FROM node:18-slim as build WORKDIR /app ARG PNPM_VERSION=7.11.0 RUN apt update && apt -y install curl RUN npm --no-update-notifier --no-fund --global install pnpm@${PNPM_VERSION} COPY . . RUN pnpm install RUN pnpm build # Production build FROM node:18-slim WORKDIR /app ENV NODE_ENV production ARG NPM_VERSION=8.19.1 ARG PNPM_VERSION=7.11.0 ARG TARGETPLATFORM RUN apt update && apt -y install --no-install-recommends ca-certificates git git-lfs openssh-client curl jq cmake sqlite3 openssl psmisc python3 RUN apt-get clean autoclean && apt-get autoremove --yes && rm -rf /var/lib/{apt,dpkg,cache,log}/ RUN npm --no-update-notifier --no-fund --global install pnpm@${PNPM_VERSION} RUN npm install -g npm@${PNPM_VERSION} RUN mkdir -p ~/.docker/cli-plugins/ # RUN curl -SL$TARGETPLATFORM/docker-20.10.9 -o /usr/bin/docker # # Reverted to 2.6.1 because of this 2.9.0 still has a bug. RUN curl -SL$TARGETPLATFORM/docker-compose-linux-2.6.1 -o ~/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose RUN chmod +x ~/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose /usr/bin/docker RUN (curl -sSL "" | tar -C /usr/local/bin/ --no-same-owner -xzv pack) COPY --from=build /app/apps/api/build/ . COPY --from=build /app/apps/ui/build/ ./public COPY --from=build /app/apps/api/prisma/ ./prisma COPY --from=build /app/apps/api/package.json . COPY --from=build /app/docker-compose.yaml . RUN pnpm install -p EXPOSE 3000 ENV CHECKPOINT_DISABLE=1 CMD pnpm start