import { readFile, stat } from 'node:fs/promises' import { basename } from 'node:path' import { Adapters, BASE, create, FileDTO, Note, NoteMeta } from '@cryptgeon/shared' import mime from 'mime' import { AES, Hex, TypedArray } from 'occulto' import { exit } from './utils.js' type UploadOptions = Pick & { password?: string } export async function upload(input: string | string[], options: UploadOptions) { try { const { password, ...noteOptions } = options const derived = options.password ? await AES.derive(options.password) : undefined const key = derived ? derived[0] : await AES.generateKey() let contents: string let type: NoteMeta['type'] if (typeof input === 'string') { contents = await Adapters.Text.encrypt(input, key) type = 'text' } else { const files: FileDTO[] = await Promise.all( (path) => { const data = new Uint8Array(await readFile(path)) const stats = await stat(path) const extension = path.substring(path.indexOf('.') + 1) const type = mime.getType(extension) ?? 'application/octet-stream' return { name: basename(path), size: stats.size, contents: data, type, } satisfies FileDTO }) ) contents = await Adapters.Files.encrypt(files, key) type = 'file' } // Create the actual note and upload it. const note: Note = { ...noteOptions, contents, meta: { type, derivation: derived?.[1] } } const result = await create(note) let url = `${BASE}/note/${}` if (!derived) url += `#${Hex.encode(key)}` console.log(`Note created:\n\n${url}`) } catch { exit('Could not create note') } }