# documentation: https://supabase.io # slogan: The open source Firebase alternative. # tags: firebase, alternative, open-source # minversion: 4.0.0-beta.228 # logo: svgs/supabase.svg # port: 8000 services: supabase-kong: image: kong:2.8.1 # https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/294837 entrypoint: bash -c 'eval "echo \"$$(cat ~/temp.yml)\"" > ~/kong.yml && /docker-entrypoint.sh kong docker-start' depends_on: supabase-analytics: condition: service_healthy environment: - SERVICE_FQDN_SUPABASEKONG - JWT_SECRET=${SERVICE_PASSWORD_JWT} - KONG_DATABASE=off - KONG_DECLARATIVE_CONFIG=/home/kong/kong.yml # https://github.com/supabase/cli/issues/14 - KONG_DNS_ORDER=LAST,A,CNAME - KONG_PLUGINS=request-transformer,cors,key-auth,acl,basic-auth - KONG_NGINX_PROXY_PROXY_BUFFER_SIZE=160k - KONG_NGINX_PROXY_PROXY_BUFFERS=64 160k - SUPABASE_ANON_KEY=${SERVICE_SUPABASEANON_KEY} - SUPABASE_SERVICE_KEY=${SERVICE_SUPABASESERVICE_KEY} - DASHBOARD_USERNAME=${SERVICE_USER_ADMIN} - DASHBOARD_PASSWORD=${SERVICE_PASSWORD_ADMIN} volumes: # https://github.com/supabase/supabase/issues/12661 - type: bind source: ./volumes/api/kong.yml target: /home/kong/temp.yml content: | _format_version: '2.1' _transform: true ### ### Consumers / Users ### consumers: - username: DASHBOARD - username: anon keyauth_credentials: - key: $SUPABASE_ANON_KEY - username: service_role keyauth_credentials: - key: $SUPABASE_SERVICE_KEY ### ### Access Control List ### acls: - consumer: anon group: anon - consumer: service_role group: admin ### ### Dashboard credentials ### basicauth_credentials: - consumer: DASHBOARD username: $DASHBOARD_USERNAME password: $DASHBOARD_PASSWORD ### ### API Routes ### services: ## Open Auth routes - name: auth-v1-open url: http://supabase-auth:9999/verify routes: - name: auth-v1-open strip_path: true paths: - /auth/v1/verify plugins: - name: cors - name: auth-v1-open-callback url: http://supabase-auth:9999/callback routes: - name: auth-v1-open-callback strip_path: true paths: - /auth/v1/callback plugins: - name: cors - name: auth-v1-open-authorize url: http://supabase-auth:9999/authorize routes: - name: auth-v1-open-authorize strip_path: true paths: - /auth/v1/authorize plugins: - name: cors ## Secure Auth routes - name: auth-v1 _comment: 'GoTrue: /auth/v1/* -> http://supabase-auth:9999/*' url: http://supabase-auth:9999/ routes: - name: auth-v1-all strip_path: true paths: - /auth/v1/ plugins: - name: cors - name: key-auth config: hide_credentials: false - name: acl config: hide_groups_header: true allow: - admin - anon ## Secure REST routes - name: rest-v1 _comment: 'PostgREST: /rest/v1/* -> http://supabase-rest:3000/*' url: http://supabase-rest:3000/ routes: - name: rest-v1-all strip_path: true paths: - /rest/v1/ plugins: - name: cors - name: key-auth config: hide_credentials: true - name: acl config: hide_groups_header: true allow: - admin - anon ## Secure GraphQL routes - name: graphql-v1 _comment: 'PostgREST: /graphql/v1/* -> http://supabase-rest:3000/rpc/graphql' url: http://supabase-rest:3000/rpc/graphql routes: - name: graphql-v1-all strip_path: true paths: - /graphql/v1 plugins: - name: cors - name: key-auth config: hide_credentials: true - name: request-transformer config: add: headers: - Content-Profile:graphql_public - name: acl config: hide_groups_header: true allow: - admin - anon ## Secure Realtime routes - name: realtime-v1-ws _comment: 'Realtime: /realtime/v1/* -> ws://realtime:4000/socket/*' url: http://realtime-dev:4000/socket protocol: ws routes: - name: realtime-v1-ws strip_path: true paths: - /realtime/v1/ plugins: - name: cors - name: key-auth config: hide_credentials: false - name: acl config: hide_groups_header: true allow: - admin - anon - name: realtime-v1-rest _comment: 'Realtime: /realtime/v1/* -> ws://realtime:4000/socket/*' url: http://realtime-dev:4000/api protocol: http routes: - name: realtime-v1-rest strip_path: true paths: - /realtime/v1/api plugins: - name: cors - name: key-auth config: hide_credentials: false - name: acl config: hide_groups_header: true allow: - admin - anon ## Storage routes: the storage server manages its own auth - name: storage-v1 _comment: 'Storage: /storage/v1/* -> http://supabase-storage:5000/*' url: http://supabase-storage:5000/ routes: - name: storage-v1-all strip_path: true paths: - /storage/v1/ plugins: - name: cors ## Edge Functions routes - name: functions-v1 _comment: 'Edge Functions: /functions/v1/* -> http://supabase-edge-functions:9000/*' url: http://supabase-edge-functions:9000/ routes: - name: functions-v1-all strip_path: true paths: - /functions/v1/ plugins: - name: cors ## Analytics routes - name: analytics-v1 _comment: 'Analytics: /analytics/v1/* -> http://logflare:4000/*' url: http://supabase-analytics:4000/ routes: - name: analytics-v1-all strip_path: true paths: - /analytics/v1/ ## Secure Database routes - name: meta _comment: 'pg-meta: /pg/* -> http://supabase-meta:8080/*' url: http://supabase-meta:8080/ routes: - name: meta-all strip_path: true paths: - /pg/ plugins: - name: key-auth config: hide_credentials: false - name: acl config: hide_groups_header: true allow: - admin ## Protected Dashboard - catch all remaining routes - name: dashboard _comment: 'Studio: /* -> http://studio:3000/*' url: http://supabase-studio:3000/ routes: - name: dashboard-all strip_path: true paths: - / plugins: - name: cors - name: basic-auth config: hide_credentials: true supabase-studio: image: supabase/studio:20240514-6f5cabd healthcheck: test: [ "CMD", "node", "-e", "require('http').get('', (r) => {if (r.statusCode !== 200) process.exit(1); else process.exit(0); }).on('error', () => process.exit(1))", ] timeout: 5s interval: 5s retries: 3 depends_on: supabase-analytics: condition: service_healthy environment: - HOSTNAME= - STUDIO_PG_META_URL=http://supabase-meta:8080 - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=${SERVICE_PASSWORD_POSTGRES} - DEFAULT_ORGANIZATION_NAME=${STUDIO_DEFAULT_ORGANIZATION:-Default Organization} - DEFAULT_PROJECT_NAME=${STUDIO_DEFAULT_PROJECT:-Default Project} - SUPABASE_URL=${SERVICE_FQDN_SUPABASEKONG} - SUPABASE_PUBLIC_URL=${SERVICE_FQDN_SUPABASEKONG} - SUPABASE_ANON_KEY=${SERVICE_SUPABASEANON_KEY} - SUPABASE_SERVICE_KEY=${SERVICE_SUPABASESERVICE_KEY} - AUTH_JWT_SECRET=${SERVICE_PASSWORD_JWT} - LOGFLARE_API_KEY=${SERVICE_PASSWORD_LOGFLARE} - LOGFLARE_URL=http://supabase-analytics:4000 - NEXT_PUBLIC_ENABLE_LOGS=true # Comment to use Big Query backend for analytics - NEXT_ANALYTICS_BACKEND_PROVIDER=postgres # Uncomment to use Big Query backend for analytics # NEXT_ANALYTICS_BACKEND_PROVIDER=bigquery supabase-db: image: supabase/postgres: healthcheck: test: pg_isready -U postgres -h interval: 5s timeout: 5s retries: 10 depends_on: supabase-vector: condition: service_healthy command: - postgres - -c - config_file=/etc/postgresql/postgresql.conf - -c - log_min_messages=fatal restart: unless-stopped environment: - POSTGRES_HOST=/var/run/postgresql - PGPORT=${POSTGRES_PORT:-5432} - POSTGRES_PORT=${POSTGRES_PORT:-5432} - PGPASSWORD=${SERVICE_PASSWORD_POSTGRES} - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=${SERVICE_PASSWORD_POSTGRES} - PGDATABASE=${POSTGRES_DB:-postgres} - POSTGRES_DB=${POSTGRES_DB:-postgres} - JWT_SECRET=${SERVICE_PASSWORD_JWT} - JWT_EXP=${JWT_EXPIRY:-3600} volumes: - supabase-db-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data - type: bind source: ./volumes/db/realtime.sql target: /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/migrations/99-realtime.sql content: | \set pguser `echo "supabase_admin"` create schema if not exists _realtime; alter schema _realtime owner to :pguser; - type: bind source: ./volumes/db/webhooks.sql target: /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init-scripts/98-webhooks.sql content: | BEGIN; -- Create pg_net extension CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_net SCHEMA extensions; -- Create supabase_functions schema CREATE SCHEMA supabase_functions AUTHORIZATION supabase_admin; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA supabase_functions TO postgres, anon, authenticated, service_role; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA supabase_functions GRANT ALL ON TABLES TO postgres, anon, authenticated, service_role; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA supabase_functions GRANT ALL ON FUNCTIONS TO postgres, anon, authenticated, service_role; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA supabase_functions GRANT ALL ON SEQUENCES TO postgres, anon, authenticated, service_role; -- supabase_functions.migrations definition CREATE TABLE supabase_functions.migrations ( version text PRIMARY KEY, inserted_at timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW() ); -- Initial supabase_functions migration INSERT INTO supabase_functions.migrations (version) VALUES ('initial'); -- supabase_functions.hooks definition CREATE TABLE supabase_functions.hooks ( id bigserial PRIMARY KEY, hook_table_id integer NOT NULL, hook_name text NOT NULL, created_at timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(), request_id bigint ); CREATE INDEX supabase_functions_hooks_request_id_idx ON supabase_functions.hooks USING btree (request_id); CREATE INDEX supabase_functions_hooks_h_table_id_h_name_idx ON supabase_functions.hooks USING btree (hook_table_id, hook_name); COMMENT ON TABLE supabase_functions.hooks IS 'Supabase Functions Hooks: Audit trail for triggered hooks.'; CREATE FUNCTION supabase_functions.http_request() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ DECLARE request_id bigint; payload jsonb; url text := TG_ARGV[0]::text; method text := TG_ARGV[1]::text; headers jsonb DEFAULT '{}'::jsonb; params jsonb DEFAULT '{}'::jsonb; timeout_ms integer DEFAULT 1000; BEGIN IF url IS NULL OR url = 'null' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'url argument is missing'; END IF; IF method IS NULL OR method = 'null' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'method argument is missing'; END IF; IF TG_ARGV[2] IS NULL OR TG_ARGV[2] = 'null' THEN headers = '{"Content-Type": "application/json"}'::jsonb; ELSE headers = TG_ARGV[2]::jsonb; END IF; IF TG_ARGV[3] IS NULL OR TG_ARGV[3] = 'null' THEN params = '{}'::jsonb; ELSE params = TG_ARGV[3]::jsonb; END IF; IF TG_ARGV[4] IS NULL OR TG_ARGV[4] = 'null' THEN timeout_ms = 1000; ELSE timeout_ms = TG_ARGV[4]::integer; END IF; CASE WHEN method = 'GET' THEN SELECT http_get INTO request_id FROM net.http_get( url, params, headers, timeout_ms ); WHEN method = 'POST' THEN payload = jsonb_build_object( 'old_record', OLD, 'record', NEW, 'type', TG_OP, 'table', TG_TABLE_NAME, 'schema', TG_TABLE_SCHEMA ); SELECT http_post INTO request_id FROM net.http_post( url, payload, params, headers, timeout_ms ); ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION 'method argument % is invalid', method; END CASE; INSERT INTO supabase_functions.hooks (hook_table_id, hook_name, request_id) VALUES (TG_RELID, TG_NAME, request_id); RETURN NEW; END $function$; -- Supabase super admin DO $$ BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname = 'supabase_functions_admin' ) THEN CREATE USER supabase_functions_admin NOINHERIT CREATEROLE LOGIN NOREPLICATION; END IF; END $$; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA supabase_functions TO supabase_functions_admin; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA supabase_functions TO supabase_functions_admin; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL SEQUENCES IN SCHEMA supabase_functions TO supabase_functions_admin; ALTER USER supabase_functions_admin SET search_path = "supabase_functions"; ALTER table "supabase_functions".migrations OWNER TO supabase_functions_admin; ALTER table "supabase_functions".hooks OWNER TO supabase_functions_admin; ALTER function "supabase_functions".http_request() OWNER TO supabase_functions_admin; GRANT supabase_functions_admin TO postgres; -- Remove unused supabase_pg_net_admin role DO $$ BEGIN IF EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname = 'supabase_pg_net_admin' ) THEN REASSIGN OWNED BY supabase_pg_net_admin TO supabase_admin; DROP OWNED BY supabase_pg_net_admin; DROP ROLE supabase_pg_net_admin; END IF; END $$; -- pg_net grants when extension is already enabled DO $$ BEGIN IF EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_extension WHERE extname = 'pg_net' ) THEN GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA net TO supabase_functions_admin, postgres, anon, authenticated, service_role; ALTER function net.http_get(url text, params jsonb, headers jsonb, timeout_milliseconds integer) SECURITY DEFINER; ALTER function net.http_post(url text, body jsonb, params jsonb, headers jsonb, timeout_milliseconds integer) SECURITY DEFINER; ALTER function net.http_get(url text, params jsonb, headers jsonb, timeout_milliseconds integer) SET search_path = net; ALTER function net.http_post(url text, body jsonb, params jsonb, headers jsonb, timeout_milliseconds integer) SET search_path = net; REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION net.http_get(url text, params jsonb, headers jsonb, timeout_milliseconds integer) FROM PUBLIC; REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION net.http_post(url text, body jsonb, params jsonb, headers jsonb, timeout_milliseconds integer) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION net.http_get(url text, params jsonb, headers jsonb, timeout_milliseconds integer) TO supabase_functions_admin, postgres, anon, authenticated, service_role; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION net.http_post(url text, body jsonb, params jsonb, headers jsonb, timeout_milliseconds integer) TO supabase_functions_admin, postgres, anon, authenticated, service_role; END IF; END $$; -- Event trigger for pg_net CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION extensions.grant_pg_net_access() RETURNS event_trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN IF EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_event_trigger_ddl_commands() AS ev JOIN pg_extension AS ext ON ev.objid = ext.oid WHERE ext.extname = 'pg_net' ) THEN GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA net TO supabase_functions_admin, postgres, anon, authenticated, service_role; ALTER function net.http_get(url text, params jsonb, headers jsonb, timeout_milliseconds integer) SECURITY DEFINER; ALTER function net.http_post(url text, body jsonb, params jsonb, headers jsonb, timeout_milliseconds integer) SECURITY DEFINER; ALTER function net.http_get(url text, params jsonb, headers jsonb, timeout_milliseconds integer) SET search_path = net; ALTER function net.http_post(url text, body jsonb, params jsonb, headers jsonb, timeout_milliseconds integer) SET search_path = net; REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION net.http_get(url text, params jsonb, headers jsonb, timeout_milliseconds integer) FROM PUBLIC; REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION net.http_post(url text, body jsonb, params jsonb, headers jsonb, timeout_milliseconds integer) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION net.http_get(url text, params jsonb, headers jsonb, timeout_milliseconds integer) TO supabase_functions_admin, postgres, anon, authenticated, service_role; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION net.http_post(url text, body jsonb, params jsonb, headers jsonb, timeout_milliseconds integer) TO supabase_functions_admin, postgres, anon, authenticated, service_role; END IF; END; $$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION extensions.grant_pg_net_access IS 'Grants access to pg_net'; DO $$ BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_event_trigger WHERE evtname = 'issue_pg_net_access' ) THEN CREATE EVENT TRIGGER issue_pg_net_access ON ddl_command_end WHEN TAG IN ('CREATE EXTENSION') EXECUTE PROCEDURE extensions.grant_pg_net_access(); END IF; END $$; INSERT INTO supabase_functions.migrations (version) VALUES ('20210809183423_update_grants'); ALTER function supabase_functions.http_request() SECURITY DEFINER; ALTER function supabase_functions.http_request() SET search_path = supabase_functions; REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION supabase_functions.http_request() FROM PUBLIC; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION supabase_functions.http_request() TO postgres, anon, authenticated, service_role; COMMIT; - type: bind source: ./volumes/db/roles.sql target: /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init-scripts/99-roles.sql content: | -- NOTE: change to your own passwords for production environments \set pgpass `echo "$POSTGRES_PASSWORD"` ALTER USER authenticator WITH PASSWORD :'pgpass'; ALTER USER pgbouncer WITH PASSWORD :'pgpass'; ALTER USER supabase_auth_admin WITH PASSWORD :'pgpass'; ALTER USER supabase_functions_admin WITH PASSWORD :'pgpass'; ALTER USER supabase_storage_admin WITH PASSWORD :'pgpass'; - type: bind source: ./volumes/db/jwt.sql target: /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init-scripts/99-jwt.sql content: | \set jwt_secret `echo "$JWT_SECRET"` \set jwt_exp `echo "$JWT_EXP"` \set db_name `echo "${POSTGRES_DB:-postgres}"` ALTER DATABASE :db_name SET "app.settings.jwt_secret" TO :'jwt_secret'; ALTER DATABASE :db_name SET "app.settings.jwt_exp" TO :'jwt_exp'; - type: bind source: ./volumes/db/logs.sql target: /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/migrations/99-logs.sql content: | \set pguser `echo "supabase_admin"` create schema if not exists _analytics; alter schema _analytics owner to :pguser; # Use named volume to persist pgsodium decryption key between restarts - supabase-db-config:/etc/postgresql-custom supabase-analytics: image: supabase/logflare:1.4.0 healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "curl", ""] timeout: 5s interval: 5s retries: 10 restart: unless-stopped depends_on: supabase-db: condition: service_healthy # volumes: # - type: bind # source: ./volumes/gcloud.json # target: /opt/app/rel/logflare/bin/gcloud.json # read_only: true environment: - LOGFLARE_NODE_HOST= - DB_USERNAME=supabase_admin - DB_DATABASE=${POSTGRES_DB:-postgres} - DB_HOSTNAME=${POSTGRES_HOSTNAME:-supabase-db} - DB_PORT=${POSTGRES_PORT:-5432} - DB_PASSWORD=${SERVICE_PASSWORD_POSTGRES} - DB_SCHEMA=_analytics - LOGFLARE_API_KEY=${SERVICE_PASSWORD_LOGFLARE} - LOGFLARE_SINGLE_TENANT=true - LOGFLARE_SINGLE_TENANT_MODE=true - LOGFLARE_SUPABASE_MODE=true - LOGFLARE_MIN_CLUSTER_SIZE=1 # Comment variables to use Big Query backend for analytics - POSTGRES_BACKEND_URL=postgresql://supabase_admin:${SERVICE_PASSWORD_POSTGRES}@${POSTGRES_HOSTNAME:-supabase-db}:${POSTGRES_PORT:-5432}/${POSTGRES_DB:-postgres} - POSTGRES_BACKEND_SCHEMA=_analytics - LOGFLARE_FEATURE_FLAG_OVERRIDE=multibackend=true # Uncomment to use Big Query backend for analytics # GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID=${GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID} # GOOGLE_PROJECT_NUMBER=${GOOGLE_PROJECT_NUMBER} supabase-vector: image: timberio/vector:0.28.1-alpine healthcheck: test: [ "CMD", "wget", "--no-verbose", "--tries=1", "--spider", "http://supabase-vector:9001/health", ] timeout: 5s interval: 5s retries: 3 volumes: - type: bind source: ./volumes/logs/vector.yml target: /etc/vector/vector.yml read_only: true content: | api: enabled: true address: sources: docker_host: type: docker_logs exclude_containers: - supabase-vector transforms: project_logs: type: remap inputs: - docker_host source: |- .project = "default" .event_message = del(.message) .appname = del(.container_name) del(.container_created_at) del(.container_id) del(.source_type) del(.stream) del(.label) del(.image) del(.host) del(.stream) router: type: route inputs: - project_logs route: kong: 'starts_with(string!(.appname), "supabase-kong")' auth: 'starts_with(string!(.appname), "supabase-auth")' rest: 'starts_with(string!(.appname), "supabase-rest")' realtime: 'starts_with(string!(.appname), "realtime-dev")' storage: 'starts_with(string!(.appname), "supabase-storage")' functions: 'starts_with(string!(.appname), "supabase-functions")' db: 'starts_with(string!(.appname), "supabase-db")' # Ignores non nginx errors since they are related with kong booting up kong_logs: type: remap inputs: - router.kong source: |- req, err = parse_nginx_log(.event_message, "combined") if err == null { .timestamp = req.timestamp .metadata.request.headers.referer = req.referer .metadata.request.headers.user_agent = req.agent .metadata.request.headers.cf_connecting_ip = req.client .metadata.request.method = req.method .metadata.request.path = req.path .metadata.request.protocol = req.protocol .metadata.response.status_code = req.status } if err != null { abort } # Ignores non nginx errors since they are related with kong booting up kong_err: type: remap inputs: - router.kong source: |- .metadata.request.method = "GET" .metadata.response.status_code = 200 parsed, err = parse_nginx_log(.event_message, "error") if err == null { .timestamp = parsed.timestamp .severity = parsed.severity .metadata.request.host = parsed.host .metadata.request.headers.cf_connecting_ip = parsed.client url, err = split(parsed.request, " ") if err == null { .metadata.request.method = url[0] .metadata.request.path = url[1] .metadata.request.protocol = url[2] } } if err != null { abort } # Gotrue logs are structured json strings which frontend parses directly. But we keep metadata for consistency. auth_logs: type: remap inputs: - router.auth source: |- parsed, err = parse_json(.event_message) if err == null { .metadata.timestamp = parsed.time .metadata = merge!(.metadata, parsed) } # PostgREST logs are structured so we separate timestamp from message using regex rest_logs: type: remap inputs: - router.rest source: |- parsed, err = parse_regex(.event_message, r'^(?P