['type' => 'integer', 'description' => 'The unique identifier of the service. Only used for database identification.'], 'uuid' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The unique identifier of the service.'], 'name' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The name of the service.'], 'environment_id' => ['type' => 'integer', 'description' => 'The unique identifier of the environment where the service is attached to.'], 'server_id' => ['type' => 'integer', 'description' => 'The unique identifier of the server where the service is running.'], 'description' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The description of the service.'], 'docker_compose_raw' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The raw docker-compose.yml file of the service.'], 'docker_compose' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The docker-compose.yml file that is parsed and modified by Coolify.'], 'destination_type' => ['type' => 'integer', 'description' => 'The unique identifier of the destination where the service is running.'], 'destination_id' => ['type' => 'integer', 'description' => 'The unique identifier of the destination where the service is running.'], 'connect_to_docker_network' => ['type' => 'boolean', 'description' => 'The flag to connect the service to the predefined Docker network.'], 'is_container_label_escape_enabled' => ['type' => 'boolean', 'description' => 'The flag to enable the container label escape.'], 'is_container_label_readonly_enabled' => ['type' => 'boolean', 'description' => 'The flag to enable the container label readonly.'], 'config_hash' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The hash of the service configuration.'], 'service_type' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The type of the service.'], 'created_at' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The date and time when the service was created.'], 'updated_at' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The date and time when the service was last updated.'], 'deleted_at' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The date and time when the service was deleted.'], ], )] class Service extends BaseModel { use HasFactory, SoftDeletes; protected $guarded = []; protected $appends = ['server_status']; public function isConfigurationChanged(bool $save = false) { $domains = $this->applications()->get()->pluck('fqdn')->sort()->toArray(); $domains = implode(',', $domains); $applicationImages = $this->applications()->get()->pluck('image')->sort(); $databaseImages = $this->databases()->get()->pluck('image')->sort(); $images = $applicationImages->merge($databaseImages); $images = implode(',', $images->toArray()); $applicationStorages = $this->applications()->get()->pluck('persistentStorages')->flatten()->sortBy('id'); $databaseStorages = $this->databases()->get()->pluck('persistentStorages')->flatten()->sortBy('id'); $storages = $applicationStorages->merge($databaseStorages)->implode('updated_at'); $newConfigHash = $images.$domains.$images.$storages; $newConfigHash .= json_encode($this->environment_variables()->get('value')->sort()); $newConfigHash = md5($newConfigHash); $oldConfigHash = data_get($this, 'config_hash'); if ($oldConfigHash === null) { if ($save) { $this->config_hash = $newConfigHash; $this->save(); } return true; } if ($oldConfigHash === $newConfigHash) { return false; } else { if ($save) { $this->config_hash = $newConfigHash; $this->save(); } return true; } } protected function serverStatus(): Attribute { return Attribute::make( get: function () { return $this->server->isFunctional(); } ); } public function isRunning() { return (bool) str($this->status())->contains('running'); } public function isExited() { return (bool) str($this->status())->contains('exited'); } public function type() { return 'service'; } public function project() { return data_get($this, 'environment.project'); } public function team() { return data_get($this, 'environment.project.team'); } public function tags() { return $this->morphToMany(Tag::class, 'taggable'); } public function delete_configurations() { $server = data_get($this, 'server'); $workdir = $this->workdir(); if (str($workdir)->endsWith($this->uuid)) { instant_remote_process(['rm -rf '.$this->workdir()], $server, false); } } public function status() { $applications = $this->applications; $databases = $this->databases; $complexStatus = null; $complexHealth = null; foreach ($applications as $application) { if ($application->exclude_from_status) { continue; } $status = str($application->status)->before('(')->trim(); $health = str($application->status)->between('(', ')')->trim(); if ($complexStatus === 'degraded') { continue; } if ($status->startsWith('running')) { if ($complexStatus === 'exited') { $complexStatus = 'degraded'; } else { $complexStatus = 'running'; } } elseif ($status->startsWith('restarting')) { $complexStatus = 'degraded'; } elseif ($status->startsWith('exited')) { $complexStatus = 'exited'; } if ($health->value() === 'healthy') { if ($complexHealth === 'unhealthy') { continue; } $complexHealth = 'healthy'; } else { $complexHealth = 'unhealthy'; } } foreach ($databases as $database) { if ($database->exclude_from_status) { continue; } $status = str($database->status)->before('(')->trim(); $health = str($database->status)->between('(', ')')->trim(); if ($complexStatus === 'degraded') { continue; } if ($status->startsWith('running')) { if ($complexStatus === 'exited') { $complexStatus = 'degraded'; } else { $complexStatus = 'running'; } } elseif ($status->startsWith('restarting')) { $complexStatus = 'degraded'; } elseif ($status->startsWith('exited')) { $complexStatus = 'exited'; } if ($health->value() === 'healthy') { if ($complexHealth === 'unhealthy') { continue; } $complexHealth = 'healthy'; } else { $complexHealth = 'unhealthy'; } } return "{$complexStatus}:{$complexHealth}"; } public function extraFields() { $fields = collect([]); $applications = $this->applications()->get(); foreach ($applications as $application) { $image = str($application->image)->before(':')->value(); switch ($image) { case str($image)?->contains('rabbitmq'): $data = collect([]); $host_port = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'PORT')->first(); $username = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'SERVICE_USER_RABBITMQ')->first(); $password = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'SERVICE_PASSWORD_RABBITMQ')->first(); if ($host_port) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Host Port Binding' => [ 'key' => data_get($host_port, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($host_port, 'value'), 'rules' => 'required', ], ]); } if ($username) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Username' => [ 'key' => data_get($username, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($username, 'value'), 'rules' => 'required', ], ]); } if ($password) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Password' => [ 'key' => data_get($password, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($password, 'value'), 'rules' => 'required', 'isPassword' => true, ], ]); } $fields->put('RabbitMQ', $data->toArray()); break; case str($image)?->contains('tolgee'): $data = collect([]); $admin_password = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'SERVICE_PASSWORD_TOLGEE')->first(); $data = $data->merge([ 'Admin User' => [ 'key' => 'TOLGEE_AUTHENTICATION_INITIAL_USERNAME', 'value' => 'admin', 'readonly' => true, 'rules' => 'required', ], ]); if ($admin_password) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Admin Password' => [ 'key' => 'SERVICE_PASSWORD_TOLGEE', 'value' => data_get($admin_password, 'value'), 'rules' => 'required', 'isPassword' => true, ], ]); } $fields->put('Tolgee', $data->toArray()); break; case str($image)?->contains('logto'): $data = collect([]); $logto_endpoint = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'LOGTO_ENDPOINT')->first(); $logto_admin_endpoint = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'LOGTO_ADMIN_ENDPOINT')->first(); if ($logto_endpoint) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Endpoint' => [ 'key' => data_get($logto_endpoint, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($logto_endpoint, 'value'), 'rules' => 'required|url', ], ]); } if ($logto_admin_endpoint) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Admin Endpoint' => [ 'key' => data_get($logto_admin_endpoint, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($logto_admin_endpoint, 'value'), 'rules' => 'required|url', ], ]); } $fields->put('Logto', $data->toArray()); break; case str($image)?->contains('unleash-server'): $data = collect([]); $admin_password = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'SERVICE_PASSWORD_UNLEASH')->first(); $data = $data->merge([ 'Admin User' => [ 'key' => 'SERVICE_USER_UNLEASH', 'value' => 'admin', 'readonly' => true, 'rules' => 'required', ], ]); if ($admin_password) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Admin Password' => [ 'key' => 'SERVICE_PASSWORD_UNLEASH', 'value' => data_get($admin_password, 'value'), 'rules' => 'required', 'isPassword' => true, ], ]); } $fields->put('Unleash', $data->toArray()); break; case str($image)?->contains('grafana'): $data = collect([]); $admin_password = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'SERVICE_PASSWORD_GRAFANA')->first(); $data = $data->merge([ 'Admin User' => [ 'key' => 'GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_USER', 'value' => 'admin', 'readonly' => true, 'rules' => 'required', ], ]); if ($admin_password) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Admin Password' => [ 'key' => 'GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD', 'value' => data_get($admin_password, 'value'), 'rules' => 'required', 'isPassword' => true, ], ]); } $fields->put('Grafana', $data->toArray()); break; case str($image)?->contains('directus'): $data = collect([]); $admin_email = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'ADMIN_EMAIL')->first(); $admin_password = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'SERVICE_PASSWORD_ADMIN')->first(); if ($admin_email) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Admin Email' => [ 'key' => data_get($admin_email, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($admin_email, 'value'), 'rules' => 'required|email', ], ]); } if ($admin_password) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Admin Password' => [ 'key' => data_get($admin_password, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($admin_password, 'value'), 'rules' => 'required', 'isPassword' => true, ], ]); } $fields->put('Directus', $data->toArray()); break; case str($image)?->contains('kong'): $data = collect([]); $dashboard_user = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'SERVICE_USER_ADMIN')->first(); $dashboard_password = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'SERVICE_PASSWORD_ADMIN')->first(); if ($dashboard_user) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Dashboard User' => [ 'key' => data_get($dashboard_user, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($dashboard_user, 'value'), 'rules' => 'required', ], ]); } if ($dashboard_password) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Dashboard Password' => [ 'key' => data_get($dashboard_password, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($dashboard_password, 'value'), 'rules' => 'required', 'isPassword' => true, ], ]); } $fields->put('Supabase', $data->toArray()); case str($image)?->contains('minio'): $data = collect([]); $console_url = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'MINIO_BROWSER_REDIRECT_URL')->first(); $s3_api_url = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'MINIO_SERVER_URL')->first(); $admin_user = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'SERVICE_USER_MINIO')->first(); if (is_null($admin_user)) { $admin_user = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'MINIO_ROOT_USER')->first(); } $admin_password = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'SERVICE_PASSWORD_MINIO')->first(); if (is_null($admin_password)) { $admin_password = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD')->first(); } if ($console_url) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Console URL' => [ 'key' => data_get($console_url, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($console_url, 'value'), 'rules' => 'required|url', ], ]); } if ($s3_api_url) { $data = $data->merge([ 'S3 API URL' => [ 'key' => data_get($s3_api_url, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($s3_api_url, 'value'), 'rules' => 'required|url', ], ]); } if ($admin_user) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Admin User' => [ 'key' => data_get($admin_user, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($admin_user, 'value'), 'rules' => 'required', ], ]); } if ($admin_password) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Admin Password' => [ 'key' => data_get($admin_password, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($admin_password, 'value'), 'rules' => 'required', 'isPassword' => true, ], ]); } $fields->put('MinIO', $data->toArray()); break; case str($image)?->contains('weblate'): $data = collect([]); $admin_email = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'WEBLATE_ADMIN_EMAIL')->first(); $admin_password = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'SERVICE_PASSWORD_WEBLATE')->first(); if ($admin_email) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Admin Email' => [ 'key' => data_get($admin_email, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($admin_email, 'value'), 'rules' => 'required|email', ], ]); } if ($admin_password) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Admin Password' => [ 'key' => data_get($admin_password, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($admin_password, 'value'), 'rules' => 'required', 'isPassword' => true, ], ]); } $fields->put('Weblate', $data->toArray()); break; case str($image)?->contains('meilisearch'): $data = collect([]); $SERVICE_PASSWORD_MEILISEARCH = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'SERVICE_PASSWORD_MEILISEARCH')->first(); if ($SERVICE_PASSWORD_MEILISEARCH) { $data = $data->merge([ 'API Key' => [ 'key' => data_get($SERVICE_PASSWORD_MEILISEARCH, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($SERVICE_PASSWORD_MEILISEARCH, 'value'), 'isPassword' => true, ], ]); } $fields->put('Meilisearch', $data->toArray()); break; case str($image)?->contains('ghost'): $data = collect([]); $MAIL_OPTIONS_AUTH_PASS = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'MAIL_OPTIONS_AUTH_PASS')->first(); $MAIL_OPTIONS_AUTH_USER = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'MAIL_OPTIONS_AUTH_USER')->first(); $MAIL_OPTIONS_SECURE = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'MAIL_OPTIONS_SECURE')->first(); $MAIL_OPTIONS_PORT = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'MAIL_OPTIONS_PORT')->first(); $MAIL_OPTIONS_SERVICE = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'MAIL_OPTIONS_SERVICE')->first(); $MAIL_OPTIONS_HOST = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'MAIL_OPTIONS_HOST')->first(); if ($MAIL_OPTIONS_AUTH_PASS) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Mail Password' => [ 'key' => data_get($MAIL_OPTIONS_AUTH_PASS, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($MAIL_OPTIONS_AUTH_PASS, 'value'), 'isPassword' => true, ], ]); } if ($MAIL_OPTIONS_AUTH_USER) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Mail User' => [ 'key' => data_get($MAIL_OPTIONS_AUTH_USER, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($MAIL_OPTIONS_AUTH_USER, 'value'), ], ]); } if ($MAIL_OPTIONS_SECURE) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Mail Secure' => [ 'key' => data_get($MAIL_OPTIONS_SECURE, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($MAIL_OPTIONS_SECURE, 'value'), ], ]); } if ($MAIL_OPTIONS_PORT) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Mail Port' => [ 'key' => data_get($MAIL_OPTIONS_PORT, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($MAIL_OPTIONS_PORT, 'value'), ], ]); } if ($MAIL_OPTIONS_SERVICE) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Mail Service' => [ 'key' => data_get($MAIL_OPTIONS_SERVICE, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($MAIL_OPTIONS_SERVICE, 'value'), ], ]); } if ($MAIL_OPTIONS_HOST) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Mail Host' => [ 'key' => data_get($MAIL_OPTIONS_HOST, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($MAIL_OPTIONS_HOST, 'value'), ], ]); } $fields->put('Ghost', $data->toArray()); break; default: $data = collect([]); $admin_user = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'SERVICE_USER_ADMIN')->first(); // Chaskiq $admin_email = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'ADMIN_EMAIL')->first(); $admin_password = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'SERVICE_PASSWORD_ADMIN')->first(); if ($admin_user) { $data = $data->merge([ 'User' => [ 'key' => 'SERVICE_USER_ADMIN', 'value' => data_get($admin_user, 'value', 'admin'), 'readonly' => true, 'rules' => 'required', ], ]); } if ($admin_password) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Password' => [ 'key' => 'SERVICE_PASSWORD_ADMIN', 'value' => data_get($admin_password, 'value'), 'rules' => 'required', 'isPassword' => true, ], ]); } if ($admin_email) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Email' => [ 'key' => 'ADMIN_EMAIL', 'value' => data_get($admin_email, 'value'), 'rules' => 'required|email', ], ]); } $fields->put('Admin', $data->toArray()); break; case str($image)?->contains('vaultwarden'): $data = collect([]); $DATABASE_URL = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'DATABASE_URL')->first(); $ADMIN_TOKEN = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'SERVICE_PASSWORD_64_ADMIN')->first(); $SIGNUP_ALLOWED = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'SIGNUP_ALLOWED')->first(); $PUSH_ENABLED = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'PUSH_ENABLED')->first(); $PUSH_INSTALLATION_ID = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'PUSH_SERVICE_ID')->first(); $PUSH_INSTALLATION_KEY = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'PUSH_SERVICE_KEY')->first(); if ($DATABASE_URL) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Database URL' => [ 'key' => data_get($DATABASE_URL, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($DATABASE_URL, 'value'), ], ]); } if ($ADMIN_TOKEN) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Admin Password' => [ 'key' => data_get($ADMIN_TOKEN, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($ADMIN_TOKEN, 'value'), 'isPassword' => true, ], ]); } if ($SIGNUP_ALLOWED) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Signup Allowed' => [ 'key' => data_get($SIGNUP_ALLOWED, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($SIGNUP_ALLOWED, 'value'), 'rules' => 'required|string|in:true,false', ], ]); } if ($PUSH_ENABLED) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Push Enabled' => [ 'key' => data_get($PUSH_ENABLED, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($PUSH_ENABLED, 'value'), 'rules' => 'required|string|in:true,false', ], ]); } if ($PUSH_INSTALLATION_ID) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Push Installation ID' => [ 'key' => data_get($PUSH_INSTALLATION_ID, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($PUSH_INSTALLATION_ID, 'value'), ], ]); } if ($PUSH_INSTALLATION_KEY) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Push Installation Key' => [ 'key' => data_get($PUSH_INSTALLATION_KEY, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($PUSH_INSTALLATION_KEY, 'value'), 'isPassword' => true, ], ]); } $fields->put('Vaultwarden', $data); break; case str($image)->contains('gitlab/gitlab'): $password = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', 'SERVICE_PASSWORD_GITLAB')->first(); $data = collect([]); if ($password) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Root Password' => [ 'key' => data_get($password, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($password, 'value'), 'rules' => 'required', 'isPassword' => true, ], ]); } $data = $data->merge([ 'Root User' => [ 'key' => 'N/A', 'value' => 'root', 'rules' => 'required', 'isPassword' => true, ], ]); $fields->put('GitLab', $data->toArray()); break; } } $databases = $this->databases()->get(); foreach ($databases as $database) { $image = str($database->image)->before(':')->value(); switch ($image) { case str($image)->contains('postgres'): $userVariables = ['SERVICE_USER_POSTGRES', 'SERVICE_USER_POSTGRESQL']; $passwordVariables = ['SERVICE_PASSWORD_POSTGRES', 'SERVICE_PASSWORD_POSTGRESQL']; $dbNameVariables = ['POSTGRESQL_DATABASE', 'POSTGRES_DB']; $postgres_user = $this->environment_variables()->whereIn('key', $userVariables)->first(); $postgres_password = $this->environment_variables()->whereIn('key', $passwordVariables)->first(); $postgres_db_name = $this->environment_variables()->whereIn('key', $dbNameVariables)->first(); $data = collect([]); if ($postgres_user) { $data = $data->merge([ 'User' => [ 'key' => data_get($postgres_user, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($postgres_user, 'value'), 'rules' => 'required', ], ]); } if ($postgres_password) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Password' => [ 'key' => data_get($postgres_password, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($postgres_password, 'value'), 'rules' => 'required', 'isPassword' => true, ], ]); } if ($postgres_db_name) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Database Name' => [ 'key' => data_get($postgres_db_name, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($postgres_db_name, 'value'), 'rules' => 'required', ], ]); } $fields->put('PostgreSQL', $data->toArray()); break; case str($image)->contains('mysql'): $userVariables = ['SERVICE_USER_MYSQL', 'SERVICE_USER_WORDPRESS']; $passwordVariables = ['SERVICE_PASSWORD_MYSQL', 'SERVICE_PASSWORD_WORDPRESS']; $rootPasswordVariables = ['SERVICE_PASSWORD_MYSQLROOT', 'SERVICE_PASSWORD_ROOT']; $dbNameVariables = ['MYSQL_DATABASE']; $mysql_user = $this->environment_variables()->whereIn('key', $userVariables)->first(); $mysql_password = $this->environment_variables()->whereIn('key', $passwordVariables)->first(); $mysql_root_password = $this->environment_variables()->whereIn('key', $rootPasswordVariables)->first(); $mysql_db_name = $this->environment_variables()->whereIn('key', $dbNameVariables)->first(); $data = collect([]); if ($mysql_user) { $data = $data->merge([ 'User' => [ 'key' => data_get($mysql_user, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($mysql_user, 'value'), 'rules' => 'required', ], ]); } if ($mysql_password) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Password' => [ 'key' => data_get($mysql_password, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($mysql_password, 'value'), 'rules' => 'required', 'isPassword' => true, ], ]); } if ($mysql_root_password) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Root Password' => [ 'key' => data_get($mysql_root_password, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($mysql_root_password, 'value'), 'rules' => 'required', 'isPassword' => true, ], ]); } if ($mysql_db_name) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Database Name' => [ 'key' => data_get($mysql_db_name, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($mysql_db_name, 'value'), 'rules' => 'required', ], ]); } $fields->put('MySQL', $data->toArray()); break; case str($image)->contains('mariadb'): $userVariables = ['SERVICE_USER_MARIADB', 'SERVICE_USER_WORDPRESS', '_APP_DB_USER']; $passwordVariables = ['SERVICE_PASSWORD_MARIADB', 'SERVICE_PASSWORD_WORDPRESS', '_APP_DB_PASS']; $rootPasswordVariables = ['SERVICE_PASSWORD_MARIADBROOT', 'SERVICE_PASSWORD_ROOT', '_APP_DB_ROOT_PASS']; $dbNameVariables = ['SERVICE_DATABASE_MARIADB', 'SERVICE_DATABASE_WORDPRESS', '_APP_DB_SCHEMA']; $mariadb_user = $this->environment_variables()->whereIn('key', $userVariables)->first(); $mariadb_password = $this->environment_variables()->whereIn('key', $passwordVariables)->first(); $mariadb_root_password = $this->environment_variables()->whereIn('key', $rootPasswordVariables)->first(); $mariadb_db_name = $this->environment_variables()->whereIn('key', $dbNameVariables)->first(); $data = collect([]); if ($mariadb_user) { $data = $data->merge([ 'User' => [ 'key' => data_get($mariadb_user, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($mariadb_user, 'value'), 'rules' => 'required', ], ]); } if ($mariadb_password) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Password' => [ 'key' => data_get($mariadb_password, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($mariadb_password, 'value'), 'rules' => 'required', 'isPassword' => true, ], ]); } if ($mariadb_root_password) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Root Password' => [ 'key' => data_get($mariadb_root_password, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($mariadb_root_password, 'value'), 'rules' => 'required', 'isPassword' => true, ], ]); } if ($mariadb_db_name) { $data = $data->merge([ 'Database Name' => [ 'key' => data_get($mariadb_db_name, 'key'), 'value' => data_get($mariadb_db_name, 'value'), 'rules' => 'required', ], ]); } $fields->put('MariaDB', $data->toArray()); break; } } return $fields; } public function saveExtraFields($fields) { foreach ($fields as $field) { $key = data_get($field, 'key'); $value = data_get($field, 'value'); $found = $this->environment_variables()->where('key', $key)->first(); if ($found) { $found->value = $value; $found->save(); } else { $this->environment_variables()->create([ 'key' => $key, 'value' => $value, 'is_build_time' => false, 'service_id' => $this->id, 'is_preview' => false, ]); } } } public function link() { if (data_get($this, 'environment.project.uuid')) { return route('project.service.configuration', [ 'project_uuid' => data_get($this, 'environment.project.uuid'), 'environment_name' => data_get($this, 'environment.name'), 'service_uuid' => data_get($this, 'uuid'), ]); } return null; } public function failedTaskLink($task_uuid) { if (data_get($this, 'environment.project.uuid')) { $route = route('project.service.scheduled-tasks', [ 'project_uuid' => data_get($this, 'environment.project.uuid'), 'environment_name' => data_get($this, 'environment.name'), 'service_uuid' => data_get($this, 'uuid'), 'task_uuid' => $task_uuid, ]); $settings = InstanceSettings::get(); if (data_get($settings, 'fqdn')) { $url = Url::fromString($route); $url = $url->withPort(null); $fqdn = data_get($settings, 'fqdn'); $fqdn = str_replace(['http://', 'https://'], '', $fqdn); $url = $url->withHost($fqdn); return $url->__toString(); } return $route; } return null; } public function documentation() { $services = get_service_templates(); $service = data_get($services, str($this->name)->beforeLast('-')->value, []); return data_get($service, 'documentation', config('constants.docs.base_url')); } public function applications() { return $this->hasMany(ServiceApplication::class); } public function databases() { return $this->hasMany(ServiceDatabase::class); } public function destination() { return $this->morphTo(); } public function environment() { return $this->belongsTo(Environment::class); } public function server() { return $this->belongsTo(Server::class); } public function byUuid(string $uuid) { $app = $this->applications()->whereUuid($uuid)->first(); if ($app) { return $app; } $db = $this->databases()->whereUuid($uuid)->first(); if ($db) { return $db; } return null; } public function byName(string $name) { $app = $this->applications()->whereName($name)->first(); if ($app) { return $app; } $db = $this->databases()->whereName($name)->first(); if ($db) { return $db; } return null; } public function scheduled_tasks(): HasMany { return $this->hasMany(ScheduledTask::class)->orderBy('name', 'asc'); } public function environment_variables(): HasMany { return $this->hasMany(EnvironmentVariable::class)->orderBy('key', 'asc'); } public function environment_variables_preview(): HasMany { return $this->hasMany(EnvironmentVariable::class)->where('is_preview', true)->orderBy('key', 'asc'); } public function workdir() { return service_configuration_dir()."/{$this->uuid}"; } public function saveComposeConfigs() { $workdir = $this->workdir(); $commands[] = "mkdir -p $workdir"; $commands[] = "cd $workdir"; $json = Yaml::parse($this->docker_compose); $this->docker_compose = Yaml::dump($json, 10, 2, Yaml::DUMP_MULTI_LINE_LITERAL_BLOCK); $docker_compose_base64 = base64_encode($this->docker_compose); $commands[] = "echo $docker_compose_base64 | base64 -d | tee docker-compose.yml > /dev/null"; $commands[] = 'rm -f .env || true'; $envs_from_coolify = $this->environment_variables()->get(); foreach ($envs_from_coolify as $env) { $commands[] = "echo '{$env->key}={$env->real_value}' >> .env"; } if ($envs_from_coolify->count() === 0) { $commands[] = 'touch .env'; } instant_remote_process($commands, $this->server); } public function parse(bool $isNew = false): Collection { if (! $this->docker_compose_raw) { return collect([]); } try { $yaml = Yaml::parse($this->docker_compose_raw); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new \Exception($e->getMessage()); } $allServices = get_service_templates(); $topLevelVolumes = collect(data_get($yaml, 'volumes', [])); $topLevelNetworks = collect(data_get($yaml, 'networks', [])); $topLevelConfigs = collect(data_get($yaml, 'configs', [])); $topLevelSecrets = collect(data_get($yaml, 'secrets', [])); $services = data_get($yaml, 'services'); $generatedServiceFQDNS = collect([]); if (is_null($this->destination)) { $destination = $this->server->destinations()->first(); if ($destination) { $this->destination()->associate($destination); $this->save(); } } $definedNetwork = collect([$this->uuid]); if ($topLevelVolumes->count() > 0) { $tempTopLevelVolumes = collect([]); foreach ($topLevelVolumes as $volumeName => $volume) { if (is_null($volume)) { continue; } $tempTopLevelVolumes->put($volumeName, $volume); } $topLevelVolumes = collect($tempTopLevelVolumes); } $services = collect($services)->map(function ($service, $serviceName) use ($topLevelNetworks, $definedNetwork, $isNew, $generatedServiceFQDNS, $allServices, $topLevelVolumes) { // Workarounds for beta users. if ($serviceName === 'registry') { $tempServiceName = 'docker-registry'; } else { $tempServiceName = $serviceName; } if (str(data_get($service, 'image'))->contains('glitchtip')) { $tempServiceName = 'glitchtip'; } if ($serviceName === 'supabase-kong') { $tempServiceName = 'supabase'; } $serviceDefinition = data_get($allServices, $tempServiceName); $predefinedPort = data_get($serviceDefinition, 'port'); if ($serviceName === 'plausible') { $predefinedPort = '8000'; } // End of workarounds for beta users. $serviceVolumes = collect(data_get($service, 'volumes', [])); $servicePorts = collect(data_get($service, 'ports', [])); $serviceNetworks = collect(data_get($service, 'networks', [])); $serviceVariables = collect(data_get($service, 'environment', [])); $serviceLabels = collect(data_get($service, 'labels', [])); $hasHostNetworkMode = data_get($service, 'network_mode') === 'host' ? true : false; if ($serviceLabels->count() > 0) { $removedLabels = collect([]); $serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->filter(function ($serviceLabel, $serviceLabelName) use ($removedLabels) { if (! str($serviceLabel)->contains('=')) { $removedLabels->put($serviceLabelName, $serviceLabel); return false; } return $serviceLabel; }); foreach ($removedLabels as $removedLabelName => $removedLabel) { $serviceLabels->push("$removedLabelName=$removedLabel"); } } $containerName = "$serviceName-{$this->uuid}"; // Decide if the service is a database $isDatabase = isDatabaseImage(data_get_str($service, 'image')); $image = data_get_str($service, 'image'); data_set($service, 'is_database', $isDatabase); // Create new serviceApplication or serviceDatabase if ($isDatabase) { if ($isNew) { $savedService = ServiceDatabase::create([ 'name' => $serviceName, 'image' => $image, 'service_id' => $this->id, ]); } else { $savedService = ServiceDatabase::where([ 'name' => $serviceName, 'service_id' => $this->id, ])->first(); } } else { if ($isNew) { $savedService = ServiceApplication::create([ 'name' => $serviceName, 'image' => $image, 'service_id' => $this->id, ]); } else { $savedService = ServiceApplication::where([ 'name' => $serviceName, 'service_id' => $this->id, ])->first(); } } if (is_null($savedService)) { if ($isDatabase) { $savedService = ServiceDatabase::create([ 'name' => $serviceName, 'image' => $image, 'service_id' => $this->id, ]); } else { $savedService = ServiceApplication::create([ 'name' => $serviceName, 'image' => $image, 'service_id' => $this->id, ]); } } // Check if image changed if ($savedService->image !== $image) { $savedService->image = $image; $savedService->save(); } // Collect/create/update networks if ($serviceNetworks->count() > 0) { foreach ($serviceNetworks as $networkName => $networkDetails) { if ($networkName === 'default') { continue; } // ignore alias if ($networkDetails['aliases'] ?? false) { continue; } $networkExists = $topLevelNetworks->contains(function ($value, $key) use ($networkName) { return $value == $networkName || $key == $networkName; }); if (! $networkExists) { $topLevelNetworks->put($networkDetails, null); } } } // Collect/create/update ports $collectedPorts = collect([]); if ($servicePorts->count() > 0) { foreach ($servicePorts as $sport) { if (is_string($sport) || is_numeric($sport)) { $collectedPorts->push($sport); } if (is_array($sport)) { $target = data_get($sport, 'target'); $published = data_get($sport, 'published'); $protocol = data_get($sport, 'protocol'); $collectedPorts->push("$target:$published/$protocol"); } } } $savedService->ports = $collectedPorts->implode(','); $savedService->save(); if (! $hasHostNetworkMode) { // Add Coolify specific networks $definedNetworkExists = $topLevelNetworks->contains(function ($value, $_) use ($definedNetwork) { return $value == $definedNetwork; }); if (! $definedNetworkExists) { foreach ($definedNetwork as $network) { $topLevelNetworks->put($network, [ 'name' => $network, 'external' => true, ]); } } $networks = collect(); foreach ($serviceNetworks as $key => $serviceNetwork) { if (gettype($serviceNetwork) === 'string') { // networks: // - appwrite $networks->put($serviceNetwork, null); } elseif (gettype($serviceNetwork) === 'array') { // networks: // default: // ipv4_address: // $networks->put($serviceNetwork, null); $networks->put($key, $serviceNetwork); } } foreach ($definedNetwork as $key => $network) { $networks->put($network, null); } data_set($service, 'networks', $networks->toArray()); } // Collect/create/update volumes if ($serviceVolumes->count() > 0) { ['serviceVolumes' => $serviceVolumes, 'topLevelVolumes' => $topLevelVolumes] = parseServiceVolumes($serviceVolumes, $savedService, $topLevelVolumes); data_set($service, 'volumes', $serviceVolumes->toArray()); } // Get variables from the service foreach ($serviceVariables as $variableName => $variable) { if (is_numeric($variableName)) { if (is_array($variable)) { // - SESSION_SECRET: 123 // - SESSION_SECRET: $key = str(collect($variable)->keys()->first()); $value = str(collect($variable)->values()->first()); } else { $variable = str($variable); if ($variable->contains('=')) { // - SESSION_SECRET=123 // - SESSION_SECRET= $key = $variable->before('='); $value = $variable->after('='); } else { // - SESSION_SECRET $key = $variable; $value = null; } } } else { // SESSION_SECRET: 123 // SESSION_SECRET: $key = str($variableName); $value = str($variable); } if ($key->startsWith('SERVICE_FQDN')) { if ($isNew || $savedService->fqdn === null) { $name = $key->after('SERVICE_FQDN_')->beforeLast('_')->lower(); $fqdn = generateFqdn($this->server, "{$name->value()}-{$this->uuid}"); if (substr_count($key->value(), '_') === 3) { // SERVICE_FQDN_UMAMI_1000 $port = $key->afterLast('_'); } else { $last = $key->afterLast('_'); if (is_numeric($last->value())) { // SERVICE_FQDN_3001 $port = $last; } else { // SERVICE_FQDN_UMAMI $port = null; } } if ($port) { $fqdn = "$fqdn:$port"; } if (substr_count($key->value(), '_') >= 2) { if ($value) { $path = $value->value(); } else { $path = null; } if ($generatedServiceFQDNS->count() > 0) { $alreadyGenerated = $generatedServiceFQDNS->has($key->value()); if ($alreadyGenerated) { $fqdn = $generatedServiceFQDNS->get($key->value()); } else { $generatedServiceFQDNS->put($key->value(), $fqdn); } } else { $generatedServiceFQDNS->put($key->value(), $fqdn); } $fqdn = "$fqdn$path"; } if (! $isDatabase) { if ($savedService->fqdn) { data_set($savedService, 'fqdn', $savedService->fqdn.','.$fqdn); } else { data_set($savedService, 'fqdn', $fqdn); } $savedService->save(); } EnvironmentVariable::create([ 'key' => $key, 'value' => $fqdn, 'is_build_time' => false, 'service_id' => $this->id, 'is_preview' => false, ]); } // Caddy needs exact port in some cases. if ($predefinedPort && ! $key->endsWith("_{$predefinedPort}")) { $fqdns_exploded = str($savedService->fqdn)->explode(','); if ($fqdns_exploded->count() > 1) { continue; } $env = EnvironmentVariable::where([ 'key' => $key, 'service_id' => $this->id, ])->first(); if ($env) { $env_url = Url::fromString($savedService->fqdn); $env_port = $env_url->getPort(); if ($env_port !== $predefinedPort) { $env_url = $env_url->withPort($predefinedPort); $savedService->fqdn = $env_url->__toString(); $savedService->save(); } } } // data_forget($service, "environment.$variableName"); // $yaml = data_forget($yaml, "services.$serviceName.environment.$variableName"); // if (count(data_get($yaml, 'services.' . $serviceName . '.environment')) === 0) { // $yaml = data_forget($yaml, "services.$serviceName.environment"); // } continue; } if ($value?->startsWith('$')) { $foundEnv = EnvironmentVariable::where([ 'key' => $key, 'service_id' => $this->id, ])->first(); $value = str(replaceVariables($value)); $key = $value; if ($value->startsWith('SERVICE_')) { $foundEnv = EnvironmentVariable::where([ 'key' => $key, 'service_id' => $this->id, ])->first(); ['command' => $command, 'forService' => $forService, 'generatedValue' => $generatedValue, 'port' => $port] = parseEnvVariable($value); if (! is_null($command)) { if ($command?->value() === 'FQDN' || $command?->value() === 'URL') { if (Str::lower($forService) === $serviceName) { $fqdn = generateFqdn($this->server, $containerName); } else { $fqdn = generateFqdn($this->server, Str::lower($forService).'-'.$this->uuid); } if ($port) { $fqdn = "$fqdn:$port"; } if ($foundEnv) { $fqdn = data_get($foundEnv, 'value'); // if ($savedService->fqdn) { // $savedServiceFqdn = Url::fromString($savedService->fqdn); // $parsedFqdn = Url::fromString($fqdn); // $savedServicePath = $savedServiceFqdn->getPath(); // $parsedFqdnPath = $parsedFqdn->getPath(); // if ($savedServicePath != $parsedFqdnPath) { // $fqdn = $parsedFqdn->withPath($savedServicePath)->__toString(); // $foundEnv->value = $fqdn; // $foundEnv->save(); // } // } } else { if ($command->value() === 'URL') { $fqdn = str($fqdn)->after('://')->value(); } EnvironmentVariable::create([ 'key' => $key, 'value' => $fqdn, 'is_build_time' => false, 'service_id' => $this->id, 'is_preview' => false, ]); } if (! $isDatabase) { if ($command->value() === 'FQDN' && is_null($savedService->fqdn) && ! $foundEnv) { $savedService->fqdn = $fqdn; $savedService->save(); } // Caddy needs exact port in some cases. if ($predefinedPort && ! $key->endsWith("_{$predefinedPort}") && $command?->value() === 'FQDN' && $this->server->proxyType() === 'CADDY') { $fqdns_exploded = str($savedService->fqdn)->explode(','); if ($fqdns_exploded->count() > 1) { continue; } $env = EnvironmentVariable::where([ 'key' => $key, 'service_id' => $this->id, ])->first(); if ($env) { $env_url = Url::fromString($env->value); $env_port = $env_url->getPort(); if ($env_port !== $predefinedPort) { $env_url = $env_url->withPort($predefinedPort); $savedService->fqdn = $env_url->__toString(); $savedService->save(); } } } } } else { $generatedValue = generateEnvValue($command, $this); if (! $foundEnv) { EnvironmentVariable::create([ 'key' => $key, 'value' => $generatedValue, 'is_build_time' => false, 'service_id' => $this->id, 'is_preview' => false, ]); } } } } else { if ($value->contains(':-')) { $key = $value->before(':'); $defaultValue = $value->after(':-'); } elseif ($value->contains('-')) { $key = $value->before('-'); $defaultValue = $value->after('-'); } elseif ($value->contains(':?')) { $key = $value->before(':'); $defaultValue = $value->after(':?'); } elseif ($value->contains('?')) { $key = $value->before('?'); $defaultValue = $value->after('?'); } else { $key = $value; $defaultValue = null; } $foundEnv = EnvironmentVariable::where([ 'key' => $key, 'service_id' => $this->id, ])->first(); if ($foundEnv) { $defaultValue = data_get($foundEnv, 'value'); } EnvironmentVariable::updateOrCreate([ 'key' => $key, 'service_id' => $this->id, ], [ 'value' => $defaultValue, 'is_build_time' => false, 'service_id' => $this->id, 'is_preview' => false, ]); } } } // Add labels to the service if ($savedService->serviceType()) { $fqdns = generateServiceSpecificFqdns($savedService); } else { $fqdns = collect(data_get($savedService, 'fqdns'))->filter(); } $defaultLabels = defaultLabels($this->id, $containerName, type: 'service', subType: $isDatabase ? 'database' : 'application', subId: $savedService->id); $serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->merge($defaultLabels); if (! $isDatabase && $fqdns->count() > 0) { if ($fqdns) { $shouldGenerateLabelsExactly = $this->server->settings->generate_exact_labels; if ($shouldGenerateLabelsExactly) { switch ($this->server->proxyType()) { case ProxyTypes::TRAEFIK->value: $serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->merge(fqdnLabelsForTraefik( uuid: $this->uuid, domains: $fqdns, is_force_https_enabled: true, serviceLabels: $serviceLabels, is_gzip_enabled: $savedService->isGzipEnabled(), is_stripprefix_enabled: $savedService->isStripprefixEnabled(), service_name: $serviceName, image: data_get($service, 'image') )); break; case ProxyTypes::CADDY->value: $serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->merge(fqdnLabelsForCaddy( network: $this->destination->network, uuid: $this->uuid, domains: $fqdns, is_force_https_enabled: true, serviceLabels: $serviceLabels, is_gzip_enabled: $savedService->isGzipEnabled(), is_stripprefix_enabled: $savedService->isStripprefixEnabled(), service_name: $serviceName, image: data_get($service, 'image') )); break; } } else { $serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->merge(fqdnLabelsForTraefik( uuid: $this->uuid, domains: $fqdns, is_force_https_enabled: true, serviceLabels: $serviceLabels, is_gzip_enabled: $savedService->isGzipEnabled(), is_stripprefix_enabled: $savedService->isStripprefixEnabled(), service_name: $serviceName, image: data_get($service, 'image') )); $serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->merge(fqdnLabelsForCaddy( network: $this->destination->network, uuid: $this->uuid, domains: $fqdns, is_force_https_enabled: true, serviceLabels: $serviceLabels, is_gzip_enabled: $savedService->isGzipEnabled(), is_stripprefix_enabled: $savedService->isStripprefixEnabled(), service_name: $serviceName, image: data_get($service, 'image') )); } } } if ($this->server->isLogDrainEnabled() && $savedService->isLogDrainEnabled()) { data_set($service, 'logging', [ 'driver' => 'fluentd', 'options' => [ 'fluentd-address' => 'tcp://', 'fluentd-async' => 'true', 'fluentd-sub-second-precision' => 'true', ], ]); } if ($serviceLabels->count() > 0) { if ($this->is_container_label_escape_enabled) { $serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->map(function ($value, $key) { return escapeDollarSign($value); }); } } data_set($service, 'labels', $serviceLabels->toArray()); data_forget($service, 'is_database'); if (! data_get($service, 'restart')) { data_set($service, 'restart', RESTART_MODE); } if (data_get($service, 'restart') === 'no' || data_get($service, 'exclude_from_hc')) { $savedService->update(['exclude_from_status' => true]); } data_set($service, 'container_name', $containerName); data_forget($service, 'volumes.*.content'); data_forget($service, 'volumes.*.isDirectory'); data_forget($service, 'volumes.*.is_directory'); data_forget($service, 'exclude_from_hc'); data_set($service, 'environment', $serviceVariables->toArray()); updateCompose($savedService); return $service; }); $envs_from_coolify = $this->environment_variables()->get(); $services = collect($services)->map(function ($service, $serviceName) use ($envs_from_coolify) { $serviceVariables = collect(data_get($service, 'environment', [])); $parsedServiceVariables = collect([]); foreach ($serviceVariables as $key => $value) { if (is_numeric($key)) { $value = str($value); if ($value->contains('=')) { $key = $value->before('=')->value(); $value = $value->after('=')->value(); } else { $key = $value->value(); $value = null; } $parsedServiceVariables->put($key, $value); } else { $parsedServiceVariables->put($key, $value); } } $parsedServiceVariables->put('COOLIFY_CONTAINER_NAME', "$serviceName-{$this->uuid}"); $parsedServiceVariables = $parsedServiceVariables->map(function ($value, $key) use ($envs_from_coolify) { if (! str($value)->startsWith('$')) { $found_env = $envs_from_coolify->where('key', $key)->first(); if ($found_env) { return $found_env->value; } } return $value; }); data_set($service, 'environment', $parsedServiceVariables->toArray()); return $service; }); $finalServices = [ 'services' => $services->toArray(), 'volumes' => $topLevelVolumes->toArray(), 'networks' => $topLevelNetworks->toArray(), 'configs' => $topLevelConfigs->toArray(), 'secrets' => $topLevelSecrets->toArray(), ]; $yaml = data_forget($yaml, 'services.*.volumes.*.content'); $this->docker_compose_raw = Yaml::dump($yaml, 10, 2); $this->docker_compose = Yaml::dump($finalServices, 10, 2); $this->save(); $this->saveComposeConfigs(); return collect($finalServices); } public function networks() { $networks = getTopLevelNetworks($this); return $networks; } }