
Your user profile settings.


Check in Team Settings

Two-factor Authentication

@if (session('status') == 'two-factor-authentication-enabled')
Please finish configuring two factor authentication below. Read the QR code or enter the secret key manually.
@csrf Validate 2FA
{!! $request->user()->twoFactorQrCodeSvg() !!}
Show secret key to manually enter
@elseif(session('status') == 'two-factor-authentication-confirmed')
Two factor authentication confirmed and enabled successfully.
Here are the recovery codes for your account. Please store them in a secure location.
@foreach ($request->user()->recoveryCodes() as $code)
{{ $code }}
@else @if ($request->user()->two_factor_confirmed_at)
Two factor authentication is enabled.
@csrf @method ('DELETE') Disable
@csrf Regenerate Recovery Codes
@if (session('status') == 'recovery-codes-generated')
Here are the recovery codes for your account. Please store them in a secure location.
@foreach ($request->user()->recoveryCodes() as $code)
{{ $code }}
@endif @else
@csrf Configure 2FA
@endif @endif @if (session()->has('errors'))
Something went wrong. Please try again.