Andras Bacsai e4b92bb660 feat: new server checking job
feat: show if the server  has problems on ui
2024-08-05 15:48:15 +02:00

681 lines
33 KiB

namespace App\Actions\Docker;
use App\Actions\Database\StartDatabaseProxy;
use App\Actions\Proxy\CheckProxy;
use App\Actions\Proxy\StartProxy;
use App\Actions\Shared\ComplexStatusCheck;
use App\Models\ApplicationPreview;
use App\Models\Server;
use App\Models\ServiceDatabase;
use App\Notifications\Container\ContainerRestarted;
use App\Notifications\Container\ContainerStopped;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Lorisleiva\Actions\Concerns\AsAction;
class GetContainersStatus
use AsAction;
public $applications;
public ?Collection $containers;
public ?Collection $containerReplicates;
public $server;
public function handle(Server $server, ?Collection $containers = null, ?Collection $containerReplicates = null)
$this->containers = $containers;
$this->containerReplicates = $containerReplicates;
$this->server = $server;
if (! $this->server->isFunctional()) {
return 'Server is not ready.';
$this->applications = $this->server->applications();
$skip_these_applications = collect([]);
foreach ($this->applications as $application) {
if ($application->additional_servers->count() > 0) {
$this->applications = $this->applications->filter(function ($value, $key) use ($application) {
return $value->id !== $application->id;
$this->applications = $this->applications->filter(function ($value, $key) use ($skip_these_applications) {
return ! $skip_these_applications->pluck('id')->contains($value->id);
// if ($this->server->isSwarm()) {
// $this->old_way();
// } else {
// if (!$this->server->is_metrics_enabled) {
// $this->old_way();
// return;
// }
// $sentinel_found = instant_remote_process(["docker inspect coolify-sentinel"], $this->server, false);
// $sentinel_found = json_decode($sentinel_found, true);
// $status = data_get($sentinel_found, '0.State.Status', 'exited');
// if ($status === 'running') {
// ray('Checking with Sentinel');
// $this->sentinel();
// } else {
// ray('Checking the Old way');
// $this->old_way();
// }
// }
// private function sentinel()
// {
// try {
// $this->containers = $this->server->getContainersWithSentinel();
// if ($this->containers->count() === 0) {
// return;
// }
// $databases = $this->server->databases();
// $services = $this->server->services()->get();
// $previews = $this->server->previews();
// $foundApplications = [];
// $foundApplicationPreviews = [];
// $foundDatabases = [];
// $foundServices = [];
// foreach ($this->containers as $container) {
// $labels = Arr::undot(data_get($container, 'labels'));
// $containerStatus = data_get($container, 'state');
// $containerHealth = data_get($container, 'health_status', 'unhealthy');
// $containerStatus = "$containerStatus ($containerHealth)";
// $applicationId = data_get($labels, 'coolify.applicationId');
// if ($applicationId) {
// $pullRequestId = data_get($labels, 'coolify.pullRequestId');
// if ($pullRequestId) {
// if (str($applicationId)->contains('-')) {
// $applicationId = str($applicationId)->before('-');
// }
// $preview = ApplicationPreview::where('application_id', $applicationId)->where('pull_request_id', $pullRequestId)->first();
// if ($preview) {
// $foundApplicationPreviews[] = $preview->id;
// $statusFromDb = $preview->status;
// if ($statusFromDb !== $containerStatus) {
// $preview->update(['status' => $containerStatus]);
// }
// } else {
// //Notify user that this container should not be there.
// }
// } else {
// $application = $this->applications->where('id', $applicationId)->first();
// if ($application) {
// $foundApplications[] = $application->id;
// $statusFromDb = $application->status;
// if ($statusFromDb !== $containerStatus) {
// $application->update(['status' => $containerStatus]);
// }
// } else {
// //Notify user that this container should not be there.
// }
// }
// } else {
// $uuid = data_get($labels, 'com.docker.compose.service');
// $type = data_get($labels, 'coolify.type');
// if ($uuid) {
// if ($type === 'service') {
// $database_id = data_get($labels, 'coolify.service.subId');
// if ($database_id) {
// $service_db = ServiceDatabase::where('id', $database_id)->first();
// if ($service_db) {
// $uuid = $service_db->service->uuid;
// $isPublic = data_get($service_db, 'is_public');
// if ($isPublic) {
// $foundTcpProxy = $this->containers->filter(function ($value, $key) use ($uuid) {
// if ($this->server->isSwarm()) {
// // TODO: fix this with sentinel
// return data_get($value, 'Spec.Name') === "coolify-proxy_$uuid";
// } else {
// return data_get($value, 'name') === "$uuid-proxy";
// }
// })->first();
// if (! $foundTcpProxy) {
// StartDatabaseProxy::run($service_db);
// // $this->server->team?->notify(new ContainerRestarted("TCP Proxy for {$service_db->service->name}", $this->server));
// }
// }
// }
// }
// } else {
// $database = $databases->where('uuid', $uuid)->first();
// if ($database) {
// $isPublic = data_get($database, 'is_public');
// $foundDatabases[] = $database->id;
// $statusFromDb = $database->status;
// if ($statusFromDb !== $containerStatus) {
// $database->update(['status' => $containerStatus]);
// }
// if ($isPublic) {
// $foundTcpProxy = $this->containers->filter(function ($value, $key) use ($uuid) {
// if ($this->server->isSwarm()) {
// // TODO: fix this with sentinel
// return data_get($value, 'Spec.Name') === "coolify-proxy_$uuid";
// } else {
// return data_get($value, 'name') === "$uuid-proxy";
// }
// })->first();
// if (! $foundTcpProxy) {
// StartDatabaseProxy::run($database);
// $this->server->team?->notify(new ContainerRestarted("TCP Proxy for {$database->name}", $this->server));
// }
// }
// } else {
// // Notify user that this container should not be there.
// }
// }
// }
// if (data_get($container, 'name') === 'coolify-db') {
// $foundDatabases[] = 0;
// }
// }
// $serviceLabelId = data_get($labels, 'coolify.serviceId');
// if ($serviceLabelId) {
// $subType = data_get($labels, 'coolify.service.subType');
// $subId = data_get($labels, 'coolify.service.subId');
// $service = $services->where('id', $serviceLabelId)->first();
// if (! $service) {
// continue;
// }
// if ($subType === 'application') {
// $service = $service->applications()->where('id', $subId)->first();
// } else {
// $service = $service->databases()->where('id', $subId)->first();
// }
// if ($service) {
// $foundServices[] = "$service->id-$service->name";
// $statusFromDb = $service->status;
// if ($statusFromDb !== $containerStatus) {
// // ray('Updating status: ' . $containerStatus);
// $service->update(['status' => $containerStatus]);
// }
// }
// }
// }
// $exitedServices = collect([]);
// foreach ($services as $service) {
// $apps = $service->applications()->get();
// $dbs = $service->databases()->get();
// foreach ($apps as $app) {
// if (in_array("$app->id-$app->name", $foundServices)) {
// continue;
// } else {
// $exitedServices->push($app);
// }
// }
// foreach ($dbs as $db) {
// if (in_array("$db->id-$db->name", $foundServices)) {
// continue;
// } else {
// $exitedServices->push($db);
// }
// }
// }
// $exitedServices = $exitedServices->unique('id');
// foreach ($exitedServices as $exitedService) {
// if (str($exitedService->status)->startsWith('exited')) {
// continue;
// }
// $name = data_get($exitedService, 'name');
// $fqdn = data_get($exitedService, 'fqdn');
// if ($name) {
// if ($fqdn) {
// $containerName = "$name, available at $fqdn";
// } else {
// $containerName = $name;
// }
// } else {
// if ($fqdn) {
// $containerName = $fqdn;
// } else {
// $containerName = null;
// }
// }
// $projectUuid = data_get($service, 'environment.project.uuid');
// $serviceUuid = data_get($service, 'uuid');
// $environmentName = data_get($service, '');
// if ($projectUuid && $serviceUuid && $environmentName) {
// $url = base_url().'/project/'.$projectUuid.'/'.$environmentName.'/service/'.$serviceUuid;
// } else {
// $url = null;
// }
// // $this->server->team?->notify(new ContainerStopped($containerName, $this->server, $url));
// $exitedService->update(['status' => 'exited']);
// }
// $notRunningApplications = $this->applications->pluck('id')->diff($foundApplications);
// foreach ($notRunningApplications as $applicationId) {
// $application = $this->applications->where('id', $applicationId)->first();
// if (str($application->status)->startsWith('exited')) {
// continue;
// }
// $application->update(['status' => 'exited']);
// $name = data_get($application, 'name');
// $fqdn = data_get($application, 'fqdn');
// $containerName = $name ? "$name ($fqdn)" : $fqdn;
// $projectUuid = data_get($application, 'environment.project.uuid');
// $applicationUuid = data_get($application, 'uuid');
// $environment = data_get($application, '');
// if ($projectUuid && $applicationUuid && $environment) {
// $url = base_url().'/project/'.$projectUuid.'/'.$environment.'/application/'.$applicationUuid;
// } else {
// $url = null;
// }
// // $this->server->team?->notify(new ContainerStopped($containerName, $this->server, $url));
// }
// $notRunningApplicationPreviews = $previews->pluck('id')->diff($foundApplicationPreviews);
// foreach ($notRunningApplicationPreviews as $previewId) {
// $preview = $previews->where('id', $previewId)->first();
// if (str($preview->status)->startsWith('exited')) {
// continue;
// }
// $preview->update(['status' => 'exited']);
// $name = data_get($preview, 'name');
// $fqdn = data_get($preview, 'fqdn');
// $containerName = $name ? "$name ($fqdn)" : $fqdn;
// $projectUuid = data_get($preview, 'application.environment.project.uuid');
// $environmentName = data_get($preview, '');
// $applicationUuid = data_get($preview, 'application.uuid');
// if ($projectUuid && $applicationUuid && $environmentName) {
// $url = base_url().'/project/'.$projectUuid.'/'.$environmentName.'/application/'.$applicationUuid;
// } else {
// $url = null;
// }
// // $this->server->team?->notify(new ContainerStopped($containerName, $this->server, $url));
// }
// $notRunningDatabases = $databases->pluck('id')->diff($foundDatabases);
// foreach ($notRunningDatabases as $database) {
// $database = $databases->where('id', $database)->first();
// if (str($database->status)->startsWith('exited')) {
// continue;
// }
// $database->update(['status' => 'exited']);
// $name = data_get($database, 'name');
// $fqdn = data_get($database, 'fqdn');
// $containerName = $name;
// $projectUuid = data_get($database, 'environment.project.uuid');
// $environmentName = data_get($database, '');
// $databaseUuid = data_get($database, 'uuid');
// if ($projectUuid && $databaseUuid && $environmentName) {
// $url = base_url().'/project/'.$projectUuid.'/'.$environmentName.'/database/'.$databaseUuid;
// } else {
// $url = null;
// }
// // $this->server->team?->notify(new ContainerStopped($containerName, $this->server, $url));
// }
// // Check if proxy is running
// $this->server->proxyType();
// $foundProxyContainer = $this->containers->filter(function ($value, $key) {
// if ($this->server->isSwarm()) {
// // TODO: fix this with sentinel
// return data_get($value, 'Spec.Name') === 'coolify-proxy_traefik';
// } else {
// return data_get($value, 'name') === 'coolify-proxy';
// }
// })->first();
// if (! $foundProxyContainer) {
// try {
// $shouldStart = CheckProxy::run($this->server);
// if ($shouldStart) {
// StartProxy::run($this->server, false);
// $this->server->team?->notify(new ContainerRestarted('coolify-proxy', $this->server));
// }
// } catch (\Throwable $e) {
// ray($e);
// }
// } else {
// $this->server->proxy->status = data_get($foundProxyContainer, 'state');
// $this->server->save();
// $connectProxyToDockerNetworks = connectProxyToNetworks($this->server);
// instant_remote_process($connectProxyToDockerNetworks, $this->server, false);
// }
// } catch (\Exception $e) {
// // send_internal_notification("ContainerStatusJob failed on ({$this->server->id}) with: " . $e->getMessage());
// ray($e->getMessage());
// return handleError($e);
// }
// }
private function old_way()
if ($this->containers === null) {
['containers' => $this->containers,'containerReplicates' => $this->containerReplicates] = $this->server->getContainers();
if (is_null($this->containers)) {
if ($this->containerReplicates) {
foreach ($this->containerReplicates as $containerReplica) {
$name = data_get($containerReplica, 'Name');
$this->containers = $this->containers->map(function ($container) use ($name, $containerReplica) {
if (data_get($container, 'Spec.Name') === $name) {
$replicas = data_get($containerReplica, 'Replicas');
$running = str($replicas)->explode('/')[0];
$total = str($replicas)->explode('/')[1];
if ($running === $total) {
data_set($container, 'State.Status', 'running');
data_set($container, 'State.Health.Status', 'healthy');
} else {
data_set($container, 'State.Status', 'starting');
data_set($container, 'State.Health.Status', 'unhealthy');
return $container;
$databases = $this->server->databases();
$services = $this->server->services()->get();
$previews = $this->server->previews();
$foundApplications = [];
$foundApplicationPreviews = [];
$foundDatabases = [];
$foundServices = [];
foreach ($this->containers as $container) {
if ($this->server->isSwarm()) {
$labels = data_get($container, 'Spec.Labels');
$uuid = data_get($labels, '');
} else {
$labels = data_get($container, 'Config.Labels');
$containerStatus = data_get($container, 'State.Status');
$containerHealth = data_get($container, 'State.Health.Status', 'unhealthy');
$containerStatus = "$containerStatus ($containerHealth)";
$labels = Arr::undot(format_docker_labels_to_json($labels));
$applicationId = data_get($labels, 'coolify.applicationId');
if ($applicationId) {
$pullRequestId = data_get($labels, 'coolify.pullRequestId');
if ($pullRequestId) {
if (str($applicationId)->contains('-')) {
$applicationId = str($applicationId)->before('-');
$preview = ApplicationPreview::where('application_id', $applicationId)->where('pull_request_id', $pullRequestId)->first();
if ($preview) {
$foundApplicationPreviews[] = $preview->id;
$statusFromDb = $preview->status;
if ($statusFromDb !== $containerStatus) {
$preview->update(['status' => $containerStatus]);
} else {
//Notify user that this container should not be there.
} else {
$application = $this->applications->where('id', $applicationId)->first();
if ($application) {
$foundApplications[] = $application->id;
$statusFromDb = $application->status;
if ($statusFromDb !== $containerStatus) {
$application->update(['status' => $containerStatus]);
} else {
//Notify user that this container should not be there.
} else {
$uuid = data_get($labels, 'com.docker.compose.service');
$type = data_get($labels, 'coolify.type');
if ($uuid) {
if ($type === 'service') {
$database_id = data_get($labels, 'coolify.service.subId');
if ($database_id) {
$service_db = ServiceDatabase::where('id', $database_id)->first();
if ($service_db) {
$uuid = data_get($service_db, 'service.uuid');
if ($uuid) {
$isPublic = data_get($service_db, 'is_public');
if ($isPublic) {
$foundTcpProxy = $this->containers->filter(function ($value, $key) use ($uuid) {
if ($this->server->isSwarm()) {
return data_get($value, 'Spec.Name') === "coolify-proxy_$uuid";
} else {
return data_get($value, 'Name') === "/$uuid-proxy";
if (! $foundTcpProxy) {
// $this->server->team?->notify(new ContainerRestarted("TCP Proxy for {$service_db->service->name}", $this->server));
} else {
$database = $databases->where('uuid', $uuid)->first();
if ($database) {
$isPublic = data_get($database, 'is_public');
$foundDatabases[] = $database->id;
$statusFromDb = $database->status;
if ($statusFromDb !== $containerStatus) {
$database->update(['status' => $containerStatus]);
if ($isPublic) {
$foundTcpProxy = $this->containers->filter(function ($value, $key) use ($uuid) {
if ($this->server->isSwarm()) {
return data_get($value, 'Spec.Name') === "coolify-proxy_$uuid";
} else {
return data_get($value, 'Name') === "/$uuid-proxy";
if (! $foundTcpProxy) {
$this->server->team?->notify(new ContainerRestarted("TCP Proxy for {$database->name}", $this->server));
} else {
// Notify user that this container should not be there.
if (data_get($container, 'Name') === '/coolify-db') {
$foundDatabases[] = 0;
$serviceLabelId = data_get($labels, 'coolify.serviceId');
if ($serviceLabelId) {
$subType = data_get($labels, 'coolify.service.subType');
$subId = data_get($labels, 'coolify.service.subId');
$service = $services->where('id', $serviceLabelId)->first();
if (! $service) {
if ($subType === 'application') {
$service = $service->applications()->where('id', $subId)->first();
} else {
$service = $service->databases()->where('id', $subId)->first();
if ($service) {
$foundServices[] = "$service->id-$service->name";
$statusFromDb = $service->status;
if ($statusFromDb !== $containerStatus) {
// ray('Updating status: ' . $containerStatus);
$service->update(['status' => $containerStatus]);
$exitedServices = collect([]);
foreach ($services as $service) {
$apps = $service->applications()->get();
$dbs = $service->databases()->get();
foreach ($apps as $app) {
if (in_array("$app->id-$app->name", $foundServices)) {
} else {
foreach ($dbs as $db) {
if (in_array("$db->id-$db->name", $foundServices)) {
} else {
$exitedServices = $exitedServices->unique('id');
foreach ($exitedServices as $exitedService) {
if (str($exitedService->status)->startsWith('exited')) {
$name = data_get($exitedService, 'name');
$fqdn = data_get($exitedService, 'fqdn');
if ($name) {
if ($fqdn) {
$containerName = "$name, available at $fqdn";
} else {
$containerName = $name;
} else {
if ($fqdn) {
$containerName = $fqdn;
} else {
$containerName = null;
$projectUuid = data_get($service, 'environment.project.uuid');
$serviceUuid = data_get($service, 'uuid');
$environmentName = data_get($service, '');
if ($projectUuid && $serviceUuid && $environmentName) {
$url = base_url().'/project/'.$projectUuid.'/'.$environmentName.'/service/'.$serviceUuid;
} else {
$url = null;
// $this->server->team?->notify(new ContainerStopped($containerName, $this->server, $url));
$exitedService->update(['status' => 'exited']);
$notRunningApplications = $this->applications->pluck('id')->diff($foundApplications);
foreach ($notRunningApplications as $applicationId) {
$application = $this->applications->where('id', $applicationId)->first();
if (str($application->status)->startsWith('exited')) {
$application->update(['status' => 'exited']);
$name = data_get($application, 'name');
$fqdn = data_get($application, 'fqdn');
$containerName = $name ? "$name ($fqdn)" : $fqdn;
$projectUuid = data_get($application, 'environment.project.uuid');
$applicationUuid = data_get($application, 'uuid');
$environment = data_get($application, '');
if ($projectUuid && $applicationUuid && $environment) {
$url = base_url().'/project/'.$projectUuid.'/'.$environment.'/application/'.$applicationUuid;
} else {
$url = null;
// $this->server->team?->notify(new ContainerStopped($containerName, $this->server, $url));
$notRunningApplicationPreviews = $previews->pluck('id')->diff($foundApplicationPreviews);
foreach ($notRunningApplicationPreviews as $previewId) {
$preview = $previews->where('id', $previewId)->first();
if (str($preview->status)->startsWith('exited')) {
$preview->update(['status' => 'exited']);
$name = data_get($preview, 'name');
$fqdn = data_get($preview, 'fqdn');
$containerName = $name ? "$name ($fqdn)" : $fqdn;
$projectUuid = data_get($preview, 'application.environment.project.uuid');
$environmentName = data_get($preview, '');
$applicationUuid = data_get($preview, 'application.uuid');
if ($projectUuid && $applicationUuid && $environmentName) {
$url = base_url().'/project/'.$projectUuid.'/'.$environmentName.'/application/'.$applicationUuid;
} else {
$url = null;
// $this->server->team?->notify(new ContainerStopped($containerName, $this->server, $url));
$notRunningDatabases = $databases->pluck('id')->diff($foundDatabases);
foreach ($notRunningDatabases as $database) {
$database = $databases->where('id', $database)->first();
if (str($database->status)->startsWith('exited')) {
$database->update(['status' => 'exited']);
$name = data_get($database, 'name');
$fqdn = data_get($database, 'fqdn');
$containerName = $name;
$projectUuid = data_get($database, 'environment.project.uuid');
$environmentName = data_get($database, '');
$databaseUuid = data_get($database, 'uuid');
if ($projectUuid && $databaseUuid && $environmentName) {
$url = base_url().'/project/'.$projectUuid.'/'.$environmentName.'/database/'.$databaseUuid;
} else {
$url = null;
// $this->server->team?->notify(new ContainerStopped($containerName, $this->server, $url));
// Check if proxy is running
$foundProxyContainer = $this->containers->filter(function ($value, $key) {
if ($this->server->isSwarm()) {
return data_get($value, 'Spec.Name') === 'coolify-proxy_traefik';
} else {
return data_get($value, 'Name') === '/coolify-proxy';
if (! $foundProxyContainer) {
try {
$shouldStart = CheckProxy::run($this->server);
if ($shouldStart) {
StartProxy::run($this->server, false);
$this->server->team?->notify(new ContainerRestarted('coolify-proxy', $this->server));
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
} else {
$this->server->proxy->status = data_get($foundProxyContainer, 'State.Status');
$connectProxyToDockerNetworks = connectProxyToNetworks($this->server);
instant_remote_process($connectProxyToDockerNetworks, $this->server, false);