['type' => 'integer', 'description' => 'The unique identifier of the team.'], 'name' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The name of the team.'], 'description' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The description of the team.'], 'personal_team' => ['type' => 'boolean', 'description' => 'Whether the team is personal or not.'], 'created_at' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The date and time the team was created.'], 'updated_at' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The date and time the team was last updated.'], 'smtp_enabled' => ['type' => 'boolean', 'description' => 'Whether SMTP is enabled or not.'], 'smtp_from_address' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The email address to send emails from.'], 'smtp_from_name' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The name to send emails from.'], 'smtp_recipients' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The email addresses to send emails to.'], 'smtp_host' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The SMTP host.'], 'smtp_port' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The SMTP port.'], 'smtp_encryption' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The SMTP encryption.'], 'smtp_username' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The SMTP username.'], 'smtp_password' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The SMTP password.'], 'smtp_timeout' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The SMTP timeout.'], 'smtp_notifications_test' => ['type' => 'boolean', 'description' => 'Whether to send test notifications via SMTP.'], 'smtp_notifications_deployments' => ['type' => 'boolean', 'description' => 'Whether to send deployment notifications via SMTP.'], 'smtp_notifications_status_changes' => ['type' => 'boolean', 'description' => 'Whether to send status change notifications via SMTP.'], 'smtp_notifications_scheduled_tasks' => ['type' => 'boolean', 'description' => 'Whether to send scheduled task notifications via SMTP.'], 'smtp_notifications_database_backups' => ['type' => 'boolean', 'description' => 'Whether to send database backup notifications via SMTP.'], 'discord_enabled' => ['type' => 'boolean', 'description' => 'Whether Discord is enabled or not.'], 'discord_webhook_url' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The Discord webhook URL.'], 'discord_notifications_test' => ['type' => 'boolean', 'description' => 'Whether to send test notifications via Discord.'], 'discord_notifications_deployments' => ['type' => 'boolean', 'description' => 'Whether to send deployment notifications via Discord.'], 'discord_notifications_status_changes' => ['type' => 'boolean', 'description' => 'Whether to send status change notifications via Discord.'], 'discord_notifications_database_backups' => ['type' => 'boolean', 'description' => 'Whether to send database backup notifications via Discord.'], 'discord_notifications_scheduled_tasks' => ['type' => 'boolean', 'description' => 'Whether to send scheduled task notifications via Discord.'], 'show_boarding' => ['type' => 'boolean', 'description' => 'Whether to show the boarding screen or not.'], 'resend_enabled' => ['type' => 'boolean', 'description' => 'Whether to enable resending or not.'], 'resend_api_key' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The resending API key.'], 'use_instance_email_settings' => ['type' => 'boolean', 'description' => 'Whether to use instance email settings or not.'], 'telegram_enabled' => ['type' => 'boolean', 'description' => 'Whether Telegram is enabled or not.'], 'telegram_token' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The Telegram token.'], 'telegram_chat_id' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The Telegram chat ID.'], 'telegram_notifications_test' => ['type' => 'boolean', 'description' => 'Whether to send test notifications via Telegram.'], 'telegram_notifications_deployments' => ['type' => 'boolean', 'description' => 'Whether to send deployment notifications via Telegram.'], 'telegram_notifications_status_changes' => ['type' => 'boolean', 'description' => 'Whether to send status change notifications via Telegram.'], 'telegram_notifications_database_backups' => ['type' => 'boolean', 'description' => 'Whether to send database backup notifications via Telegram.'], 'telegram_notifications_test_message_thread_id' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The Telegram test message thread ID.'], 'telegram_notifications_deployments_message_thread_id' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The Telegram deployment message thread ID.'], 'telegram_notifications_status_changes_message_thread_id' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The Telegram status change message thread ID.'], 'telegram_notifications_database_backups_message_thread_id' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The Telegram database backup message thread ID.'], 'custom_server_limit' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The custom server limit.'], 'telegram_notifications_scheduled_tasks' => ['type' => 'boolean', 'description' => 'Whether to send scheduled task notifications via Telegram.'], 'telegram_notifications_scheduled_tasks_thread_id' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The Telegram scheduled task message thread ID.'], 'members' => new OA\Property( property: 'members', type: 'array', items: new OA\Items(ref: '#/components/schemas/User'), description: 'The members of the team.' ), ] )] class Team extends Model implements SendsDiscord, SendsEmail { use Notifiable; protected $guarded = []; protected $casts = [ 'personal_team' => 'boolean', 'smtp_password' => 'encrypted', 'resend_api_key' => 'encrypted', ]; protected static function booted() { static::saving(function ($team) { if (auth()->user()?->isMember()) { throw new \Exception('You are not allowed to update this team.'); } }); static::deleting(function ($team) { $keys = $team->privateKeys; foreach ($keys as $key) { ray('Deleting key: '.$key->name); $key->delete(); } $sources = $team->sources(); foreach ($sources as $source) { ray('Deleting source: '.$source->name); $source->delete(); } $tags = Tag::whereTeamId($team->id)->get(); foreach ($tags as $tag) { ray('Deleting tag: '.$tag->name); $tag->delete(); } $shared_variables = $team->environment_variables(); foreach ($shared_variables as $shared_variable) { ray('Deleting team shared variable: '.$shared_variable->name); $shared_variable->delete(); } $s3s = $team->s3s; foreach ($s3s as $s3) { ray('Deleting s3: '.$s3->name); $s3->delete(); } }); } public function routeNotificationForDiscord() { return data_get($this, 'discord_webhook_url', null); } public function routeNotificationForTelegram() { return [ 'token' => data_get($this, 'telegram_token', null), 'chat_id' => data_get($this, 'telegram_chat_id', null), ]; } public function getRecepients($notification) { $recipients = data_get($notification, 'emails', null); if (is_null($recipients)) { $recipients = $this->members()->pluck('email')->toArray(); return $recipients; } return explode(',', $recipients); } public static function serverLimitReached() { $serverLimit = Team::serverLimit(); $team = currentTeam(); $servers = $team->servers->count(); return $servers >= $serverLimit; } public function serverOverflow() { if ($this->serverLimit() < $this->servers->count()) { return true; } return false; } public static function serverLimit() { if (currentTeam()->id === 0 && isDev()) { return 9999999; } return Team::find(currentTeam()->id)->limits['serverLimit']; } public function limits(): Attribute { return Attribute::make( get: function () { if (config('coolify.self_hosted') || $this->id === 0) { $subscription = 'self-hosted'; } else { $subscription = data_get($this, 'subscription'); if (is_null($subscription)) { $subscription = 'zero'; } else { $subscription = $subscription->type(); } } if ($this->custom_server_limit) { $serverLimit = $this->custom_server_limit; } else { $serverLimit = config('constants.limits.server')[strtolower($subscription)]; } $sharedEmailEnabled = config('constants.limits.email')[strtolower($subscription)]; return ['serverLimit' => $serverLimit, 'sharedEmailEnabled' => $sharedEmailEnabled]; } ); } public function environment_variables() { return $this->hasMany(SharedEnvironmentVariable::class)->whereNull('project_id')->whereNull('environment_id'); } public function members() { return $this->belongsToMany(User::class, 'team_user', 'team_id', 'user_id')->withPivot('role'); } public function subscription() { return $this->hasOne(Subscription::class); } public function applications() { return $this->hasManyThrough(Application::class, Project::class); } public function invitations() { return $this->hasMany(TeamInvitation::class); } public function isEmpty() { if ($this->projects()->count() === 0 && $this->servers()->count() === 0 && $this->privateKeys()->count() === 0 && $this->sources()->count() === 0) { return true; } return false; } public function projects() { return $this->hasMany(Project::class); } public function servers() { return $this->hasMany(Server::class); } public function privateKeys() { return $this->hasMany(PrivateKey::class); } public function sources() { $sources = collect([]); $github_apps = $this->hasMany(GithubApp::class)->whereisPublic(false)->get(); $gitlab_apps = $this->hasMany(GitlabApp::class)->whereisPublic(false)->get(); $sources = $sources->merge($github_apps)->merge($gitlab_apps); return $sources; } public function s3s() { return $this->hasMany(S3Storage::class)->where('is_usable', true); } public function trialEnded() { foreach ($this->servers as $server) { $server->settings()->update([ 'is_usable' => false, 'is_reachable' => false, ]); } } public function trialEndedButSubscribed() { foreach ($this->servers as $server) { $server->settings()->update([ 'is_usable' => true, 'is_reachable' => true, ]); } } public function isAnyNotificationEnabled() { if (isCloud()) { return true; } if ($this->smtp_enabled || $this->resend_enabled || $this->discord_enabled || $this->telegram_enabled || $this->use_instance_email_settings) { return true; } return false; } }