
3653 lines
160 KiB

use App\Enums\ApplicationDeploymentStatus;
use App\Enums\ProxyTypes;
use App\Jobs\ServerFilesFromServerJob;
use App\Models\Application;
use App\Models\ApplicationDeploymentQueue;
use App\Models\ApplicationPreview;
use App\Models\EnvironmentVariable;
use App\Models\InstanceSettings;
use App\Models\LocalFileVolume;
use App\Models\LocalPersistentVolume;
use App\Models\Server;
use App\Models\Service;
use App\Models\ServiceApplication;
use App\Models\ServiceDatabase;
use App\Models\StandaloneClickhouse;
use App\Models\StandaloneDragonfly;
use App\Models\StandaloneKeydb;
use App\Models\StandaloneMariadb;
use App\Models\StandaloneMongodb;
use App\Models\StandaloneMysql;
use App\Models\StandalonePostgresql;
use App\Models\StandaloneRedis;
use App\Models\Team;
use App\Models\User;
use App\Notifications\Channels\DiscordChannel;
use App\Notifications\Channels\EmailChannel;
use App\Notifications\Channels\TelegramChannel;
use App\Notifications\Internal\GeneralNotification;
use DanHarrin\LivewireRateLimiting\Exceptions\TooManyRequestsException;
use Illuminate\Database\UniqueConstraintViolationException;
use Illuminate\Mail\Message;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Messages\MailMessage;
use Illuminate\Process\Pool;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\File;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Process;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Illuminate\Support\Stringable;
use Lcobucci\JWT\Encoding\ChainedFormatter;
use Lcobucci\JWT\Encoding\JoseEncoder;
use Lcobucci\JWT\Signer\Hmac\Sha256;
use Lcobucci\JWT\Signer\Key\InMemory;
use Lcobucci\JWT\Token\Builder;
use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC;
use phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA;
use Poliander\Cron\CronExpression;
use PurplePixie\PhpDns\DNSQuery;
use Spatie\Url\Url;
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml;
use Visus\Cuid2\Cuid2;
function base_configuration_dir(): string
return '/data/coolify';
function application_configuration_dir(): string
return base_configuration_dir().'/applications';
function service_configuration_dir(): string
return base_configuration_dir().'/services';
function database_configuration_dir(): string
return base_configuration_dir().'/databases';
function database_proxy_dir($uuid): string
return base_configuration_dir()."/databases/$uuid/proxy";
function backup_dir(): string
return base_configuration_dir().'/backups';
function metrics_dir(): string
return base_configuration_dir().'/metrics';
function generate_readme_file(string $name, string $updated_at): string
return "Resource name: $name\nLatest Deployment Date: $updated_at";
function isInstanceAdmin()
return auth()?->user()?->isInstanceAdmin() ?? false;
function currentTeam()
return auth()?->user()?->currentTeam() ?? null;
function showBoarding(): bool
if (auth()->user()?->isMember()) {
return false;
return currentTeam()->show_boarding ?? false;
function refreshSession(?Team $team = null): void
if (! $team) {
if (auth()->user()?->currentTeam()) {
$team = Team::find(auth()->user()->currentTeam()->id);
} else {
$team = User::find(auth()->user()->id)->teams->first();
Cache::remember('team:'.auth()->user()->id, 3600, function () use ($team) {
return $team;
session(['currentTeam' => $team]);
function handleError(?Throwable $error = null, ?Livewire\Component $livewire = null, ?string $customErrorMessage = null)
if ($error instanceof TooManyRequestsException) {
if (isset($livewire)) {
return $livewire->dispatch('error', "Too many requests. Please try again in {$error->secondsUntilAvailable} seconds.");
return "Too many requests. Please try again in {$error->secondsUntilAvailable} seconds.";
if ($error instanceof UniqueConstraintViolationException) {
if (isset($livewire)) {
return $livewire->dispatch('error', 'Duplicate entry found. Please use a different name.');
return 'Duplicate entry found. Please use a different name.';
if ($error instanceof Throwable) {
$message = $error->getMessage();
} else {
$message = null;
if ($customErrorMessage) {
$message = $customErrorMessage.' '.$message;
if (isset($livewire)) {
return $livewire->dispatch('error', $message);
throw new Exception($message);
function get_route_parameters(): array
return Route::current()->parameters();
function get_latest_sentinel_version(): string
try {
$response = Http::get('');
$versions = $response->json();
return data_get($versions, 'sentinel.version');
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
//throw $e;
return '0.0.0';
function get_latest_version_of_coolify(): string
try {
$versions = File::get(base_path('versions.json'));
$versions = json_decode($versions, true);
return data_get($versions, 'coolify.v4.version');
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
return '0.0.0';
function generate_random_name(?string $cuid = null): string
$generator = new \Nubs\RandomNameGenerator\All(
new \Nubs\RandomNameGenerator\Alliteration,
if (is_null($cuid)) {
$cuid = new Cuid2;
return Str::kebab("{$generator->getName()}-$cuid");
function generateSSHKey(string $type = 'rsa')
if ($type === 'rsa') {
$key = RSA::createKey();
return [
'private' => $key->toString('PKCS1'),
'public' => $key->getPublicKey()->toString('OpenSSH', ['comment' => 'coolify-generated-ssh-key']),
} elseif ($type === 'ed25519') {
$key = EC::createKey('Ed25519');
return [
'private' => $key->toString('OpenSSH'),
'public' => $key->getPublicKey()->toString('OpenSSH', ['comment' => 'coolify-generated-ssh-key']),
throw new Exception('Invalid key type');
function formatPrivateKey(string $privateKey)
$privateKey = trim($privateKey);
if (! str_ends_with($privateKey, "\n")) {
$privateKey .= "\n";
return $privateKey;
function generate_application_name(string $git_repository, string $git_branch, ?string $cuid = null): string
if (is_null($cuid)) {
$cuid = new Cuid2;
return Str::kebab("$git_repository:$git_branch-$cuid");
function is_transactional_emails_active(): bool
return isEmailEnabled(\App\Models\InstanceSettings::get());
function set_transanctional_email_settings(?InstanceSettings $settings = null): ?string
if (! $settings) {
$settings = \App\Models\InstanceSettings::get();
config()->set('mail.from.address', data_get($settings, 'smtp_from_address'));
config()->set('', data_get($settings, 'smtp_from_name'));
if (data_get($settings, 'resend_enabled')) {
config()->set('mail.default', 'resend');
config()->set('resend.api_key', data_get($settings, 'resend_api_key'));
return 'resend';
if (data_get($settings, 'smtp_enabled')) {
config()->set('mail.default', 'smtp');
config()->set('mail.mailers.smtp', [
'transport' => 'smtp',
'host' => data_get($settings, 'smtp_host'),
'port' => data_get($settings, 'smtp_port'),
'encryption' => data_get($settings, 'smtp_encryption'),
'username' => data_get($settings, 'smtp_username'),
'password' => data_get($settings, 'smtp_password'),
'timeout' => data_get($settings, 'smtp_timeout'),
'local_domain' => null,
return 'smtp';
return null;
function base_ip(): string
if (isDev()) {
return 'localhost';
$settings = \App\Models\InstanceSettings::get();
if ($settings->public_ipv4) {
return "$settings->public_ipv4";
if ($settings->public_ipv6) {
return "$settings->public_ipv6";
return 'localhost';
function getFqdnWithoutPort(string $fqdn)
try {
$url = Url::fromString($fqdn);
$host = $url->getHost();
$scheme = $url->getScheme();
$path = $url->getPath();
return "$scheme://$host$path";
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
return $fqdn;
* If fqdn is set, return it, otherwise return public ip.
function base_url(bool $withPort = true): string
$settings = \App\Models\InstanceSettings::get();
if ($settings->fqdn) {
return $settings->fqdn;
$port = config('app.port');
if ($settings->public_ipv4) {
if ($withPort) {
if (isDev()) {
return "http://localhost:$port";
return "http://$settings->public_ipv4:$port";
if (isDev()) {
return 'http://localhost';
return "http://$settings->public_ipv4";
if ($settings->public_ipv6) {
if ($withPort) {
return "http://$settings->public_ipv6:$port";
return "http://$settings->public_ipv6";
return url('/');
function isSubscribed()
return isSubscriptionActive() || auth()->user()->isInstanceAdmin();
function isDev(): bool
return config('app.env') === 'local';
function isCloud(): bool
return ! config('coolify.self_hosted');
function translate_cron_expression($expression_to_validate): string
if (isset(VALID_CRON_STRINGS[$expression_to_validate])) {
return VALID_CRON_STRINGS[$expression_to_validate];
return $expression_to_validate;
function validate_cron_expression($expression_to_validate): bool
$isValid = false;
$expression = new CronExpression($expression_to_validate);
$isValid = $expression->isValid();
if (isset(VALID_CRON_STRINGS[$expression_to_validate])) {
$isValid = true;
return $isValid;
function send_internal_notification(string $message): void
try {
$team = Team::find(0);
$team?->notify(new GeneralNotification($message));
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
function send_user_an_email(MailMessage $mail, string $email, ?string $cc = null): void
$settings = \App\Models\InstanceSettings::get();
$type = set_transanctional_email_settings($settings);
if (! $type) {
throw new Exception('No email settings found.');
if ($cc) {
fn (Message $message) => $message
->html((string) $mail->render())
} else {
fn (Message $message) => $message
->html((string) $mail->render())
function isTestEmailEnabled($notifiable)
if (data_get($notifiable, 'use_instance_email_settings') && isInstanceAdmin()) {
return true;
} elseif (data_get($notifiable, 'smtp_enabled') || data_get($notifiable, 'resend_enabled') && auth()->user()->isAdminFromSession()) {
return true;
return false;
function isEmailEnabled($notifiable)
return data_get($notifiable, 'smtp_enabled') || data_get($notifiable, 'resend_enabled') || data_get($notifiable, 'use_instance_email_settings');
function setNotificationChannels($notifiable, $event)
$channels = [];
$isEmailEnabled = isEmailEnabled($notifiable);
$isDiscordEnabled = data_get($notifiable, 'discord_enabled');
$isTelegramEnabled = data_get($notifiable, 'telegram_enabled');
$isSubscribedToEmailEvent = data_get($notifiable, "smtp_notifications_$event");
$isSubscribedToDiscordEvent = data_get($notifiable, "discord_notifications_$event");
$isSubscribedToTelegramEvent = data_get($notifiable, "telegram_notifications_$event");
if ($isDiscordEnabled && $isSubscribedToDiscordEvent) {
$channels[] = DiscordChannel::class;
if ($isEmailEnabled && $isSubscribedToEmailEvent) {
$channels[] = EmailChannel::class;
if ($isTelegramEnabled && $isSubscribedToTelegramEvent) {
$channels[] = TelegramChannel::class;
return $channels;
function parseEnvFormatToArray($env_file_contents)
$env_array = [];
$lines = explode("\n", $env_file_contents);
foreach ($lines as $line) {
if ($line === '' || substr($line, 0, 1) === '#') {
$equals_pos = strpos($line, '=');
if ($equals_pos !== false) {
$key = substr($line, 0, $equals_pos);
$value = substr($line, $equals_pos + 1);
if (substr($value, 0, 1) === '"' && substr($value, -1) === '"') {
$value = substr($value, 1, -1);
} elseif (substr($value, 0, 1) === "'" && substr($value, -1) === "'") {
$value = substr($value, 1, -1);
$env_array[$key] = $value;
return $env_array;
function data_get_str($data, $key, $default = null): Stringable
$str = data_get($data, $key, $default) ?? $default;
return str($str);
function generateFqdn(Server $server, string $random): string
$wildcard = data_get($server, 'settings.wildcard_domain');
if (is_null($wildcard) || $wildcard === '') {
$wildcard = sslip($server);
$url = Url::fromString($wildcard);
$host = $url->getHost();
$path = $url->getPath() === '/' ? '' : $url->getPath();
$scheme = $url->getScheme();
$finalFqdn = "$scheme://{$random}.$host$path";
return $finalFqdn;
function sslip(Server $server)
if (isDev() && $server->id === 0) {
return '';
if ($server->ip === 'host.docker.internal') {
$baseIp = base_ip();
return "http://$";
return "http://{$server->ip}";
function get_service_templates(bool $force = false): Collection
if ($force) {
try {
$response = Http::retry(3, 1000)->get(config(''));
if ($response->failed()) {
return collect([]);
$services = $response->json();
return collect($services);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
$services = File::get(base_path('templates/service-templates.json'));
return collect(json_decode($services))->sortKeys();
} else {
$services = File::get(base_path('templates/service-templates.json'));
return collect(json_decode($services))->sortKeys();
function getResourceByUuid(string $uuid, ?int $teamId = null)
if (is_null($teamId)) {
return null;
$resource = queryResourcesByUuid($uuid);
if (! is_null($resource) && $resource->environment->project->team_id === $teamId) {
return $resource;
return null;
function queryDatabaseByUuidWithinTeam(string $uuid, string $teamId)
$postgresql = StandalonePostgresql::whereUuid($uuid)->first();
if ($postgresql && $postgresql->team()->id == $teamId) {
return $postgresql->unsetRelation('environment')->unsetRelation('destination');
$redis = StandaloneRedis::whereUuid($uuid)->first();
if ($redis && $redis->team()->id == $teamId) {
return $redis->unsetRelation('environment');
$mongodb = StandaloneMongodb::whereUuid($uuid)->first();
if ($mongodb && $mongodb->team()->id == $teamId) {
return $mongodb->unsetRelation('environment');
$mysql = StandaloneMysql::whereUuid($uuid)->first();
if ($mysql && $mysql->team()->id == $teamId) {
return $mysql->unsetRelation('environment');
$mariadb = StandaloneMariadb::whereUuid($uuid)->first();
if ($mariadb && $mariadb->team()->id == $teamId) {
return $mariadb->unsetRelation('environment');
$keydb = StandaloneKeydb::whereUuid($uuid)->first();
if ($keydb && $keydb->team()->id == $teamId) {
return $keydb->unsetRelation('environment');
$dragonfly = StandaloneDragonfly::whereUuid($uuid)->first();
if ($dragonfly && $dragonfly->team()->id == $teamId) {
return $dragonfly->unsetRelation('environment');
$clickhouse = StandaloneClickhouse::whereUuid($uuid)->first();
if ($clickhouse && $clickhouse->team()->id == $teamId) {
return $clickhouse->unsetRelation('environment');
return null;
function queryResourcesByUuid(string $uuid)
$resource = null;
$application = Application::whereUuid($uuid)->first();
if ($application) {
return $application;
$service = Service::whereUuid($uuid)->first();
if ($service) {
return $service;
$postgresql = StandalonePostgresql::whereUuid($uuid)->first();
if ($postgresql) {
return $postgresql;
$redis = StandaloneRedis::whereUuid($uuid)->first();
if ($redis) {
return $redis;
$mongodb = StandaloneMongodb::whereUuid($uuid)->first();
if ($mongodb) {
return $mongodb;
$mysql = StandaloneMysql::whereUuid($uuid)->first();
if ($mysql) {
return $mysql;
$mariadb = StandaloneMariadb::whereUuid($uuid)->first();
if ($mariadb) {
return $mariadb;
$keydb = StandaloneKeydb::whereUuid($uuid)->first();
if ($keydb) {
return $keydb;
$dragonfly = StandaloneDragonfly::whereUuid($uuid)->first();
if ($dragonfly) {
return $dragonfly;
$clickhouse = StandaloneClickhouse::whereUuid($uuid)->first();
if ($clickhouse) {
return $clickhouse;
return $resource;
function generatTagDeployWebhook($tag_name)
$baseUrl = base_url();
$api = Url::fromString($baseUrl).'/api/v1';
$endpoint = "/deploy?tag=$tag_name";
$url = $api.$endpoint;
return $url;
function generateDeployWebhook($resource)
$baseUrl = base_url();
$api = Url::fromString($baseUrl).'/api/v1';
$endpoint = '/deploy';
$uuid = data_get($resource, 'uuid');
$url = $api.$endpoint."?uuid=$uuid&force=false";
return $url;
function generateGitManualWebhook($resource, $type)
if ($resource->source_id !== 0 && ! is_null($resource->source_id)) {
return null;
if ($resource->getMorphClass() === 'App\Models\Application') {
$baseUrl = base_url();
$api = Url::fromString($baseUrl)."/webhooks/source/$type/events/manual";
return $api;
return null;
function removeAnsiColors($text)
return preg_replace('/\e[[][A-Za-z0-9];?[0-9]*m?/', '', $text);
function getTopLevelNetworks(Service|Application $resource)
if ($resource->getMorphClass() === 'App\Models\Service') {
if ($resource->docker_compose_raw) {
try {
$yaml = Yaml::parse($resource->docker_compose_raw);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new \Exception($e->getMessage());
$services = data_get($yaml, 'services');
$topLevelNetworks = collect(data_get($yaml, 'networks', []));
$definedNetwork = collect([$resource->uuid]);
$services = collect($services)->map(function ($service, $_) use ($topLevelNetworks, $definedNetwork) {
$serviceNetworks = collect(data_get($service, 'networks', []));
$hasHostNetworkMode = data_get($service, 'network_mode') === 'host' ? true : false;
// Only add 'networks' key if 'network_mode' is not 'host'
if (! $hasHostNetworkMode) {
// Collect/create/update networks
if ($serviceNetworks->count() > 0) {
foreach ($serviceNetworks as $networkName => $networkDetails) {
if ($networkName === 'default') {
// ignore alias
if ($networkDetails['aliases'] ?? false) {
$networkExists = $topLevelNetworks->contains(function ($value, $key) use ($networkName) {
return $value == $networkName || $key == $networkName;
if (! $networkExists) {
$topLevelNetworks->put($networkDetails, null);
$definedNetworkExists = $topLevelNetworks->contains(function ($value, $_) use ($definedNetwork) {
return $value == $definedNetwork;
if (! $definedNetworkExists) {
foreach ($definedNetwork as $network) {
$topLevelNetworks->put($network, [
'name' => $network,
'external' => true,
return $service;
return $topLevelNetworks->keys();
} elseif ($resource->getMorphClass() === 'App\Models\Application') {
try {
$yaml = Yaml::parse($resource->docker_compose_raw);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new \Exception($e->getMessage());
$server = $resource->destination->server;
$topLevelNetworks = collect(data_get($yaml, 'networks', []));
$services = data_get($yaml, 'services');
$definedNetwork = collect([$resource->uuid]);
$services = collect($services)->map(function ($service, $_) use ($topLevelNetworks, $definedNetwork) {
$serviceNetworks = collect(data_get($service, 'networks', []));
// Collect/create/update networks
if ($serviceNetworks->count() > 0) {
foreach ($serviceNetworks as $networkName => $networkDetails) {
if ($networkName === 'default') {
// ignore alias
if ($networkDetails['aliases'] ?? false) {
$networkExists = $topLevelNetworks->contains(function ($value, $key) use ($networkName) {
return $value == $networkName || $key == $networkName;
if (! $networkExists) {
$topLevelNetworks->put($networkDetails, null);
$definedNetworkExists = $topLevelNetworks->contains(function ($value, $_) use ($definedNetwork) {
return $value == $definedNetwork;
if (! $definedNetworkExists) {
foreach ($definedNetwork as $network) {
$topLevelNetworks->put($network, [
'name' => $network,
'external' => true,
return $service;
return $topLevelNetworks->keys();
function sourceIsLocal(Stringable $source)
if ($source->startsWith('./') || $source->startsWith('/') || $source->startsWith('~') || $source->startsWith('..') || $source->startsWith('~/') || $source->startsWith('../')) {
return true;
return false;
function replaceLocalSource(Stringable $source, Stringable $replacedWith)
if ($source->startsWith('.')) {
$source = $source->replaceFirst('.', $replacedWith->value());
if ($source->startsWith('~')) {
$source = $source->replaceFirst('~', $replacedWith->value());
if ($source->startsWith('..')) {
$source = $source->replaceFirst('..', $replacedWith->value());
if ($source->endsWith('/')) {
$source = $source->replaceLast('/', '');
return $source;
function convertToArray($collection)
if ($collection instanceof Collection) {
return $collection->map(function ($item) {
return convertToArray($item);
} elseif ($collection instanceof Stringable) {
return (string) $collection;
} elseif (is_array($collection)) {
return array_map(function ($item) {
return convertToArray($item);
}, $collection);
return $collection;
function parseEnvVariable(Str|string $value)
$value = str($value);
$count = substr_count($value->value(), '_');
$command = null;
$forService = null;
$generatedValue = null;
$port = null;
if ($value->startsWith('SERVICE')) {
if ($count === 2) {
if ($value->startsWith('SERVICE_FQDN') || $value->startsWith('SERVICE_URL')) {
$command = $value->after('SERVICE_')->beforeLast('_');
$forService = $value->afterLast('_');
} else {
$command = $value->after('SERVICE_')->beforeLast('_');
if ($count === 3) {
if ($value->startsWith('SERVICE_FQDN') || $value->startsWith('SERVICE_URL')) {
$command = $value->after('SERVICE_')->before('_');
$forService = $value->after('SERVICE_')->after('_')->before('_');
$port = $value->afterLast('_');
if (filter_var($port, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) === false) {
$port = null;
} else {
$command = $value->after('SERVICE_')->beforeLast('_');
return [
'command' => $command,
'forService' => $forService,
'generatedValue' => $generatedValue,
'port' => $port,
function generateEnvValue(string $command, Service|Application|null $service = null)
switch ($command) {
case 'PASSWORD':
$generatedValue = Str::password(symbols: false);
case 'PASSWORD_64':
$generatedValue = Str::password(length: 64, symbols: false);
// This is not base64, it's just a random string
case 'BASE64_64':
$generatedValue = Str::random(64);
case 'BASE64_128':
$generatedValue = Str::random(128);
case 'BASE64':
case 'BASE64_32':
$generatedValue = Str::random(32);
// This is base64,
case 'REALBASE64_64':
$generatedValue = base64_encode(Str::random(64));
case 'REALBASE64_128':
$generatedValue = base64_encode(Str::random(128));
case 'REALBASE64':
case 'REALBASE64_32':
$generatedValue = base64_encode(Str::random(32));
case 'USER':
$generatedValue = Str::random(16);
$signingKey = $service->environment_variables()->where('key', 'SERVICE_PASSWORD_JWT')->first();
if (is_null($signingKey)) {
} else {
$signingKey = $signingKey->value;
$key = InMemory::plainText($signingKey);
$algorithm = new Sha256;
$tokenBuilder = (new Builder(new JoseEncoder, ChainedFormatter::default()));
$now = new DateTimeImmutable;
$now = $now->setTime($now->format('H'), $now->format('i'));
$token = $tokenBuilder
->expiresAt($now->modify('+100 year'))
->withClaim('role', 'anon')
->getToken($algorithm, $key);
$generatedValue = $token->toString();
$signingKey = $service->environment_variables()->where('key', 'SERVICE_PASSWORD_JWT')->first();
if (is_null($signingKey)) {
} else {
$signingKey = $signingKey->value;
$key = InMemory::plainText($signingKey);
$algorithm = new Sha256;
$tokenBuilder = (new Builder(new JoseEncoder, ChainedFormatter::default()));
$now = new DateTimeImmutable;
$now = $now->setTime($now->format('H'), $now->format('i'));
$token = $tokenBuilder
->expiresAt($now->modify('+100 year'))
->withClaim('role', 'service_role')
->getToken($algorithm, $key);
$generatedValue = $token->toString();
// $generatedValue = Str::random(16);
$generatedValue = null;
return $generatedValue;
function getRealtime()
$envDefined = env('PUSHER_PORT');
if (empty($envDefined)) {
$url = Url::fromString(Request::getSchemeAndHttpHost());
$port = $url->getPort();
if ($port) {
return '6001';
} else {
return null;
} else {
return $envDefined;
function validate_dns_entry(string $fqdn, Server $server)
$cloudflare_ips = collect(['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']);
$url = Url::fromString($fqdn);
$host = $url->getHost();
if (str($host)->contains('')) {
return true;
$settings = \App\Models\InstanceSettings::get();
$is_dns_validation_enabled = data_get($settings, 'is_dns_validation_enabled');
if (! $is_dns_validation_enabled) {
return true;
$dns_servers = data_get($settings, 'custom_dns_servers');
$dns_servers = str($dns_servers)->explode(',');
if ($server->id === 0) {
$ip = data_get($settings, 'public_ipv4', data_get($settings, 'public_ipv6', $server->ip));
} else {
$ip = $server->ip;
$found_matching_ip = false;
$type = \PurplePixie\PhpDns\DNSTypes::NAME_A;
foreach ($dns_servers as $dns_server) {
try {
ray("Checking $host on $dns_server");
$query = new DNSQuery($dns_server);
$results = $query->query($host, $type);
if ($results === false || $query->hasError()) {
ray('Error: '.$query->getLasterror());
} else {
foreach ($results as $result) {
if ($result->getType() == $type) {
if (ip_match($result->getData(), $cloudflare_ips->toArray(), $match)) {
ray("Found match in Cloudflare IPs: $match");
$found_matching_ip = true;
if ($result->getData() === $ip) {
ray($host.' has IP address '.$result->getData());
$found_matching_ip = true;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
ray("Found match: $found_matching_ip");
return $found_matching_ip;
function ip_match($ip, $cidrs, &$match = null)
foreach ((array) $cidrs as $cidr) {
[$subnet, $mask] = explode('/', $cidr);
if (((ip2long($ip) & ($mask = ~((1 << (32 - $mask)) - 1))) == (ip2long($subnet) & $mask))) {
$match = $cidr;
return true;
return false;
function checkIfDomainIsAlreadyUsed(Collection|array $domains, ?string $teamId = null, ?string $uuid = null)
if (is_null($teamId)) {
return response()->json(['error' => 'Team ID is required.'], 400);
if (is_array($domains)) {
$domains = collect($domains);
$domains = $domains->map(function ($domain) {
if (str($domain)->endsWith('/')) {
$domain = str($domain)->beforeLast('/');
return str($domain);
$applications = Application::ownedByCurrentTeamAPI($teamId)->get(['fqdn', 'uuid']);
$serviceApplications = ServiceApplication::ownedByCurrentTeamAPI($teamId)->get(['fqdn', 'uuid']);
if ($uuid) {
$applications = $applications->filter(fn ($app) => $app->uuid !== $uuid);
$serviceApplications = $serviceApplications->filter(fn ($app) => $app->uuid !== $uuid);
$domainFound = false;
foreach ($applications as $app) {
if (is_null($app->fqdn)) {
$list_of_domains = collect(explode(',', $app->fqdn))->filter(fn ($fqdn) => $fqdn !== '');
foreach ($list_of_domains as $domain) {
if (str($domain)->endsWith('/')) {
$domain = str($domain)->beforeLast('/');
$naked_domain = str($domain)->value();
if ($domains->contains($naked_domain)) {
$domainFound = true;
if ($domainFound) {
return true;
foreach ($serviceApplications as $app) {
if (str($app->fqdn)->isEmpty()) {
$list_of_domains = collect(explode(',', $app->fqdn))->filter(fn ($fqdn) => $fqdn !== '');
foreach ($list_of_domains as $domain) {
if (str($domain)->endsWith('/')) {
$domain = str($domain)->beforeLast('/');
$naked_domain = str($domain)->value();
if ($domains->contains($naked_domain)) {
$domainFound = true;
if ($domainFound) {
return true;
$settings = \App\Models\InstanceSettings::get();
if (data_get($settings, 'fqdn')) {
$domain = data_get($settings, 'fqdn');
if (str($domain)->endsWith('/')) {
$domain = str($domain)->beforeLast('/');
$naked_domain = str($domain)->value();
if ($domains->contains($naked_domain)) {
return true;
function check_domain_usage(ServiceApplication|Application|null $resource = null, ?string $domain = null)
if ($resource) {
if ($resource->getMorphClass() === 'App\Models\Application' && $resource->build_pack === 'dockercompose') {
$domains = data_get(json_decode($resource->docker_compose_domains, true), '*.domain');
$domains = collect($domains);
} else {
$domains = collect($resource->fqdns);
} elseif ($domain) {
$domains = collect($domain);
} else {
throw new \RuntimeException('No resource or FQDN provided.');
$domains = $domains->map(function ($domain) {
if (str($domain)->endsWith('/')) {
$domain = str($domain)->beforeLast('/');
return str($domain);
$apps = Application::all();
foreach ($apps as $app) {
$list_of_domains = collect(explode(',', $app->fqdn))->filter(fn ($fqdn) => $fqdn !== '');
foreach ($list_of_domains as $domain) {
if (str($domain)->endsWith('/')) {
$domain = str($domain)->beforeLast('/');
$naked_domain = str($domain)->value();
if ($domains->contains($naked_domain)) {
if (data_get($resource, 'uuid')) {
if ($resource->uuid !== $app->uuid) {
throw new \RuntimeException("Domain $naked_domain is already in use by another resource called: <br><br>{$app->name}.");
} elseif ($domain) {
throw new \RuntimeException("Domain $naked_domain is already in use by another resource called: <br><br>{$app->name}.");
$apps = ServiceApplication::all();
foreach ($apps as $app) {
$list_of_domains = collect(explode(',', $app->fqdn))->filter(fn ($fqdn) => $fqdn !== '');
foreach ($list_of_domains as $domain) {
if (str($domain)->endsWith('/')) {
$domain = str($domain)->beforeLast('/');
$naked_domain = str($domain)->value();
if ($domains->contains($naked_domain)) {
if (data_get($resource, 'uuid')) {
if ($resource->uuid !== $app->uuid) {
throw new \RuntimeException("Domain $naked_domain is already in use by another resource called: <br><br>{$app->name}.");
} elseif ($domain) {
throw new \RuntimeException("Domain $naked_domain is already in use by another resource called: <br><br>{$app->name}.");
if ($resource) {
$settings = \App\Models\InstanceSettings::get();
if (data_get($settings, 'fqdn')) {
$domain = data_get($settings, 'fqdn');
if (str($domain)->endsWith('/')) {
$domain = str($domain)->beforeLast('/');
$naked_domain = str($domain)->value();
if ($domains->contains($naked_domain)) {
throw new \RuntimeException("Domain $naked_domain is already in use by this Coolify instance.");
function parseCommandsByLineForSudo(Collection $commands, Server $server): array
$commands = $commands->map(function ($line) {
if (! str($line)->startsWith('cd') && ! str($line)->startsWith('command') && ! str($line)->startsWith('echo') && ! str($line)->startsWith('true')) {
return "sudo $line";
return $line;
$commands = $commands->map(function ($line) use ($server) {
if (Str::startsWith($line, 'sudo mkdir -p')) {
return "$line && sudo chown -R $server->user:$server->user ".Str::after($line, 'sudo mkdir -p').' && sudo chmod -R o-rwx '.Str::after($line, 'sudo mkdir -p');
return $line;
$commands = $commands->map(function ($line) {
$line = str($line);
if (str($line)->contains('$(')) {
$line = $line->replace('$(', '$(sudo ');
if (str($line)->contains('||')) {
$line = $line->replace('||', '|| sudo');
if (str($line)->contains('&&')) {
$line = $line->replace('&&', '&& sudo');
if (str($line)->contains(' | ')) {
$line = $line->replace(' | ', ' | sudo ');
return $line->value();
return $commands->toArray();
function parseLineForSudo(string $command, Server $server): string
if (! str($command)->startSwith('cd') && ! str($command)->startSwith('command')) {
$command = "sudo $command";
if (Str::startsWith($command, 'sudo mkdir -p')) {
$command = "$command && sudo chown -R $server->user:$server->user ".Str::after($command, 'sudo mkdir -p').' && sudo chmod -R o-rwx '.Str::after($command, 'sudo mkdir -p');
if (str($command)->contains('$(') || str($command)->contains('`')) {
$command = str($command)->replace('$(', '$(sudo ')->replace('`', '`sudo ')->value();
if (str($command)->contains('||')) {
$command = str($command)->replace('||', '|| sudo ')->value();
if (str($command)->contains('&&')) {
$command = str($command)->replace('&&', '&& sudo ')->value();
return $command;
function get_public_ips()
try {
echo "Refreshing public ips!\n";
$settings = \App\Models\InstanceSettings::get();
[$first, $second] = Process::concurrently(function (Pool $pool) {
$pool->path(__DIR__)->command('curl -4s');
$pool->path(__DIR__)->command('curl -6s');
$ipv4 = $first->output();
if ($ipv4) {
$ipv4 = trim($ipv4);
$validate_ipv4 = filter_var($ipv4, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP);
if ($validate_ipv4 == false) {
echo "Invalid ipv4: $ipv4\n";
$settings->update(['public_ipv4' => $ipv4]);
$ipv6 = $second->output();
if ($ipv6) {
$ipv6 = trim($ipv6);
$validate_ipv6 = filter_var($ipv6, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP);
if ($validate_ipv6 == false) {
echo "Invalid ipv6: $ipv6\n";
$settings->update(['public_ipv6' => $ipv6]);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
echo "Error: {$e->getMessage()}\n";
function isAnyDeploymentInprogress()
// Only use it in the deployment script
$count = ApplicationDeploymentQueue::whereIn('status', [ApplicationDeploymentStatus::IN_PROGRESS, ApplicationDeploymentStatus::QUEUED])->count();
if ($count > 0) {
echo "There are $count deployments in progress. Exiting...\n";
echo "No deployments in progress.\n";
function generateSentinelToken()
$token = Str::random(64);
return $token;
function isBase64Encoded($strValue)
return base64_encode(base64_decode($strValue, true)) === $strValue;
function customApiValidator(Collection|array $item, array $rules)
if (is_array($item)) {
$item = collect($item);
return Validator::make($item->toArray(), $rules, [
'required' => 'This field is required.',
function parseServiceVolumes($serviceVolumes, $resource, $topLevelVolumes, $pull_request_id = 0)
$serviceVolumes = $serviceVolumes->map(function ($volume) use ($resource, $topLevelVolumes, $pull_request_id) {
$type = null;
$source = null;
$target = null;
$content = null;
$isDirectory = false;
if (is_string($volume)) {
$source = str($volume)->before(':');
$target = str($volume)->after(':')->beforeLast(':');
$foundConfig = $resource->fileStorages()->whereMountPath($target)->first();
if ($source->startsWith('./') || $source->startsWith('/') || $source->startsWith('~')) {
$type = str('bind');
if ($foundConfig) {
$contentNotNull = data_get($foundConfig, 'content');
if ($contentNotNull) {
$content = $contentNotNull;
$isDirectory = data_get($foundConfig, 'is_directory');
} else {
// By default, we cannot determine if the bind is a directory or not, so we set it to directory
$isDirectory = true;
} else {
$type = str('volume');
} elseif (is_array($volume)) {
$type = data_get_str($volume, 'type');
$source = data_get_str($volume, 'source');
$target = data_get_str($volume, 'target');
$content = data_get($volume, 'content');
$isDirectory = (bool) data_get($volume, 'isDirectory', null) || (bool) data_get($volume, 'is_directory', null);
$foundConfig = $resource->fileStorages()->whereMountPath($target)->first();
if ($foundConfig) {
$contentNotNull = data_get($foundConfig, 'content');
if ($contentNotNull) {
$content = $contentNotNull;
$isDirectory = data_get($foundConfig, 'is_directory');
} else {
$isDirectory = (bool) data_get($volume, 'isDirectory', null) || (bool) data_get($volume, 'is_directory', null);
if ((is_null($isDirectory) || ! $isDirectory) && is_null($content)) {
// if isDirectory is not set (or false) & content is also not set, we assume it is a directory
ray('setting isDirectory to true');
$isDirectory = true;
if ($type?->value() === 'bind') {
if ($source->value() === '/var/run/docker.sock') {
return $volume;
if ($source->value() === '/tmp' || $source->value() === '/tmp/') {
return $volume;
if (get_class($resource) === "App\Models\Application") {
$dir = base_configuration_dir().'/applications/'.$resource->uuid;
} else {
$dir = base_configuration_dir().'/services/'.$resource->service->uuid;
if ($source->startsWith('.')) {
$source = $source->replaceFirst('.', $dir);
if ($source->startsWith('~')) {
$source = $source->replaceFirst('~', $dir);
if ($pull_request_id !== 0) {
$source = $source."-pr-$pull_request_id";
if (! $resource?->settings?->is_preserve_repository_enabled || $foundConfig?->is_based_on_git) {
'mount_path' => $target,
'resource_id' => $resource->id,
'resource_type' => get_class($resource),
'fs_path' => $source,
'mount_path' => $target,
'content' => $content,
'is_directory' => $isDirectory,
'resource_id' => $resource->id,
'resource_type' => get_class($resource),
} elseif ($type->value() === 'volume') {
if ($topLevelVolumes->has($source->value())) {
$v = $topLevelVolumes->get($source->value());
if (data_get($v, 'driver_opts.type') === 'cifs') {
return $volume;
$slugWithoutUuid = Str::slug($source, '-');
if (get_class($resource) === "App\Models\Application") {
$name = "{$resource->uuid}_{$slugWithoutUuid}";
} else {
$name = "{$resource->service->uuid}_{$slugWithoutUuid}";
if (is_string($volume)) {
$source = str($volume)->before(':');
$target = str($volume)->after(':')->beforeLast(':');
$source = $name;
$volume = "$source:$target";
} elseif (is_array($volume)) {
data_set($volume, 'source', $name);
$topLevelVolumes->put($name, [
'name' => $name,
'mount_path' => $target,
'resource_id' => $resource->id,
'resource_type' => get_class($resource),
'name' => $name,
'mount_path' => $target,
'resource_id' => $resource->id,
'resource_type' => get_class($resource),
dispatch(new ServerFilesFromServerJob($resource));
return $volume;
return [
'serviceVolumes' => $serviceVolumes,
'topLevelVolumes' => $topLevelVolumes,
function parseDockerComposeFile(Service|Application $resource, bool $isNew = false, int $pull_request_id = 0, ?int $preview_id = null)
if ($resource->getMorphClass() === 'App\Models\Service') {
if ($resource->docker_compose_raw) {
try {
$yaml = Yaml::parse($resource->docker_compose_raw);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new \Exception($e->getMessage());
$allServices = get_service_templates();
$topLevelVolumes = collect(data_get($yaml, 'volumes', []));
$topLevelNetworks = collect(data_get($yaml, 'networks', []));
$topLevelConfigs = collect(data_get($yaml, 'configs', []));
$topLevelSecrets = collect(data_get($yaml, 'secrets', []));
$services = data_get($yaml, 'services');
$generatedServiceFQDNS = collect([]);
if (is_null($resource->destination)) {
$destination = $resource->server->destinations()->first();
if ($destination) {
$definedNetwork = collect([$resource->uuid]);
if ($topLevelVolumes->count() > 0) {
$tempTopLevelVolumes = collect([]);
foreach ($topLevelVolumes as $volumeName => $volume) {
if (is_null($volume)) {
$tempTopLevelVolumes->put($volumeName, $volume);
$topLevelVolumes = collect($tempTopLevelVolumes);
$services = collect($services)->map(function ($service, $serviceName) use ($topLevelVolumes, $topLevelNetworks, $definedNetwork, $isNew, $generatedServiceFQDNS, $resource, $allServices) {
// Workarounds for beta users.
if ($serviceName === 'registry') {
$tempServiceName = 'docker-registry';
} else {
$tempServiceName = $serviceName;
if (str(data_get($service, 'image'))->contains('glitchtip')) {
$tempServiceName = 'glitchtip';
if ($serviceName === 'supabase-kong') {
$tempServiceName = 'supabase';
$serviceDefinition = data_get($allServices, $tempServiceName);
$predefinedPort = data_get($serviceDefinition, 'port');
if ($serviceName === 'plausible') {
$predefinedPort = '8000';
// End of workarounds for beta users.
$serviceVolumes = collect(data_get($service, 'volumes', []));
$servicePorts = collect(data_get($service, 'ports', []));
$serviceNetworks = collect(data_get($service, 'networks', []));
$serviceVariables = collect(data_get($service, 'environment', []));
$serviceLabels = collect(data_get($service, 'labels', []));
$hasHostNetworkMode = data_get($service, 'network_mode') === 'host' ? true : false;
if ($serviceLabels->count() > 0) {
$removedLabels = collect([]);
$serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->filter(function ($serviceLabel, $serviceLabelName) use ($removedLabels) {
if (! str($serviceLabel)->contains('=')) {
$removedLabels->put($serviceLabelName, $serviceLabel);
return false;
return $serviceLabel;
foreach ($removedLabels as $removedLabelName => $removedLabel) {
$containerName = "$serviceName-{$resource->uuid}";
// Decide if the service is a database
$isDatabase = isDatabaseImage(data_get_str($service, 'image'));
$image = data_get_str($service, 'image');
data_set($service, 'is_database', $isDatabase);
// Create new serviceApplication or serviceDatabase
if ($isDatabase) {
if ($isNew) {
$savedService = ServiceDatabase::create([
'name' => $serviceName,
'image' => $image,
'service_id' => $resource->id,
} else {
$savedService = ServiceDatabase::where([
'name' => $serviceName,
'service_id' => $resource->id,
} else {
if ($isNew) {
$savedService = ServiceApplication::create([
'name' => $serviceName,
'image' => $image,
'service_id' => $resource->id,
} else {
$savedService = ServiceApplication::where([
'name' => $serviceName,
'service_id' => $resource->id,
if (is_null($savedService)) {
if ($isDatabase) {
$savedService = ServiceDatabase::create([
'name' => $serviceName,
'image' => $image,
'service_id' => $resource->id,
} else {
$savedService = ServiceApplication::create([
'name' => $serviceName,
'image' => $image,
'service_id' => $resource->id,
// Check if image changed
if ($savedService->image !== $image) {
$savedService->image = $image;
// Collect/create/update networks
if ($serviceNetworks->count() > 0) {
foreach ($serviceNetworks as $networkName => $networkDetails) {
if ($networkName === 'default') {
// ignore alias
if ($networkDetails['aliases'] ?? false) {
$networkExists = $topLevelNetworks->contains(function ($value, $key) use ($networkName) {
return $value == $networkName || $key == $networkName;
if (! $networkExists) {
$topLevelNetworks->put($networkDetails, null);
// Collect/create/update ports
$collectedPorts = collect([]);
if ($servicePorts->count() > 0) {
foreach ($servicePorts as $sport) {
if (is_string($sport) || is_numeric($sport)) {
if (is_array($sport)) {
$target = data_get($sport, 'target');
$published = data_get($sport, 'published');
$protocol = data_get($sport, 'protocol');
$savedService->ports = $collectedPorts->implode(',');
if (! $hasHostNetworkMode) {
// Add Coolify specific networks
$definedNetworkExists = $topLevelNetworks->contains(function ($value, $_) use ($definedNetwork) {
return $value == $definedNetwork;
if (! $definedNetworkExists) {
foreach ($definedNetwork as $network) {
$topLevelNetworks->put($network, [
'name' => $network,
'external' => true,
$networks = collect();
foreach ($serviceNetworks as $key => $serviceNetwork) {
if (gettype($serviceNetwork) === 'string') {
// networks:
// - appwrite
$networks->put($serviceNetwork, null);
} elseif (gettype($serviceNetwork) === 'array') {
// networks:
// default:
// ipv4_address:
// $networks->put($serviceNetwork, null);
$networks->put($key, $serviceNetwork);
foreach ($definedNetwork as $key => $network) {
$networks->put($network, null);
data_set($service, 'networks', $networks->toArray());
// Collect/create/update volumes
if ($serviceVolumes->count() > 0) {
$serviceVolumes = $serviceVolumes->map(function ($volume) use ($savedService, $topLevelVolumes) {
$type = null;
$source = null;
$target = null;
$content = null;
$isDirectory = false;
if (is_string($volume)) {
$source = str($volume)->before(':');
$target = str($volume)->after(':')->beforeLast(':');
if ($source->startsWith('./') || $source->startsWith('/') || $source->startsWith('~')) {
$type = str('bind');
// By default, we cannot determine if the bind is a directory or not, so we set it to directory
$isDirectory = true;
} else {
$type = str('volume');
} elseif (is_array($volume)) {
$type = data_get_str($volume, 'type');
$source = data_get_str($volume, 'source');
$target = data_get_str($volume, 'target');
$content = data_get($volume, 'content');
$isDirectory = (bool) data_get($volume, 'isDirectory', null) || (bool) data_get($volume, 'is_directory', null);
$foundConfig = $savedService->fileStorages()->whereMountPath($target)->first();
if ($foundConfig) {
$contentNotNull = data_get($foundConfig, 'content');
if ($contentNotNull) {
$content = $contentNotNull;
$isDirectory = (bool) data_get($volume, 'isDirectory', null) || (bool) data_get($volume, 'is_directory', null);
if (is_null($isDirectory) && is_null($content)) {
// if isDirectory is not set & content is also not set, we assume it is a directory
ray('setting isDirectory to true');
$isDirectory = true;
if ($type?->value() === 'bind') {
if ($source->value() === '/var/run/docker.sock') {
return $volume;
if ($source->value() === '/tmp' || $source->value() === '/tmp/') {
return $volume;
'mount_path' => $target,
'resource_id' => $savedService->id,
'resource_type' => get_class($savedService),
'fs_path' => $source,
'mount_path' => $target,
'content' => $content,
'is_directory' => $isDirectory,
'resource_id' => $savedService->id,
'resource_type' => get_class($savedService),
} elseif ($type->value() === 'volume') {
if ($topLevelVolumes->has($source->value())) {
$v = $topLevelVolumes->get($source->value());
if (data_get($v, 'driver_opts.type') === 'cifs') {
return $volume;
$slugWithoutUuid = Str::slug($source, '-');
$name = "{$savedService->service->uuid}_{$slugWithoutUuid}";
if (is_string($volume)) {
$source = str($volume)->before(':');
$target = str($volume)->after(':')->beforeLast(':');
$source = $name;
$volume = "$source:$target";
} elseif (is_array($volume)) {
data_set($volume, 'source', $name);
$topLevelVolumes->put($name, [
'name' => $name,
'mount_path' => $target,
'resource_id' => $savedService->id,
'resource_type' => get_class($savedService),
'name' => $name,
'mount_path' => $target,
'resource_id' => $savedService->id,
'resource_type' => get_class($savedService),
dispatch(new ServerFilesFromServerJob($savedService));
return $volume;
data_set($service, 'volumes', $serviceVolumes->toArray());
// convert - SESSION_SECRET: 123 to - SESSION_SECRET=123
$convertedServiceVariables = collect([]);
foreach ($serviceVariables as $variableName => $variable) {
if (is_numeric($variableName)) {
if (is_array($variable)) {
$key = str(collect($variable)->keys()->first());
$value = str(collect($variable)->values()->first());
$variable = "$key=$value";
$convertedServiceVariables->put($variableName, $variable);
} elseif (is_string($variable)) {
$convertedServiceVariables->put($variableName, $variable);
} elseif (is_string($variableName)) {
$convertedServiceVariables->put($variableName, $variable);
$serviceVariables = $convertedServiceVariables;
// Get variables from the service
foreach ($serviceVariables as $variableName => $variable) {
if (is_numeric($variableName)) {
if (is_array($variable)) {
$key = str(collect($variable)->keys()->first());
$value = str(collect($variable)->values()->first());
} else {
$variable = str($variable);
if ($variable->contains('=')) {
$key = $variable->before('=');
$value = $variable->after('=');
} else {
$key = $variable;
$value = null;
} else {
$key = str($variableName);
$value = str($variable);
if ($key->startsWith('SERVICE_FQDN')) {
if ($isNew || $savedService->fqdn === null) {
$name = $key->after('SERVICE_FQDN_')->beforeLast('_')->lower();
$fqdn = generateFqdn($resource->server, "{$name->value()}-{$resource->uuid}");
if (substr_count($key->value(), '_') === 3) {
$port = $key->afterLast('_');
} else {
$last = $key->afterLast('_');
if (is_numeric($last->value())) {
$port = $last;
} else {
$port = null;
if ($port) {
$fqdn = "$fqdn:$port";
if (substr_count($key->value(), '_') >= 2) {
if ($value) {
$path = $value->value();
} else {
$path = null;
if ($generatedServiceFQDNS->count() > 0) {
$alreadyGenerated = $generatedServiceFQDNS->has($key->value());
if ($alreadyGenerated) {
$fqdn = $generatedServiceFQDNS->get($key->value());
} else {
$generatedServiceFQDNS->put($key->value(), $fqdn);
} else {
$generatedServiceFQDNS->put($key->value(), $fqdn);
$fqdn = "$fqdn$path";
if (! $isDatabase) {
if ($savedService->fqdn) {
data_set($savedService, 'fqdn', $savedService->fqdn.','.$fqdn);
} else {
data_set($savedService, 'fqdn', $fqdn);
'key' => $key,
'value' => $fqdn,
'is_build_time' => false,
'service_id' => $resource->id,
'is_preview' => false,
// Caddy needs exact port in some cases.
if ($predefinedPort && ! $key->endsWith("_{$predefinedPort}")) {
$fqdns_exploded = str($savedService->fqdn)->explode(',');
if ($fqdns_exploded->count() > 1) {
$env = EnvironmentVariable::where([
'key' => $key,
'service_id' => $resource->id,
if ($env) {
$env_url = Url::fromString($savedService->fqdn);
$env_port = $env_url->getPort();
if ($env_port !== $predefinedPort) {
$env_url = $env_url->withPort($predefinedPort);
$savedService->fqdn = $env_url->__toString();
// data_forget($service, "environment.$variableName");
// $yaml = data_forget($yaml, "services.$serviceName.environment.$variableName");
// if (count(data_get($yaml, 'services.' . $serviceName . '.environment')) === 0) {
// $yaml = data_forget($yaml, "services.$serviceName.environment");
// }
if ($value?->startsWith('$')) {
$foundEnv = EnvironmentVariable::where([
'key' => $key,
'service_id' => $resource->id,
$value = str(replaceVariables($value));
$key = $value;
if ($value->startsWith('SERVICE_')) {
$foundEnv = EnvironmentVariable::where([
'key' => $key,
'service_id' => $resource->id,
['command' => $command, 'forService' => $forService, 'generatedValue' => $generatedValue, 'port' => $port] = parseEnvVariable($value);
if (! is_null($command)) {
if ($command?->value() === 'FQDN' || $command?->value() === 'URL') {
if (Str::lower($forService) === $serviceName) {
$fqdn = generateFqdn($resource->server, $containerName);
} else {
$fqdn = generateFqdn($resource->server, Str::lower($forService).'-'.$resource->uuid);
if ($port) {
$fqdn = "$fqdn:$port";
if ($foundEnv) {
$fqdn = data_get($foundEnv, 'value');
// if ($savedService->fqdn) {
// $savedServiceFqdn = Url::fromString($savedService->fqdn);
// $parsedFqdn = Url::fromString($fqdn);
// $savedServicePath = $savedServiceFqdn->getPath();
// $parsedFqdnPath = $parsedFqdn->getPath();
// if ($savedServicePath != $parsedFqdnPath) {
// $fqdn = $parsedFqdn->withPath($savedServicePath)->__toString();
// $foundEnv->value = $fqdn;
// $foundEnv->save();
// }
// }
} else {
if ($command->value() === 'URL') {
$fqdn = str($fqdn)->after('://')->value();
'key' => $key,
'value' => $fqdn,
'is_build_time' => false,
'service_id' => $resource->id,
'is_preview' => false,
if (! $isDatabase) {
if ($command->value() === 'FQDN' && is_null($savedService->fqdn) && ! $foundEnv) {
$savedService->fqdn = $fqdn;
// Caddy needs exact port in some cases.
if ($predefinedPort && ! $key->endsWith("_{$predefinedPort}") && $command?->value() === 'FQDN' && $resource->server->proxyType() === 'CADDY') {
$fqdns_exploded = str($savedService->fqdn)->explode(',');
if ($fqdns_exploded->count() > 1) {
$env = EnvironmentVariable::where([
'key' => $key,
'service_id' => $resource->id,
if ($env) {
$env_url = Url::fromString($env->value);
$env_port = $env_url->getPort();
if ($env_port !== $predefinedPort) {
$env_url = $env_url->withPort($predefinedPort);
$savedService->fqdn = $env_url->__toString();
} else {
$generatedValue = generateEnvValue($command, $resource);
if (! $foundEnv) {
'key' => $key,
'value' => $generatedValue,
'is_build_time' => false,
'service_id' => $resource->id,
'is_preview' => false,
} else {
if ($value->contains(':-')) {
$key = $value->before(':');
$defaultValue = $value->after(':-');
} elseif ($value->contains('-')) {
$key = $value->before('-');
$defaultValue = $value->after('-');
} elseif ($value->contains(':?')) {
$key = $value->before(':');
$defaultValue = $value->after(':?');
} elseif ($value->contains('?')) {
$key = $value->before('?');
$defaultValue = $value->after('?');
} else {
$key = $value;
$defaultValue = null;
$foundEnv = EnvironmentVariable::where([
'key' => $key,
'service_id' => $resource->id,
if ($foundEnv) {
$defaultValue = data_get($foundEnv, 'value');
'key' => $key,
'service_id' => $resource->id,
], [
'value' => $defaultValue,
'is_build_time' => false,
'service_id' => $resource->id,
'is_preview' => false,
// Add labels to the service
if ($savedService->serviceType()) {
$fqdns = generateServiceSpecificFqdns($savedService);
} else {
$fqdns = collect(data_get($savedService, 'fqdns'))->filter();
$defaultLabels = defaultLabels($resource->id, $containerName, type: 'service', subType: $isDatabase ? 'database' : 'application', subId: $savedService->id);
$serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->merge($defaultLabels);
if (! $isDatabase && $fqdns->count() > 0) {
if ($fqdns) {
$shouldGenerateLabelsExactly = $resource->server->settings->generate_exact_labels;
if ($shouldGenerateLabelsExactly) {
switch ($resource->server->proxyType()) {
case ProxyTypes::TRAEFIK->value:
$serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->merge(fqdnLabelsForTraefik(
uuid: $resource->uuid,
domains: $fqdns,
is_force_https_enabled: true,
serviceLabels: $serviceLabels,
is_gzip_enabled: $savedService->isGzipEnabled(),
is_stripprefix_enabled: $savedService->isStripprefixEnabled(),
service_name: $serviceName,
image: data_get($service, 'image')
case ProxyTypes::CADDY->value:
$serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->merge(fqdnLabelsForCaddy(
network: $resource->destination->network,
uuid: $resource->uuid,
domains: $fqdns,
is_force_https_enabled: true,
serviceLabels: $serviceLabels,
is_gzip_enabled: $savedService->isGzipEnabled(),
is_stripprefix_enabled: $savedService->isStripprefixEnabled(),
service_name: $serviceName,
image: data_get($service, 'image')
} else {
$serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->merge(fqdnLabelsForTraefik(
uuid: $resource->uuid,
domains: $fqdns,
is_force_https_enabled: true,
serviceLabels: $serviceLabels,
is_gzip_enabled: $savedService->isGzipEnabled(),
is_stripprefix_enabled: $savedService->isStripprefixEnabled(),
service_name: $serviceName,
image: data_get($service, 'image')
$serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->merge(fqdnLabelsForCaddy(
network: $resource->destination->network,
uuid: $resource->uuid,
domains: $fqdns,
is_force_https_enabled: true,
serviceLabels: $serviceLabels,
is_gzip_enabled: $savedService->isGzipEnabled(),
is_stripprefix_enabled: $savedService->isStripprefixEnabled(),
service_name: $serviceName,
image: data_get($service, 'image')
if ($resource->server->isLogDrainEnabled() && $savedService->isLogDrainEnabled()) {
data_set($service, 'logging', generate_fluentd_configuration());
if ($serviceLabels->count() > 0) {
if ($resource->is_container_label_escape_enabled) {
$serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->map(function ($value, $key) {
return escapeDollarSign($value);
data_set($service, 'labels', $serviceLabels->toArray());
data_forget($service, 'is_database');
if (! data_get($service, 'restart')) {
data_set($service, 'restart', RESTART_MODE);
if (data_get($service, 'restart') === 'no' || data_get($service, 'exclude_from_hc')) {
$savedService->update(['exclude_from_status' => true]);
data_set($service, 'container_name', $containerName);
data_forget($service, 'volumes.*.content');
data_forget($service, 'volumes.*.isDirectory');
data_forget($service, 'volumes.*.is_directory');
data_forget($service, 'exclude_from_hc');
data_set($service, 'environment', $serviceVariables->toArray());
return $service;
$envs_from_coolify = $resource->environment_variables()->get();
$services = collect($services)->map(function ($service, $serviceName) use ($resource, $envs_from_coolify) {
$serviceVariables = collect(data_get($service, 'environment', []));
$parsedServiceVariables = collect([]);
foreach ($serviceVariables as $key => $value) {
if (is_numeric($key)) {
$value = str($value);
if ($value->contains('=')) {
$key = $value->before('=')->value();
$value = $value->after('=')->value();
} else {
$key = $value->value();
$value = null;
$parsedServiceVariables->put($key, $value);
} else {
$parsedServiceVariables->put($key, $value);
$parsedServiceVariables->put('COOLIFY_CONTAINER_NAME', "$serviceName-{$resource->uuid}");
// TODO: move this in a shared function
if (! $parsedServiceVariables->has('COOLIFY_APP_NAME')) {
$parsedServiceVariables->put('COOLIFY_APP_NAME', $resource->name);
if (! $parsedServiceVariables->has('COOLIFY_SERVER_IP')) {
$parsedServiceVariables->put('COOLIFY_SERVER_IP', $resource->destination->server->ip);
if (! $parsedServiceVariables->has('COOLIFY_ENVIRONMENT_NAME')) {
$parsedServiceVariables->put('COOLIFY_ENVIRONMENT_NAME', $resource->environment->name);
if (! $parsedServiceVariables->has('COOLIFY_PROJECT_NAME')) {
$parsedServiceVariables->put('COOLIFY_PROJECT_NAME', $resource->project()->name);
$parsedServiceVariables = $parsedServiceVariables->map(function ($value, $key) use ($envs_from_coolify) {
if (! str($value)->startsWith('$')) {
$found_env = $envs_from_coolify->where('key', $key)->first();
if ($found_env) {
return $found_env->value;
return $value;
data_set($service, 'environment', $parsedServiceVariables->toArray());
return $service;
$finalServices = [
'services' => $services->toArray(),
'volumes' => $topLevelVolumes->toArray(),
'networks' => $topLevelNetworks->toArray(),
'configs' => $topLevelConfigs->toArray(),
'secrets' => $topLevelSecrets->toArray(),
$yaml = data_forget($yaml, 'services.*.volumes.*.content');
$resource->docker_compose_raw = Yaml::dump($yaml, 10, 2);
$resource->docker_compose = Yaml::dump($finalServices, 10, 2);
return collect($finalServices);
} else {
return collect([]);
} elseif ($resource->getMorphClass() === 'App\Models\Application') {
try {
$yaml = Yaml::parse($resource->docker_compose_raw);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$server = $resource->destination->server;
$topLevelVolumes = collect(data_get($yaml, 'volumes', []));
if ($pull_request_id !== 0) {
$topLevelVolumes = collect([]);
if ($topLevelVolumes->count() > 0) {
$tempTopLevelVolumes = collect([]);
foreach ($topLevelVolumes as $volumeName => $volume) {
if (is_null($volume)) {
$tempTopLevelVolumes->put($volumeName, $volume);
$topLevelVolumes = collect($tempTopLevelVolumes);
$topLevelNetworks = collect(data_get($yaml, 'networks', []));
$topLevelConfigs = collect(data_get($yaml, 'configs', []));
$topLevelSecrets = collect(data_get($yaml, 'secrets', []));
$services = data_get($yaml, 'services');
$generatedServiceFQDNS = collect([]);
if (is_null($resource->destination)) {
$destination = $server->destinations()->first();
if ($destination) {
$definedNetwork = collect([$resource->uuid]);
if ($pull_request_id !== 0) {
$definedNetwork = collect(["{$resource->uuid}-$pull_request_id"]);
$services = collect($services)->map(function ($service, $serviceName) use ($topLevelVolumes, $topLevelNetworks, $definedNetwork, $isNew, $generatedServiceFQDNS, $resource, $server, $pull_request_id, $preview_id) {
$serviceVolumes = collect(data_get($service, 'volumes', []));
$servicePorts = collect(data_get($service, 'ports', []));
$serviceNetworks = collect(data_get($service, 'networks', []));
$serviceVariables = collect(data_get($service, 'environment', []));
$serviceDependencies = collect(data_get($service, 'depends_on', []));
$serviceLabels = collect(data_get($service, 'labels', []));
$serviceBuildVariables = collect(data_get($service, 'build.args', []));
$serviceVariables = $serviceVariables->merge($serviceBuildVariables);
if ($serviceLabels->count() > 0) {
$removedLabels = collect([]);
$serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->filter(function ($serviceLabel, $serviceLabelName) use ($removedLabels) {
if (! str($serviceLabel)->contains('=')) {
$removedLabels->put($serviceLabelName, $serviceLabel);
return false;
return $serviceLabel;
foreach ($removedLabels as $removedLabelName => $removedLabel) {
$baseName = generateApplicationContainerName($resource, $pull_request_id);
$containerName = "$serviceName-$baseName";
if ($resource->compose_parsing_version === '1') {
if (count($serviceVolumes) > 0) {
$serviceVolumes = $serviceVolumes->map(function ($volume) use ($resource, $topLevelVolumes, $pull_request_id) {
if (is_string($volume)) {
$volume = str($volume);
if ($volume->contains(':') && ! $volume->startsWith('/')) {
$name = $volume->before(':');
$mount = $volume->after(':');
if ($name->startsWith('.') || $name->startsWith('~')) {
$dir = base_configuration_dir().'/applications/'.$resource->uuid;
if ($name->startsWith('.')) {
$name = $name->replaceFirst('.', $dir);
if ($name->startsWith('~')) {
$name = $name->replaceFirst('~', $dir);
if ($pull_request_id !== 0) {
$name = $name."-pr-$pull_request_id";
$volume = str("$name:$mount");
} else {
if ($pull_request_id !== 0) {
$name = $name."-pr-$pull_request_id";
$volume = str("$name:$mount");
if ($topLevelVolumes->has($name)) {
$v = $topLevelVolumes->get($name);
if (data_get($v, 'driver_opts.type') === 'cifs') {
// Do nothing
} else {
if (is_null(data_get($v, 'name'))) {
data_set($v, 'name', $name);
data_set($topLevelVolumes, $name, $v);
} else {
$topLevelVolumes->put($name, [
'name' => $name,
} else {
if ($topLevelVolumes->has($name->value())) {
$v = $topLevelVolumes->get($name->value());
if (data_get($v, 'driver_opts.type') === 'cifs') {
// Do nothing
} else {
if (is_null(data_get($v, 'name'))) {
data_set($topLevelVolumes, $name->value(), $v);
} else {
$topLevelVolumes->put($name->value(), [
'name' => $name->value(),
} else {
if ($volume->startsWith('/')) {
$name = $volume->before(':');
$mount = $volume->after(':');
if ($pull_request_id !== 0) {
$name = $name."-pr-$pull_request_id";
$volume = str("$name:$mount");
} elseif (is_array($volume)) {
$source = data_get($volume, 'source');
$target = data_get($volume, 'target');
$read_only = data_get($volume, 'read_only');
if ($source && $target) {
if ((str($source)->startsWith('.') || str($source)->startsWith('~'))) {
$dir = base_configuration_dir().'/applications/'.$resource->uuid;
if (str($source, '.')) {
$source = str($source)->replaceFirst('.', $dir);
if (str($source, '~')) {
$source = str($source)->replaceFirst('~', $dir);
if ($pull_request_id !== 0) {
$source = $source."-pr-$pull_request_id";
if ($read_only) {
data_set($volume, 'source', $source.':'.$target.':ro');
} else {
data_set($volume, 'source', $source.':'.$target);
} else {
if ($pull_request_id !== 0) {
$source = $source."-pr-$pull_request_id";
if ($read_only) {
data_set($volume, 'source', $source.':'.$target.':ro');
} else {
data_set($volume, 'source', $source.':'.$target);
if (! str($source)->startsWith('/')) {
if ($topLevelVolumes->has($source)) {
$v = $topLevelVolumes->get($source);
if (data_get($v, 'driver_opts.type') === 'cifs') {
// Do nothing
} else {
if (is_null(data_get($v, 'name'))) {
data_set($v, 'name', $source);
data_set($topLevelVolumes, $source, $v);
} else {
$topLevelVolumes->put($source, [
'name' => $source,
if (is_array($volume)) {
return data_get($volume, 'source');
return $volume->value();
data_set($service, 'volumes', $serviceVolumes->toArray());
} elseif ($resource->compose_parsing_version === '2') {
if (count($serviceVolumes) > 0) {
$serviceVolumes = $serviceVolumes->map(function ($volume) use ($resource, $topLevelVolumes, $pull_request_id) {
if (is_string($volume)) {
$volume = str($volume);
if ($volume->contains(':') && ! $volume->startsWith('/')) {
$name = $volume->before(':');
$mount = $volume->after(':');
if ($name->startsWith('.') || $name->startsWith('~')) {
$dir = base_configuration_dir().'/applications/'.$resource->uuid;
if ($name->startsWith('.')) {
$name = $name->replaceFirst('.', $dir);
if ($name->startsWith('~')) {
$name = $name->replaceFirst('~', $dir);
if ($pull_request_id !== 0) {
$name = $name."-pr-$pull_request_id";
$volume = str("$name:$mount");
} else {
if ($pull_request_id !== 0) {
$uuid = $resource->uuid;
$name = $uuid."-$name-pr-$pull_request_id";
$volume = str("$name:$mount");
if ($topLevelVolumes->has($name)) {
$v = $topLevelVolumes->get($name);
if (data_get($v, 'driver_opts.type') === 'cifs') {
// Do nothing
} else {
if (is_null(data_get($v, 'name'))) {
data_set($v, 'name', $name);
data_set($topLevelVolumes, $name, $v);
} else {
$topLevelVolumes->put($name, [
'name' => $name,
} else {
$uuid = $resource->uuid;
$name = str($uuid."-$name");
$volume = str("$name:$mount");
if ($topLevelVolumes->has($name->value())) {
$v = $topLevelVolumes->get($name->value());
if (data_get($v, 'driver_opts.type') === 'cifs') {
// Do nothing
} else {
if (is_null(data_get($v, 'name'))) {
data_set($topLevelVolumes, $name->value(), $v);
} else {
$topLevelVolumes->put($name->value(), [
'name' => $name->value(),
} else {
if ($volume->startsWith('/')) {
$name = $volume->before(':');
$mount = $volume->after(':');
if ($pull_request_id !== 0) {
$name = $name."-pr-$pull_request_id";
$volume = str("$name:$mount");
} elseif (is_array($volume)) {
$source = data_get($volume, 'source');
$target = data_get($volume, 'target');
$read_only = data_get($volume, 'read_only');
if ($source && $target) {
$uuid = $resource->uuid;
if ((str($source)->startsWith('.') || str($source)->startsWith('~') || str($source)->startsWith('/'))) {
$dir = base_configuration_dir().'/applications/'.$resource->uuid;
if (str($source, '.')) {
$source = str($source)->replaceFirst('.', $dir);
if (str($source, '~')) {
$source = str($source)->replaceFirst('~', $dir);
if ($read_only) {
data_set($volume, 'source', $source.':'.$target.':ro');
} else {
data_set($volume, 'source', $source.':'.$target);
} else {
if ($pull_request_id === 0) {
$source = $uuid."-$source";
} else {
$source = $uuid."-$source-pr-$pull_request_id";
if ($read_only) {
data_set($volume, 'source', $source.':'.$target.':ro');
} else {
data_set($volume, 'source', $source.':'.$target);
if (! str($source)->startsWith('/')) {
if ($topLevelVolumes->has($source)) {
$v = $topLevelVolumes->get($source);
if (data_get($v, 'driver_opts.type') === 'cifs') {
// Do nothing
} else {
if (is_null(data_get($v, 'name'))) {
data_set($v, 'name', $source);
data_set($topLevelVolumes, $source, $v);
} else {
$topLevelVolumes->put($source, [
'name' => $source,
if (is_array($volume)) {
return data_get($volume, 'source');
dispatch(new ServerFilesFromServerJob($resource));
return $volume->value();
data_set($service, 'volumes', $serviceVolumes->toArray());
if ($pull_request_id !== 0 && count($serviceDependencies) > 0) {
$serviceDependencies = $serviceDependencies->map(function ($dependency) use ($pull_request_id) {
return $dependency."-pr-$pull_request_id";
data_set($service, 'depends_on', $serviceDependencies->toArray());
// Decide if the service is a database
$isDatabase = isDatabaseImage(data_get_str($service, 'image'));
data_set($service, 'is_database', $isDatabase);
// Collect/create/update networks
if ($serviceNetworks->count() > 0) {
foreach ($serviceNetworks as $networkName => $networkDetails) {
if ($networkName === 'default') {
// ignore alias
if ($networkDetails['aliases'] ?? false) {
$networkExists = $topLevelNetworks->contains(function ($value, $key) use ($networkName) {
return $value == $networkName || $key == $networkName;
if (! $networkExists) {
$topLevelNetworks->put($networkDetails, null);
// Collect/create/update ports
$collectedPorts = collect([]);
if ($servicePorts->count() > 0) {
foreach ($servicePorts as $sport) {
if (is_string($sport) || is_numeric($sport)) {
if (is_array($sport)) {
$target = data_get($sport, 'target');
$published = data_get($sport, 'published');
$protocol = data_get($sport, 'protocol');
if ($collectedPorts->count() > 0) {
$definedNetworkExists = $topLevelNetworks->contains(function ($value, $_) use ($definedNetwork) {
return $value == $definedNetwork;
if (! $definedNetworkExists) {
foreach ($definedNetwork as $network) {
if ($pull_request_id !== 0) {
$topLevelNetworks->put($network, [
'name' => $network,
'external' => true,
} else {
$topLevelNetworks->put($network, [
'name' => $network,
'external' => true,
$networks = collect();
foreach ($serviceNetworks as $key => $serviceNetwork) {
if (gettype($serviceNetwork) === 'string') {
// networks:
// - appwrite
$networks->put($serviceNetwork, null);
} elseif (gettype($serviceNetwork) === 'array') {
// networks:
// default:
// ipv4_address:
// $networks->put($serviceNetwork, null);
$networks->put($key, $serviceNetwork);
foreach ($definedNetwork as $key => $network) {
$networks->put($network, null);
if (data_get($resource, 'settings.connect_to_docker_network')) {
$network = $resource->destination->network;
$networks->put($network, null);
$topLevelNetworks->put($network, [
'name' => $network,
'external' => true,
data_set($service, 'networks', $networks->toArray());
// Get variables from the service
foreach ($serviceVariables as $variableName => $variable) {
if (is_numeric($variableName)) {
if (is_array($variable)) {
$key = str(collect($variable)->keys()->first());
$value = str(collect($variable)->values()->first());
} else {
$variable = str($variable);
if ($variable->contains('=')) {
$key = $variable->before('=');
$value = $variable->after('=');
} else {
$key = $variable;
$value = null;
} else {
$key = str($variableName);
$value = str($variable);
if ($key->startsWith('SERVICE_FQDN')) {
if ($isNew) {
$name = $key->after('SERVICE_FQDN_')->beforeLast('_')->lower();
$fqdn = generateFqdn($server, "{$name->value()}-{$resource->uuid}");
if (substr_count($key->value(), '_') === 3) {
$port = $key->afterLast('_');
} else {
$port = null;
if ($port) {
$fqdn = "$fqdn:$port";
if (substr_count($key->value(), '_') >= 2) {
if ($value) {
$path = $value->value();
} else {
$path = null;
if ($generatedServiceFQDNS->count() > 0) {
$alreadyGenerated = $generatedServiceFQDNS->has($key->value());
if ($alreadyGenerated) {
$fqdn = $generatedServiceFQDNS->get($key->value());
} else {
$generatedServiceFQDNS->put($key->value(), $fqdn);
} else {
$generatedServiceFQDNS->put($key->value(), $fqdn);
$fqdn = "$fqdn$path";
if ($value?->startsWith('$')) {
$foundEnv = EnvironmentVariable::where([
'key' => $key,
'application_id' => $resource->id,
'is_preview' => false,
$value = str(replaceVariables($value));
$key = $value;
if ($value->startsWith('SERVICE_')) {
$foundEnv = EnvironmentVariable::where([
'key' => $key,
'application_id' => $resource->id,
['command' => $command, 'forService' => $forService, 'generatedValue' => $generatedValue, 'port' => $port] = parseEnvVariable($value);
if (! is_null($command)) {
if ($command?->value() === 'FQDN' || $command?->value() === 'URL') {
if (Str::lower($forService) === $serviceName) {
$fqdn = generateFqdn($server, $containerName);
} else {
$fqdn = generateFqdn($server, Str::lower($forService).'-'.$resource->uuid);
if ($port) {
$fqdn = "$fqdn:$port";
if ($foundEnv) {
$fqdn = data_get($foundEnv, 'value');
} else {
if ($command?->value() === 'URL') {
$fqdn = str($fqdn)->after('://')->value();
'key' => $key,
'value' => $fqdn,
'is_build_time' => false,
'application_id' => $resource->id,
'is_preview' => false,
} else {
$generatedValue = generateEnvValue($command);
if (! $foundEnv) {
'key' => $key,
'value' => $generatedValue,
'is_build_time' => false,
'application_id' => $resource->id,
'is_preview' => false,
} else {
if ($value->contains(':-')) {
$key = $value->before(':');
$defaultValue = $value->after(':-');
} elseif ($value->contains('-')) {
$key = $value->before('-');
$defaultValue = $value->after('-');
} elseif ($value->contains(':?')) {
$key = $value->before(':');
$defaultValue = $value->after(':?');
} elseif ($value->contains('?')) {
$key = $value->before('?');
$defaultValue = $value->after('?');
} else {
$key = $value;
$defaultValue = null;
$foundEnv = EnvironmentVariable::where([
'key' => $key,
'application_id' => $resource->id,
'is_preview' => false,
if ($foundEnv) {
$defaultValue = data_get($foundEnv, 'value');
$isBuildTime = data_get($foundEnv, 'is_build_time', false);
if ($foundEnv) {
'key' => $key,
'application_id' => $resource->id,
'is_build_time' => $isBuildTime,
'value' => $defaultValue,
} else {
'key' => $key,
'value' => $defaultValue,
'is_build_time' => $isBuildTime,
'application_id' => $resource->id,
'is_preview' => false,
// Add labels to the service
if ($resource->serviceType()) {
$fqdns = generateServiceSpecificFqdns($resource);
} else {
$domains = collect(json_decode($resource->docker_compose_domains)) ?? [];
if ($domains) {
$fqdns = data_get($domains, "$serviceName.domain");
if ($fqdns) {
$fqdns = str($fqdns)->explode(',');
if ($pull_request_id !== 0) {
$preview = $resource->previews()->find($preview_id);
$docker_compose_domains = collect(json_decode(data_get($preview, 'docker_compose_domains')));
if ($docker_compose_domains->count() > 0) {
$found_fqdn = data_get($docker_compose_domains, "$serviceName.domain");
if ($found_fqdn) {
$fqdns = collect($found_fqdn);
} else {
$fqdns = collect([]);
} else {
$fqdns = $fqdns->map(function ($fqdn) use ($pull_request_id, $resource) {
$preview = ApplicationPreview::findPreviewByApplicationAndPullId($resource->id, $pull_request_id);
$url = Url::fromString($fqdn);
$template = $resource->preview_url_template;
$host = $url->getHost();
$schema = $url->getScheme();
$random = new Cuid2;
$preview_fqdn = str_replace('{{random}}', $random, $template);
$preview_fqdn = str_replace('{{domain}}', $host, $preview_fqdn);
$preview_fqdn = str_replace('{{pr_id}}', $pull_request_id, $preview_fqdn);
$preview_fqdn = "$schema://$preview_fqdn";
$preview->fqdn = $preview_fqdn;
return $preview_fqdn;
$shouldGenerateLabelsExactly = $server->settings->generate_exact_labels;
if ($shouldGenerateLabelsExactly) {
switch ($server->proxyType()) {
case ProxyTypes::TRAEFIK->value:
$serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->merge(
uuid: $resource->uuid,
domains: $fqdns,
serviceLabels: $serviceLabels,
generate_unique_uuid: $resource->build_pack === 'dockercompose',
image: data_get($service, 'image'),
is_force_https_enabled: $resource->isForceHttpsEnabled(),
is_gzip_enabled: $resource->isGzipEnabled(),
is_stripprefix_enabled: $resource->isStripprefixEnabled(),
case ProxyTypes::CADDY->value:
$serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->merge(
network: $resource->destination->network,
uuid: $resource->uuid,
domains: $fqdns,
serviceLabels: $serviceLabels,
image: data_get($service, 'image'),
is_force_https_enabled: $resource->isForceHttpsEnabled(),
is_gzip_enabled: $resource->isGzipEnabled(),
is_stripprefix_enabled: $resource->isStripprefixEnabled(),
} else {
$serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->merge(
uuid: $resource->uuid,
domains: $fqdns,
serviceLabels: $serviceLabels,
generate_unique_uuid: $resource->build_pack === 'dockercompose',
image: data_get($service, 'image'),
is_force_https_enabled: $resource->isForceHttpsEnabled(),
is_gzip_enabled: $resource->isGzipEnabled(),
is_stripprefix_enabled: $resource->isStripprefixEnabled(),
$serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->merge(
network: $resource->destination->network,
uuid: $resource->uuid,
domains: $fqdns,
serviceLabels: $serviceLabels,
image: data_get($service, 'image'),
is_force_https_enabled: $resource->isForceHttpsEnabled(),
is_gzip_enabled: $resource->isGzipEnabled(),
is_stripprefix_enabled: $resource->isStripprefixEnabled(),
$defaultLabels = defaultLabels($resource->id, $containerName, $pull_request_id, type: 'application');
$serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->merge($defaultLabels);
if ($server->isLogDrainEnabled() && $resource->isLogDrainEnabled()) {
data_set($service, 'logging', generate_fluentd_configuration());
if ($serviceLabels->count() > 0) {
if ($resource->settings->is_container_label_escape_enabled) {
$serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->map(function ($value, $key) {
return escapeDollarSign($value);
data_set($service, 'labels', $serviceLabels->toArray());
data_forget($service, 'is_database');
if (! data_get($service, 'restart')) {
data_set($service, 'restart', RESTART_MODE);
data_set($service, 'container_name', $containerName);
data_forget($service, 'volumes.*.content');
data_forget($service, 'volumes.*.isDirectory');
return $service;
if ($pull_request_id !== 0) {
$services->each(function ($service, $serviceName) use ($pull_request_id, $services) {
$services[$serviceName."-pr-$pull_request_id"] = $service;
data_forget($services, $serviceName);
$finalServices = [
'services' => $services->toArray(),
'volumes' => $topLevelVolumes->toArray(),
'networks' => $topLevelNetworks->toArray(),
'configs' => $topLevelConfigs->toArray(),
'secrets' => $topLevelSecrets->toArray(),
$resource->docker_compose_raw = Yaml::dump($yaml, 10, 2);
$resource->docker_compose = Yaml::dump($finalServices, 10, 2);
data_forget($resource, 'environment_variables');
data_forget($resource, 'environment_variables_preview');
return collect($finalServices);
function newParser(Application|Service $resource, int $pull_request_id = 0, ?int $preview_id = null): Collection
$isApplication = $resource instanceof Application;
$isService = $resource instanceof Service;
$uuid = data_get($resource, 'uuid');
$compose = data_get($resource, 'docker_compose_raw');
if (! $compose) {
return collect([]);
if ($isApplication) {
$nameOfId = 'application_id';
$pullRequestId = $pull_request_id;
$isPullRequest = $pullRequestId == 0 ? false : true;
$server = data_get($resource, 'destination.server');
$fileStorages = $resource->fileStorages();
} elseif ($isService) {
$nameOfId = 'service_id';
$server = data_get($resource, 'server');
$allServices = get_service_templates();
} else {
return collect([]);
try {
$yaml = Yaml::parse($compose);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return collect([]);
$services = data_get($yaml, 'services', collect([]));
$topLevel = collect([
'volumes' => collect(data_get($yaml, 'volumes', [])),
'networks' => collect(data_get($yaml, 'networks', [])),
'configs' => collect(data_get($yaml, 'configs', [])),
'secrets' => collect(data_get($yaml, 'secrets', [])),
// If there are predefined volumes, make sure they are not null
if ($topLevel->get('volumes')->count() > 0) {
$temp = collect([]);
foreach ($topLevel['volumes'] as $volumeName => $volume) {
if (is_null($volume)) {
$temp->put($volumeName, $volume);
$topLevel['volumes'] = $temp;
// Get the base docker network
$baseNetwork = collect([$uuid]);
if ($isApplication && $isPullRequest) {
$baseNetwork = collect(["{$uuid}-{$pullRequestId}"]);
$parsedServices = collect([]);
foreach ($services as $serviceName => $service) {
$image = data_get_str($service, 'image');
$restart = data_get_str($service, 'restart', RESTART_MODE);
$logging = data_get($service, 'logging');
if ($server->isLogDrainEnabled() && $resource->isLogDrainEnabled()) {
$logging = generate_fluentd_configuration();
$volumes = collect(data_get($service, 'volumes', []));
$networks = collect(data_get($service, 'networks', []));
$depends_on = collect(data_get($service, 'depends_on', []));
$labels = collect(data_get($service, 'labels', []));
$environment = collect(data_get($service, 'environment', []));
$ports = collect(data_get($service, 'ports', []));
$buildArgs = collect(data_get($service, 'build.args', []));
$environment = $environment->merge($buildArgs);
$isDatabase = isDatabaseImage(data_get_str($service, 'image'));
$volumesParsed = collect([]);
if ($isApplication) {
$baseName = generateApplicationContainerName(
application: $resource,
pull_request_id: $pullRequestId
$containerName = "$serviceName-$baseName";
$predefinedPort = null;
} elseif ($isService) {
$containerName = "$serviceName-{$resource->uuid}";
if ($serviceName === 'registry') {
$tempServiceName = 'docker-registry';
} else {
$tempServiceName = $serviceName;
if (str(data_get($service, 'image'))->contains('glitchtip')) {
$tempServiceName = 'glitchtip';
if ($serviceName === 'supabase-kong') {
$tempServiceName = 'supabase';
$serviceDefinition = data_get($allServices, $tempServiceName);
$predefinedPort = data_get($serviceDefinition, 'port');
if ($serviceName === 'plausible') {
$predefinedPort = '8000';
if ($isDatabase) {
$savedService = ServiceDatabase::firstOrCreate([
'name' => $serviceName,
'image' => $image,
'service_id' => $resource->id,
} else {
$savedService = ServiceApplication::firstOrCreate([
'name' => $serviceName,
'image' => $image,
'service_id' => $resource->id,
$fileStorages = $savedService->fileStorages();
if ($savedService->image !== $image) {
$savedService->image = $image;
$originalResource = $isApplication ? $resource : $savedService;
if ($volumes->count() > 0) {
foreach ($volumes as $index => $volume) {
$type = null;
$source = null;
$target = null;
$content = null;
$isDirectory = false;
if (is_string($volume)) {
$source = str($volume)->before(':');
$target = str($volume)->after(':')->beforeLast(':');
$foundConfig = $fileStorages->whereMountPath($target)->first();
if (sourceIsLocal($source)) {
$type = str('bind');
if ($foundConfig) {
$contentNotNull_temp = data_get($foundConfig, 'content');
if ($contentNotNull_temp) {
$content = $contentNotNull_temp;
$isDirectory = data_get($foundConfig, 'is_directory');
} else {
// By default, we cannot determine if the bind is a directory or not, so we set it to directory
$isDirectory = true;
} else {
$type = str('volume');
} elseif (is_array($volume)) {
$type = data_get_str($volume, 'type');
$source = data_get_str($volume, 'source');
$target = data_get_str($volume, 'target');
$content = data_get($volume, 'content');
$isDirectory = (bool) data_get($volume, 'isDirectory', null) || (bool) data_get($volume, 'is_directory', null);
$foundConfig = $fileStorages->whereMountPath($target)->first();
if ($foundConfig) {
$contentNotNull_temp = data_get($foundConfig, 'content');
if ($contentNotNull_temp) {
$content = $contentNotNull_temp;
$isDirectory = data_get($foundConfig, 'is_directory');
} else {
// if isDirectory is not set (or false) & content is also not set, we assume it is a directory
if ((is_null($isDirectory) || ! $isDirectory) && is_null($content)) {
$isDirectory = true;
if ($type->value() === 'bind') {
if ($source->value() === '/var/run/docker.sock') {
$volume = $source->value().':'.$target->value();
} elseif ($source->value() === '/tmp' || $source->value() === '/tmp/') {
$volume = $source->value().':'.$target->value();
} else {
$mainDirectory = str(base_configuration_dir().'/applications/'.$uuid);
$source = replaceLocalSource($source, $mainDirectory);
if ($isApplication && $isPullRequest) {
$source = $source."-pr-$pullRequestId";
'mount_path' => $target,
'resource_id' => $originalResource->id,
'resource_type' => get_class($originalResource),
'fs_path' => $source,
'mount_path' => $target,
'content' => $content,
'is_directory' => $isDirectory,
'resource_id' => $originalResource->id,
'resource_type' => get_class($originalResource),
$volume = "$source:$target";
} elseif ($type->value() === 'volume') {
if ($topLevel->get('volumes')->has($source->value())) {
$temp = $topLevel->get('volumes')->get($source->value());
if (data_get($temp, 'driver_opts.type') === 'cifs') {
return $volume;
if (data_get($temp, 'driver_opts.type') === 'nfs') {
return $volume;
$slugWithoutUuid = Str::slug($source, '-');
$name = "{$uuid}_{$slugWithoutUuid}";
if ($isApplication && $isPullRequest) {
$name = "{$name}-pr-$pullRequestId";
if (is_string($volume)) {
$source = str($volume)->before(':');
$target = str($volume)->after(':')->beforeLast(':');
$source = $name;
$volume = "$source:$target";
} elseif (is_array($volume)) {
data_set($volume, 'source', $name);
$topLevel->get('volumes')->put($name, [
'name' => $name,
'mount_path' => $target,
'resource_id' => $originalResource->id,
'resource_type' => get_class($originalResource),
'name' => $name,
'mount_path' => $target,
'resource_id' => $originalResource->id,
'resource_type' => get_class($originalResource),
dispatch(new ServerFilesFromServerJob($originalResource));
$volumesParsed->put($index, $volume);
if ($depends_on?->count() > 0) {
if ($isApplication && $isPullRequest) {
$newDependsOn = collect([]);
$depends_on->each(function ($dependency, $condition) use ($pullRequestId, $newDependsOn) {
if (is_numeric($condition)) {
$dependency = "$dependency-pr-$pullRequestId";
$newDependsOn->put($condition, $dependency);
} else {
$condition = "$condition-pr-$pullRequestId";
$newDependsOn->put($condition, $dependency);
$depends_on = $newDependsOn;
if ($topLevel->get('networks')?->count() > 0) {
foreach ($topLevel->get('networks') as $networkName => $network) {
if ($networkName === 'default') {
// ignore aliases
if ($network['aliases'] ?? false) {
$networkExists = $networks->contains(function ($value, $key) use ($networkName) {
return $value == $networkName || $key == $networkName;
if (! $networkExists) {
$networks->put($networkName, null);
$baseNetworkExists = $networks->contains(function ($value, $_) use ($baseNetwork) {
return $value == $baseNetwork;
if (! $baseNetworkExists) {
foreach ($baseNetwork as $network) {
$topLevel->get('networks')->put($network, [
'name' => $network,
'external' => true,
// Collect/create/update ports
$collectedPorts = collect([]);
if ($ports->count() > 0) {
foreach ($ports as $sport) {
if (is_string($sport) || is_numeric($sport)) {
if (is_array($sport)) {
$target = data_get($sport, 'target');
$published = data_get($sport, 'published');
$protocol = data_get($sport, 'protocol');
if ($isService) {
$originalResource->ports = $collectedPorts->implode(',');
$networks_temp = collect();
foreach ($networks as $key => $network) {
if (gettype($network) === 'string') {
// networks:
// - appwrite
$networks_temp->put($network, null);
} elseif (gettype($network) === 'array') {
// networks:
// default:
// ipv4_address:
$networks_temp->put($key, $network);
foreach ($baseNetwork as $key => $network) {
$networks_temp->put($network, null);
if ($isApplication) {
if (data_get($resource, 'settings.connect_to_docker_network')) {
$network = $resource->destination->network;
$networks_temp->put($network, null);
$topLevel->get('networks')->put($network, [
'name' => $network,
'external' => true,
// convert environment variables to one format
$environment = convertComposeEnvironmentToArray($environment);
// Add Coolify defined environments
$allEnvironments = $resource->environment_variables()->get(['key', 'value']);
$allEnvironments = $allEnvironments->mapWithKeys(function ($item) {
return [$item['key'] => $item['value']];
// remove $environment from $allEnvironments
$coolifyDefinedEnvironments = $allEnvironments->diffKeys($environment);
// filter magic environments
$magicEnvironments = $environment->filter(function ($value, $key) {
$value = str(replaceVariables(str($value)));
return str($key)->startsWith('SERVICE_') || str($value)->startsWith('SERVICE_');
$normalEnvironments = $environment->diffKeys($magicEnvironments);
if ($magicEnvironments->count() > 0) {
foreach ($magicEnvironments as $key => $value) {
$key = str($key);
$value = str(replaceVariables(str($value)));
$originalValue = $value;
$keyCommand = $key->after('SERVICE_')->before('_');
$valueCommand = $value->after('SERVICE_')->before('_');
if ($key->startsWith('SERVICE_FQDN_')) {
$fqdnFor = $key->after('SERVICE_FQDN_')->lower()->value();
if (str($fqdnFor)->contains('_')) {
$fqdnFor = str($fqdnFor)->before('_');
} elseif ($value->startsWith('SERVICE_FQDN_')) {
$fqdnFor = $value->after('SERVICE_FQDN_')->lower()->value();
if (str($fqdnFor)->contains('_')) {
$fqdnFor = str($fqdnFor)->before('_');
} else {
$fqdnFor = null;
if ($keyCommand->value() === 'FQDN' || $valueCommand->value() === 'FQDN') {
if ($isApplication) {
$fqdn = generateFqdn($server, "{$resource->name}-$uuid");
} elseif ($isService) {
if ($fqdnFor) {
$fqdn = generateFqdn($server, "$fqdnFor-$uuid");
} else {
$fqdn = generateFqdn($server, "{$savedService->name}-$uuid");
if ($value && get_class($value) === 'Illuminate\Support\Stringable' && $value->startsWith('/')) {
$path = $value->value();
if ($value === '/') {
$value = "$fqdn";
} else {
$value = "$fqdn$path";
} else {
$value = $fqdn;
if (! $isDatabase) {
if ($isApplication && is_null($resource->fqdn)) {
data_forget($resource, 'environment_variables');
data_forget($resource, 'environment_variables_preview');
$resource->fqdn = $value;
} elseif ($isService && is_null($savedService->fqdn)) {
if ($key->startsWith('SERVICE_FQDN_')) {
$savedService->fqdn = $value;
} elseif ($keyCommand->value() === 'URL' || $valueCommand->value() === 'URL') {
if ($isApplication) {
$fqdn = generateFqdn($server, "{$resource->name}-{$uuid}");
} elseif ($isService) {
$fqdn = generateFqdn($server, "{$savedService->name}-{$uuid}");
if ($value && get_class($value) === 'Illuminate\Support\Stringable' && $value->startsWith('/')) {
$path = $value->value();
$value = "$fqdn$path";
} else {
$value = $fqdn;
$value = str($fqdn)->replace('http://', '')->replace('https://', '');
} else {
$generatedValue = generateEnvValue($valueCommand, $resource);
if ($generatedValue) {
$value = $generatedValue;
if (str($fqdnFor)->startsWith('/')) {
$fqdnFor = null;
// Lets save the magic value to the environment variables
if (! $originalValue->startsWith('/')) {
if ($key->startsWith('SERVICE_')) {
$originalValue = $key;
$resource->environment_variables()->where('key', $originalValue->value())->where($nameOfId, $resource->id)->firstOrCreate([
'key' => $originalValue->value(),
$nameOfId => $resource->id,
], [
'value' => $value,
'is_build_time' => false,
'is_preview' => false,
// Save the original value to the environment variables
if ($originalValue->startsWith('SERVICE_')) {
$value = "$$originalValue";
$resource->environment_variables()->where('key', $key->value())->where($nameOfId, $resource->id)->firstOrCreate([
'key' => $key->value(),
$nameOfId => $resource->id,
], [
'value' => "$value",
'is_build_time' => false,
'is_preview' => false,
foreach ($normalEnvironments as $key => $value) {
$key = str($key);
$value = str($value);
if ($value->startsWith('$')) {
$value = str(replaceVariables(str($value)));
if ($value->contains(':-')) {
$key = $value->before(':');
$value = $value->after(':-');
} elseif ($value->contains('-')) {
$key = $value->before('-');
$value = $value->after('-');
} elseif ($value->contains(':?')) {
$key = $value->before(':');
$value = $value->after(':?');
} elseif ($value->contains('?')) {
$key = $value->before('?');
$value = $value->after('?');
} else {
$key = $value;
$value = null;
$resource->environment_variables()->where('key', $key)->where($nameOfId, $resource->id)->firstOrCreate([
'key' => $key,
$nameOfId => $resource->id,
], [
'value' => $value,
'is_build_time' => false,
'is_preview' => false,
if ($isApplication) {
$branch = $originalResource->git_branch;
if ($pullRequestId !== 0) {
$branch = "pull/{$pullRequestId}/head";
if ($originalResource->environment_variables->where('key', 'COOLIFY_BRANCH')->isEmpty()) {
$environment->put('COOLIFY_BRANCH', $branch);
// Add COOLIFY_CONTAINER_NAME to environment
if ($resource->environment_variables->where('key', 'COOLIFY_CONTAINER_NAME')->isEmpty()) {
$environment->put('COOLIFY_CONTAINER_NAME', $containerName);
if ($isApplication) {
$domains = collect(json_decode($resource->docker_compose_domains)) ?? collect([]);
$fqdns = data_get($domains, "$serviceName.domain");
if ($fqdns) {
$fqdns = str($fqdns)->explode(',');
if ($isPullRequest) {
$preview = $resource->previews()->find($preview_id);
$docker_compose_domains = collect(json_decode(data_get($preview, 'docker_compose_domains')));
if ($docker_compose_domains->count() > 0) {
$found_fqdn = data_get($docker_compose_domains, "$serviceName.domain");
if ($found_fqdn) {
$fqdns = collect($found_fqdn);
} else {
$fqdns = collect([]);
} else {
$fqdns = $fqdns->map(function ($fqdn) use ($pullRequestId, $resource) {
$preview = ApplicationPreview::findPreviewByApplicationAndPullId($resource->id, $pullRequestId);
$url = Url::fromString($fqdn);
$template = $resource->preview_url_template;
$host = $url->getHost();
$schema = $url->getScheme();
$random = new Cuid2;
$preview_fqdn = str_replace('{{random}}', $random, $template);
$preview_fqdn = str_replace('{{domain}}', $host, $preview_fqdn);
$preview_fqdn = str_replace('{{pr_id}}', $pullRequestId, $preview_fqdn);
$preview_fqdn = "$schema://$preview_fqdn";
$preview->fqdn = $preview_fqdn;
return $preview_fqdn;
$defaultLabels = defaultLabels(
id: $resource->id,
name: $containerName,
pull_request_id: $pullRequestId,
type: 'application'
} elseif ($isService) {
if ($savedService->serviceType()) {
$fqdns = generateServiceSpecificFqdns($savedService);
} else {
$fqdns = collect(data_get($savedService, 'fqdns'))->filter();
$defaultLabels = defaultLabels($resource->id, $containerName, type: 'service', subType: $isDatabase ? 'database' : 'application', subId: $savedService->id);
// Add COOLIFY_FQDN & COOLIFY_URL to environment
if (! $isDatabase && $fqdns?->count() > 0) {
$environment->put('COOLIFY_URL', $fqdns->implode(','));
$urls = $fqdns->map(function ($fqdn) {
return str($fqdn)->replace('http://', '')->replace('https://', '');
$environment->put('COOLIFY_FQDN', $urls->implode(','));
add_coolify_default_environment_variables($resource, $environment, $resource->environment_variables);
$serviceLabels = $labels->merge($defaultLabels);
if (! $isDatabase && $fqdns?->count() > 0) {
if ($isApplication) {
$shouldGenerateLabelsExactly = $resource->destination->server->settings->generate_exact_labels;
$uuid = $resource->uuid;
$network = $resource->destination->network;
if ($isPullRequest) {
$uuid = "{$resource->uuid}-{$pullRequestId}";
if ($isPullRequest) {
$network = "{$resource->destination->network}-{$pullRequestId}";
} else {
$shouldGenerateLabelsExactly = $resource->server->settings->generate_exact_labels;
$uuid = $resource->uuid;
$network = $resource->destination->network;
if ($shouldGenerateLabelsExactly) {
switch ($server->proxyType()) {
case ProxyTypes::TRAEFIK->value:
$serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->merge(fqdnLabelsForTraefik(
uuid: $uuid,
domains: $fqdns,
is_force_https_enabled: true,
serviceLabels: $serviceLabels,
is_gzip_enabled: $originalResource->isGzipEnabled(),
is_stripprefix_enabled: $originalResource->isStripprefixEnabled(),
service_name: $serviceName,
image: $image
case ProxyTypes::CADDY->value:
$serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->merge(fqdnLabelsForCaddy(
network: $network,
uuid: $uuid,
domains: $fqdns,
is_force_https_enabled: true,
serviceLabels: $serviceLabels,
is_gzip_enabled: $originalResource->isGzipEnabled(),
is_stripprefix_enabled: $originalResource->isStripprefixEnabled(),
service_name: $serviceName,
image: $image,
predefinedPort: $predefinedPort
} else {
$serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->merge(fqdnLabelsForTraefik(
uuid: $uuid,
domains: $fqdns,
is_force_https_enabled: true,
serviceLabels: $serviceLabels,
is_gzip_enabled: $originalResource->isGzipEnabled(),
is_stripprefix_enabled: $originalResource->isStripprefixEnabled(),
service_name: $serviceName,
image: $image
$serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->merge(fqdnLabelsForCaddy(
network: $network,
uuid: $uuid,
domains: $fqdns,
is_force_https_enabled: true,
serviceLabels: $serviceLabels,
is_gzip_enabled: $originalResource->isGzipEnabled(),
is_stripprefix_enabled: $originalResource->isStripprefixEnabled(),
service_name: $serviceName,
image: $image,
predefinedPort: $predefinedPort
if ($isService) {
if (data_get($service, 'restart') === 'no' || data_get($service, 'exclude_from_hc')) {
$savedService->update(['exclude_from_status' => true]);
data_forget($service, 'volumes.*.content');
data_forget($service, 'volumes.*.isDirectory');
data_forget($service, 'volumes.*.is_directory');
data_forget($service, 'exclude_from_hc');
$payload = collect($service)->merge([
'container_name' => $containerName,
'restart' => $restart->value(),
'networks' => $networks_temp,
'labels' => $serviceLabels,
if ($ports->count() > 0) {
$payload['ports'] = $ports;
if ($volumesParsed->count() > 0) {
$payload['volumes'] = $volumesParsed;
if ($environment->count() > 0 || $coolifyDefinedEnvironments->count() > 0) {
$payload['environment'] = $environment->merge($coolifyDefinedEnvironments);
if ($logging) {
$payload['logging'] = $logging;
if ($depends_on->count() > 0) {
$payload['depends_on'] = $depends_on;
if ($isApplication && $isPullRequest) {
$serviceName = "{$serviceName}-pr-{$pullRequestId}";
$parsedServices->put($serviceName, $payload);
$topLevel->put('services', $parsedServices);
$customOrder = ['services', 'volumes', 'networks', 'configs', 'secrets'];
$topLevel = $topLevel->sortBy(function ($value, $key) use ($customOrder) {
return array_search($key, $customOrder);
$resource->docker_compose = Yaml::dump(convertToArray($topLevel), 10, 2);
data_forget($resource, 'environment_variables');
data_forget($resource, 'environment_variables_preview');
return $topLevel;
function generate_fluentd_configuration(): array
return [
'driver' => 'fluentd',
'options' => [
'fluentd-address' => 'tcp://',
'fluentd-async' => 'true',
'fluentd-sub-second-precision' => 'true',
// env vars are used in the LogDrain configurations
* This method adds the default environment variables to the resource.
* Theses variables are added in place to the $where_to_add array.
function add_coolify_default_environment_variables(StandaloneRedis|StandalonePostgresql|StandaloneMongodb|StandaloneMysql|StandaloneMariadb|StandaloneKeydb|StandaloneDragonfly|StandaloneClickhouse|Application|Service $resource, Collection &$where_to_add, ?Collection $where_to_check = null)
if ($where_to_check != null && $where_to_check->where('key', 'COOLIFY_APP_NAME')->isEmpty()) {
if ($resource instanceof Application && $resource->build_pack === 'dockercompose') {
$where_to_add->put('COOLIFY_APP_NAME', $resource->name);
} elseif ($resource instanceof Service) {
$where_to_add->put('COOLIFY_APP_NAME', $resource->name);
} else {
if ($where_to_check != null && $where_to_check->where('key', 'COOLIFY_SERVER_IP')->isEmpty()) {
if ($resource instanceof Application && $resource->build_pack === 'dockercompose') {
$where_to_add->put('COOLIFY_SERVER_IP', $resource->destination->server->ip);
} elseif ($resource instanceof Service) {
$where_to_add->put('COOLIFY_SERVER_IP', $resource->server->ip);
} else {
if ($where_to_check != null && $where_to_check->where('key', 'COOLIFY_ENVIRONMENT_NAME')->isEmpty()) {
if ($resource instanceof Application && $resource->build_pack === 'dockercompose') {
$where_to_add->put('COOLIFY_ENVIRONMENT_NAME', $resource->environment->name);
} elseif ($resource instanceof Service) {
$where_to_add->put('COOLIFY_ENVIRONMENT_NAME', $resource->environment->name);
} else {
if ($where_to_check != null && $where_to_check->where('key', 'COOLIFY_PROJECT_NAME')->isEmpty()) {
if ($resource instanceof Application && $resource->build_pack === 'dockercompose') {
$where_to_add->put('COOLIFY_PROJECT_NAME', $resource->project()->name);
} elseif ($resource instanceof Service) {
$where_to_add->put('COOLIFY_PROJECT_NAME', $resource->project()->name);
} else {
function convertComposeEnvironmentToArray($environment)
$convertedServiceVariables = collect([]);
foreach ($environment as $variableName => $variableValue) {
if (is_array($variableValue)) {
$key = str(collect($variableValue)->keys()->first());
$value = str(collect($variableValue)->values()->first());
} elseif (is_string($variableValue)) {
if (str($variableValue)->contains('=')) {
$key = str($variableValue)->before('=');
$value = str($variableValue)->after('=');
} else {
if (is_numeric($variableName)) {
$key = str($variableValue);
$value = null;
} else {
$key = str($variableName);
if ($variableValue) {
$value = str($variableValue);
} else {
$value = null;
$convertedServiceVariables->put($key->value(), $value?->value() ?? null);
return $convertedServiceVariables;