon.org' const server = new Option('-s --server ', 'the cryptgeon server to use').default(defaultServer) const files = new Argument('', 'Files to be sent').argParser(parseFile) const text = new Argument('', 'Text content of the note') const password = new Option('-p --password ', 'manually set a password') const url = new Argument('', 'The url to open') const views = new Option('-v --views ', 'Amount of views before getting destroyed').argParser(parseNumber) const minutes = new Option('-m --minutes ', 'Minutes before the note expires').argParser(parseNumber) // Node 18 guard parseInt(process.version.slice(1).split(',')[0]) < 18 && exit('Node 18 or higher is required') // @ts-ignore const version: string = VERSION async function checkConstrains(constrains: { views?: number; minutes?: number }) { const { views, minutes } = constrains if (views && minutes) exit('cannot set view and minutes constrains simultaneously') if (!views && !minutes) constrains.views = 1 const response = await status() if (views && views > response.max_views) exit(`Only a maximum of ${response.max_views} views allowed. ${views} given.`) if (minutes && minutes > response.max_expiration) exit(`Only a maximum of ${response.max_expiration} minutes allowed. ${minutes} given.`) } program.name('cryptgeon').version(version).configureHelp({ showGlobalOptions: true }) program .command('info') .addOption(server) .action(async (options) => { setBase(options.server) const response = await status() const formatted = { ...response, max_size: prettyBytes(response.max_size), } for (const key of Object.keys(formatted)) { if (key.startsWith('theme_')) delete formatted[key as keyof typeof formatted] } console.table(formatted) }) const send = program.command('send') send .command('file') .addArgument(files) .addOption(server) .addOption(views) .addOption(minutes) .action(async (files, options) => { setBase(options.server!) await checkConstrains(options) await uploadFiles(files, { views: options.views, expiration: options.minutes }) }) send .command('text') .addArgument(text) .addOption(server) .addOption(views) .addOption(minutes) .action(async (text, options) => { setBase(options.server!) await checkConstrains(options) await uploadText(text, { views: options.views, expiration: options.minutes }) }) program .command('open') .addArgument(url) .action(async (note, options) => { try { const url = new URL(note) await download(url) } catch { exit('Invalid URL') } }) program.parse()