backup = $backup; $this->team = Team::find($backup->team_id); $this->database = data_get($this->backup, 'database'); $this->server = $this->database->destination->server; $this->s3 = $this->backup->s3; } public function middleware(): array { return [new WithoutOverlapping($this->backup->id)]; } public function uniqueId(): int { return $this->backup->id; } public function handle(): void { try { $status = Str::of(data_get($this->database, 'status')); if (!$status->startsWith('running') && $this->database->id !== 0) { ray('database not running'); return; } $databaseType = $this->database->type(); $databasesToBackup = data_get($this->backup, 'databases_to_backup'); if (is_null($databasesToBackup)) { if ($databaseType === 'standalone-postgresql') { $databasesToBackup = [$this->database->postgres_db]; } else if ($databaseType === 'standalone-mongodb') { $databasesToBackup = ['*']; } else { return; } } else { if ($databaseType === 'standalone-postgresql') { // Format: db1,db2,db3 $databasesToBackup = explode(',', $databasesToBackup); $databasesToBackup = array_map('trim', $databasesToBackup); } else if ($databaseType === 'standalone-mongodb') { // Format: db1:collection1,collection2|db2:collection3,collection4 $databasesToBackup = explode('|', $databasesToBackup); $databasesToBackup = array_map('trim', $databasesToBackup); ray($databasesToBackup); } else { return; } } $this->container_name = $this->database->uuid; $this->backup_dir = backup_dir() . "/databases/" . Str::of($this->team->name)->slug() . '-' . $this->team->id . '/' . $this->container_name; if ($this->database->name === 'coolify-db') { $databasesToBackup = ['coolify']; $this->container_name = "coolify-db"; $ip = Str::slug($this->server->ip); $this->backup_dir = backup_dir() . "/coolify" . "/coolify-db-$ip"; } foreach ($databasesToBackup as $database) { $size = 0; ray('Backing up ' . $database); try { if ($databaseType === 'standalone-postgresql') { $this->backup_file = "/pg-dump-$database-" . Carbon::now()->timestamp . ".dmp"; $this->backup_location = $this->backup_dir . $this->backup_file; $this->backup_log = ScheduledDatabaseBackupExecution::create([ 'database_name' => $database, 'filename' => $this->backup_location, 'scheduled_database_backup_id' => $this->backup->id, ]); $this->backup_standalone_postgresql($database); } else if ($databaseType === 'standalone-mongodb') { if ($database === '*') { $database = 'all'; $databaseName = 'all'; } else { if (str($database)->contains(':')) { $databaseName = str($database)->before(':'); } else { $databaseName = $database; } ray($databaseName); } $this->backup_file = "/mongo-dump-$databaseName-" . Carbon::now()->timestamp . ".tar.gz"; $this->backup_location = $this->backup_dir . $this->backup_file; $this->backup_log = ScheduledDatabaseBackupExecution::create([ 'database_name' => $databaseName, 'filename' => $this->backup_location, 'scheduled_database_backup_id' => $this->backup->id, ]); $this->backup_standalone_mongodb($database); } else { throw new \Exception('Unsupported database type'); } $size = $this->calculate_size(); $this->remove_old_backups(); if ($this->backup->save_s3) { $this->upload_to_s3(); } $this->team->notify(new BackupSuccess($this->backup, $this->database)); $this->backup_log->update([ 'status' => 'success', 'message' => $this->backup_output, 'size' => $size, ]); } catch (\Throwable $e) { if ($this->backup_log) { $this->backup_log->update([ 'status' => 'failed', 'message' => $this->backup_output, 'size' => $size, 'filename' => null ]); } send_internal_notification('DatabaseBackupJob failed with: ' . $e->getMessage()); $this->team->notify(new BackupFailed($this->backup, $this->database, $this->backup_output)); throw $e; } } } catch (\Throwable $e) { send_internal_notification('DatabaseBackupJob failed with: ' . $e->getMessage()); throw $e; } } private function backup_standalone_mongodb(string $databaseWithCollections): void { try { $url = $this->database->getDbUrl(useInternal: true); if ($databaseWithCollections === 'all') { $commands[] = "mkdir -p " . $this->backup_dir; $commands[] = "docker exec $this->container_name mongodump --authenticationDatabase=admin --uri=$url --gzip --archive > $this->backup_location"; } else { $collectionsToExclude = str($databaseWithCollections)->after(':')->explode(','); $databaseName = str($databaseWithCollections)->before(':'); $commands[] = "mkdir -p " . $this->backup_dir; $commands[] = "docker exec $this->container_name mongodump --authenticationDatabase=admin --uri=$url --db $databaseName --gzip --excludeCollection " . $collectionsToExclude->implode(' --excludeCollection ') . " --archive > $this->backup_location"; } ray($commands); $this->backup_output = instant_remote_process($commands, $this->server); $this->backup_output = trim($this->backup_output); if ($this->backup_output === '') { $this->backup_output = null; } ray('Backup done for ' . $this->container_name . ' at ' . $this->server->name . ':' . $this->backup_location); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->add_to_backup_output($e->getMessage()); ray('Backup failed for ' . $this->container_name . ' at ' . $this->server->name . ':' . $this->backup_location . '\n\nError:' . $e->getMessage()); throw $e; } } private function backup_standalone_postgresql(string $database): void { try { $commands[] = "mkdir -p " . $this->backup_dir; $commands[] = "docker exec $this->container_name pg_dump --format=custom --no-acl --no-owner --username {$this->database->postgres_user} $database > $this->backup_location"; $this->backup_output = instant_remote_process($commands, $this->server); $this->backup_output = trim($this->backup_output); if ($this->backup_output === '') { $this->backup_output = null; } ray('Backup done for ' . $this->container_name . ' at ' . $this->server->name . ':' . $this->backup_location); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->add_to_backup_output($e->getMessage()); ray('Backup failed for ' . $this->container_name . ' at ' . $this->server->name . ':' . $this->backup_location . '\n\nError:' . $e->getMessage()); throw $e; } } private function add_to_backup_output($output): void { if ($this->backup_output) { $this->backup_output = $this->backup_output . "\n" . $output; } else { $this->backup_output = $output; } } private function calculate_size() { return instant_remote_process(["du -b $this->backup_location | cut -f1"], $this->server, false); } private function remove_old_backups(): void { if ($this->backup->number_of_backups_locally === 0) { $deletable = $this->backup->executions()->where('status', 'success'); } else { $deletable = $this->backup->executions()->where('status', 'success')->orderByDesc('created_at')->skip($this->backup->number_of_backups_locally); } foreach ($deletable->get() as $execution) { delete_backup_locally($execution->filename, $this->server); $execution->delete(); } } private function upload_to_s3(): void { try { if (is_null($this->s3)) { return; } $key = $this->s3->key; $secret = $this->s3->secret; // $region = $this->s3->region; $bucket = $this->s3->bucket; $endpoint = $this->s3->endpoint; $this->s3->testConnection(); $commands[] = "docker run --pull=always -d --network {$this->database->destination->network} --name backup-of-{$this->backup->uuid} --rm -v $this->backup_location:$this->backup_location:ro >/dev/null 2>&1"; $commands[] = "docker exec backup-of-{$this->backup->uuid} mc config host add temporary {$endpoint} $key $secret"; $commands[] = "docker exec backup-of-{$this->backup->uuid} mc cp $this->backup_location temporary/$bucket{$this->backup_dir}/"; instant_remote_process($commands, $this->server); $this->add_to_backup_output('Uploaded to S3.'); ray('Uploaded to S3. ' . $this->backup_location . ' to s3://' . $bucket . $this->backup_dir); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->add_to_backup_output($e->getMessage()); throw $e; } finally { $command = "docker rm -f backup-of-{$this->backup->uuid}"; instant_remote_process([$command], $this->server); } } }