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Cryptgeon - Securely share self-destructing notes | Product Hunt

EN | [简体中文](README_zh-CN.md) | [ES](README_ES.md) ## About? _cryptgeon_ is a secure, open source sharing note or file service inspired by [_PrivNote_](https://privnote.com). It includes a server, a web page and a CLI client. > 🌍 If you want to translate the project feel free to reach out to me. > > Thanks to [Lokalise](https://lokalise.com/) for providing free access to their platform. ## Live Service / Demo ### Web Check out the live service / demo and see for yourself [cryptgeon.org](https://cryptgeon.org) ### CLI ``` npx cryptgeon send text "This is a secret note" ``` For more documentation about the CLI see the [readme](./packages/cli/README.md). ### Raycast Extension There is an [official Raycast extension](https://www.raycast.com/cupcakearmy/cryptgeon). ## Features - send text or files - server cannot decrypt contents due to client side encryption - view or time constraints - in memory, no persistence - obligatory dark mode support ## How does it work? each note has a generated id (256bit) and key 256(bit). The id is used to save & retrieve the note. the note is then encrypted with aes in gcm mode on the client side with the key and then sent to the server. data is stored in memory and never persisted to disk. the server never sees the encryption key and cannot decrypt the contents of the notes even if it tried to. > View counts are guaranteed with one running instance of cryptgeon. Multiple instances connected to the same Redis instance can run into race conditions, where a note might be retrieved more than the view count allows. ## Screenshot ![screenshot](./design/Screens.png) ## Environment Variables | Variable | Default | Description | | ----------------------- | ---------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `REDIS` | `redis://redis/` | Redis URL to connect to. [According to format](https://docs.rs/redis/latest/redis/#connection-parameters) | | `SIZE_LIMIT` | `1 KiB` | Max size for body. Accepted values according to [byte-unit](https://docs.rs/byte-unit/).
`512 MiB` is the maximum allowed.
The frontend will show that number including the ~35% encoding overhead. | | `MAX_VIEWS` | `100` | Maximal number of views. | | `MAX_EXPIRATION` | `360` | Maximal expiration in minutes. | | `ALLOW_ADVANCED` | `true` | Allow custom configuration. If set to `false` all notes will be one view only. | | `ALLOW_FILES` | `true` | Allow uploading files. If set to `false`, users will only be allowed to create text notes. | | `ID_LENGTH` | `32` | Set the size of the note `id` in bytes. By default this is `32` bytes. This is useful for reducing link size. _This setting does not affect encryption strength_. | | `VERBOSITY` | `warn` | Verbosity level for the backend. [Possible values](https://docs.rs/env_logger/latest/env_logger/#enabling-logging) are: `error`, `warn`, `info`, `debug`, `trace` | | `THEME_IMAGE` | `""` | Custom image for replacing the logo. Must be publicly reachable | | `THEME_TEXT` | `""` | Custom text for replacing the description below the logo | | `THEME_PAGE_TITLE` | `""` | Custom text the page title | | `THEME_FAVICON` | `""` | Custom url for the favicon. Must be publicly reachable | | `THEME_NEW_NOTE_NOTICE` | `true` | Show the message about how notes are stored in the memory and may be evicted after creating a new note. Defaults to `true`. | | `IMPRINT_URL` | `""` | Custom url for an Imprint hosted somewhere else. Must be publicly reachable. Takes precedence above `IMPRINT_HTML`. | | `IMPRINT_HTML` | `""` | Alternative to `IMPRINT_URL`, this can be used to specify the HTML code to show on `/imprint`. Only `IMPRINT_HTML` or `IMPRINT_URL` should be specified, not both.| ## Deployment > ℹ️ `https` is required otherwise browsers will not support the cryptographic functions. > ℹ️ There is a health endpoint available at `/api/health/`. It returns either 200 or 503. ### Docker Docker is the easiest way. There is the [official image here](https://hub.docker.com/r/cupcakearmy/cryptgeon). ```yaml # docker-compose.yml version: '3.8' services: redis: image: redis:7-alpine # This is required to stay in RAM only. command: redis-server --save "" --appendonly no # Additionally, you can set a size limit. See link below on how to customise. # https://redis.io/docs/manual/eviction/ # --maxmemory 1gb --maxmemory-policy allkeys-lru app: image: cupcakearmy/cryptgeon:latest depends_on: - redis environment: # Size limit for a single note. SIZE_LIMIT: 4 MiB ports: - 80:8000 # Optional health checks # healthcheck: # test: ["CMD", "curl", "--fail", ""] # interval: 1m # timeout: 3s # retries: 2 # start_period: 5s ``` ### NGINX Proxy See the [examples/nginx](https://github.com/cupcakearmy/cryptgeon/tree/main/examples/nginx) folder. There an example with a simple proxy, and one with https. You need to specify the server names and certificates. ### Traefik 2 See the [examples/traefik](https://github.com/cupcakearmy/cryptgeon/tree/main/examples/traefik) folder. ### Scratch See the [examples/scratch](https://github.com/cupcakearmy/cryptgeon/tree/main/examples/scratch) folder. There you'll find a guide how to setup a server and install cryptgeon from scratch. ### Synology There is a [guide](https://mariushosting.com/how-to-install-cryptgeon-on-your-synology-nas/) you can follow. ### YouTube Guides - English by [Webnestify](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAyD42I7wyI) - English by [DB Tech](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0jx7wpOfNM) [Previous Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhpIatD06vE) - German by [ApfelCast](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84ZMbE9AkHg) ### Written Guides - French by [zarevskaya](https://belginux.com/installer-cryptgeon-avec-docker/) - Italian by [@nicfab](https://notes.nicfab.eu/it/posts/cryptgeon/) - English by [@nicfab](https://notes.nicfab.eu/en/posts/cryptgeon/) ## Development **Requirements** - `pnpm`: `>=9` - `node`: `>=22` - `rust`: edition `2021` **Install** ```bash pnpm install # Also you need cargo watch if you don't already have it installed. # https://lib.rs/crates/cargo-watch cargo install cargo-watch ``` **Run** Make sure you have docker running. ```bash pnpm run dev ``` Running `pnpm run dev` in the root folder will start the following things: - redis docker container - rust backend - client - cli You can see the app under [localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000). > There is a Postman collection with some example requests [available in the repo](./Cryptgeon.postman_collection.json) ### Tests Tests are end to end tests written with Playwright. ```sh pnpm run test:prepare # Use the test or test:local script. The local version only runs in one browser for quicker development. pnpm run test:local ``` ## Security Please refer to the security section [here](./SECURITY.md). --- _Attributions_ - Test data: - Text for tests [Nietzsche Ipsum](https://nietzsche-ipsum.com/) - [AES Paper](https://www.cs.miami.edu/home/burt/learning/Csc688.012/rijndael/rijndael_doc_V2.pdf) - [Unsplash Pictures](https://unsplash.com/) - Loading animation by [Nikhil Krishnan](https://codepen.io/nikhil8krishnan/pen/rVoXJa) - Icons made by freepik from www.flaticon.com