application = $application; $this->deployment_uuid = $deployment_uuid; $this->preview = $preview; $this->application_name = data_get($application, 'name'); $this->project_uuid = data_get($application, 'environment.project.uuid'); $this->environment_name = data_get($application, ''); $this->fqdn = data_get($application, 'fqdn'); if (Str::of($this->fqdn)->explode(',')->count() > 1) { $this->fqdn = Str::of($this->fqdn)->explode(',')->first(); } $this->deployment_url = base_url()."/project/{$this->project_uuid}/".urlencode($this->environment_name)."/application/{$this->application->uuid}/deployment/{$this->deployment_uuid}"; } public function via(object $notifiable): array { return setNotificationChannels($notifiable, 'deployments'); } public function toMail(): MailMessage { $mail = new MailMessage(); $pull_request_id = data_get($this->preview, 'pull_request_id', 0); $fqdn = $this->fqdn; if ($pull_request_id === 0) { $mail->subject('Coolify: Deployment failed of '.$this->application_name.'.'); } else { $fqdn = $this->preview->fqdn; $mail->subject('Coolify: Deployment failed of pull request #'.$this->preview->pull_request_id.' of '.$this->application_name.'.'); } $mail->view('emails.application-deployment-failed', [ 'name' => $this->application_name, 'fqdn' => $fqdn, 'deployment_url' => $this->deployment_url, 'pull_request_id' => data_get($this->preview, 'pull_request_id', 0), ]); return $mail; } public function toDiscord(): string { if ($this->preview) { $message = 'Coolify: Pull request #'.$this->preview->pull_request_id.' of '.$this->application_name.' ('.$this->preview->fqdn.') deployment failed: '; $message .= '[View Deployment Logs]('.$this->deployment_url.')'; } else { $message = 'Coolify: Deployment failed of '.$this->application_name.' ('.$this->fqdn.'): '; $message .= '[View Deployment Logs]('.$this->deployment_url.')'; } return $message; } public function toTelegram(): array { if ($this->preview) { $message = 'Coolify: Pull request #'.$this->preview->pull_request_id.' of '.$this->application_name.' ('.$this->preview->fqdn.') deployment failed: '; } else { $message = 'Coolify: Deployment failed of '.$this->application_name.' ('.$this->fqdn.'): '; } $buttons[] = [ 'text' => 'Deployment logs', 'url' => $this->deployment_url, ]; return [ 'message' => $message, 'buttons' => [ ...$buttons, ], ]; } }