New Resource

Deploy resources, like Applications, Databases, Services...
@if ($current_step === 'type')


Public Repository
You can deploy any kind of public repositories from the supported git servers.
Private Repository
You can deploy public & private repositories through your GitHub Apps.
Private Repository (with deploy key)
You can deploy public & private repositories with a simple deploy key.
Based on a Dockerfile
You can deploy a simple Dockerfile, without Git.
@if (isDev())
Based on a Docker Compose
You can deploy complex application easily with Docker Compose.


New PostgreSQL
The most loved relational database in the world.
Backup Existing PostgreSQL
Schedule a backup of an existing PostgreSQL database.


Ghost, Plausible, Wordpress, etc... Coming very very soon...
@endif @if ($current_step === 'servers')
@forelse($servers as $server)
{{ $server->name }}
{{ $server->description }}
No validated & reachable servers found. Go to servers page
@endif @if ($current_step === 'destinations')
@foreach ($standaloneDockers as $standaloneDocker)
Standalone Docker ({{ $standaloneDocker->name }})
network: {{ $standaloneDocker->network }}
@endforeach @foreach ($swarmDockers as $swarmDocker)
Swarm Docker ({{ $swarmDocker->name }})
@endif @if ($current_step === 'existing-postgresql')
Add Database @endif