user) { $payload['user'] = Str::of($server->user)->trim(); } if ($server->ip) { $payload['ip'] = Str::of($server->ip)->trim(); } $server->forceFill($payload); }); static::created(function ($server) { ServerSetting::create([ 'server_id' => $server->id, ]); }); static::deleting(function ($server) { $server->destinations()->each(function ($destination) { $destination->delete(); }); $server->settings()->delete(); }); } public $casts = [ 'proxy' => SchemalessAttributes::class, 'logdrain_axiom_api_key' => 'encrypted', 'logdrain_newrelic_license_key' => 'encrypted', ]; protected $schemalessAttributes = [ 'proxy', ]; protected $guarded = []; static public function isReachable() { return Server::ownedByCurrentTeam()->whereRelation('settings', 'is_reachable', true); } static public function ownedByCurrentTeam(array $select = ['*']) { $teamId = currentTeam()->id; $selectArray = collect($select)->concat(['id']); return Server::whereTeamId($teamId)->with('settings', 'swarmDockers', 'standaloneDockers')->select($selectArray->all())->orderBy('name'); } static public function isUsable() { return Server::ownedByCurrentTeam()->whereRelation('settings', 'is_reachable', true)->whereRelation('settings', 'is_usable', true); } static public function destinationsByServer(string $server_id) { $server = Server::ownedByCurrentTeam()->get()->where('id', $server_id)->firstOrFail(); $standaloneDocker = collect($server->standaloneDockers->all()); $swarmDocker = collect($server->swarmDockers->all()); return $standaloneDocker->concat($swarmDocker); } public function settings() { return $this->hasOne(ServerSetting::class); } public function addInitialNetwork() { if ($this->id === 0) { if ($this->isSwarm()) { SwarmDocker::create([ 'id' => 0, 'name' => 'coolify', 'network' => 'coolify-overlay', 'server_id' => $this->id, ]); } else { StandaloneDocker::create([ 'id' => 0, 'name' => 'coolify', 'network' => 'coolify', 'server_id' => $this->id, ]); } } else { if ($this->isSwarm()) { SwarmDocker::create([ 'name' => 'coolify-overlay', 'network' => 'coolify-overlay', 'server_id' => $this->id, ]); } else { StandaloneDocker::create([ 'name' => 'coolify-overlay', 'network' => 'coolify', 'server_id' => $this->id, ]); } } } public function proxyType() { $proxyType = $this->proxy->get('type'); if ($proxyType === ProxyTypes::NONE->value) { return $proxyType; } if (is_null($proxyType)) { $this->proxy->type = ProxyTypes::TRAEFIK_V2->value; $this->proxy->status = ProxyStatus::EXITED->value; $this->save(); } return $this->proxy->get('type'); } public function scopeWithProxy(): Builder { return $this->proxy->modelScope(); } public function isLocalhost() { return $this->ip === 'host.docker.internal' || $this->id === 0; } public function skipServer() { if ($this->ip === '') { ray('skipping'); return true; } return false; } public function isServerReady() { $serverUptimeCheckNumber = $this->unreachable_count; $serverUptimeCheckNumberMax = 3; $currentTime = now()->timestamp; $runtime = 30; $isReady = false; // Run for 30 seconds max and check every 5 seconds for 3 times while ($currentTime + $runtime > now()->timestamp) { if ($serverUptimeCheckNumber >= $serverUptimeCheckNumberMax) { if ($this->unreachable_notification_sent === false) { ray('Server unreachable, sending notification...'); $this->team->notify(new Unreachable($this)); $this->update(['unreachable_notification_sent' => true]); } $this->settings()->update([ 'is_reachable' => false, ]); $this->update([ 'unreachable_count' => 0, ]); foreach ($this->applications() as $application) { $application->update(['status' => 'exited']); } foreach ($this->databases() as $database) { $database->update(['status' => 'exited']); } foreach ($this->services() as $service) { $apps = $service->applications()->get(); $dbs = $service->databases()->get(); foreach ($apps as $app) { $app->update(['status' => 'exited']); } foreach ($dbs as $db) { $db->update(['status' => 'exited']); } } $isReady = false; break; } $result = $this->validateConnection(); // ray('validateConnection: ' . $result); if (!$result) { $serverUptimeCheckNumber++; $this->update([ 'unreachable_count' => $serverUptimeCheckNumber, ]); Sleep::for(5)->seconds(); return; } $isReady = true; break; } return $isReady; } public function getDiskUsage() { return instant_remote_process(["df /| tail -1 | awk '{ print $5}' | sed 's/%//g'"], $this, false); } public function definedResources() { $applications = $this->applications(); $databases = $this->databases(); $services = $this->services(); return $applications->concat($databases)->concat($services->get()); } public function hasDefinedResources() { $applications = $this->applications()->count() > 0; $databases = $this->databases()->count() > 0; $services = $this->services()->count() > 0; if ($applications || $databases || $services) { return true; } return false; } public function databases() { return $this->destinations()->map(function ($standaloneDocker) { $postgresqls = data_get($standaloneDocker, 'postgresqls', collect([])); $redis = data_get($standaloneDocker, 'redis', collect([])); $mongodbs = data_get($standaloneDocker, 'mongodbs', collect([])); $mysqls = data_get($standaloneDocker, 'mysqls', collect([])); $mariadbs = data_get($standaloneDocker, 'mariadbs', collect([])); return $postgresqls->concat($redis)->concat($mongodbs)->concat($mysqls)->concat($mariadbs); })->flatten(); } public function applications() { return $this->destinations()->map(function ($standaloneDocker) { return $standaloneDocker->applications; })->flatten(); } public function dockerComposeBasedApplications() { return $this->applications()->filter(function ($application) { return data_get($application, 'build_pack') === 'dockercompose'; }); } public function dockerComposeBasedPreviewDeployments() { return $this->previews()->filter(function ($preview) { $applicationId = data_get($preview, 'application_id'); $application = Application::find($applicationId); if (!$application) { return false; } return data_get($application, 'build_pack') === 'dockercompose'; }); } public function services() { return $this->hasMany(Service::class); } public function getIp(): Attribute { return Attribute::make( get: function () { if (isDev()) { return ''; } if ($this->isLocalhost()) { return base_ip(); } return $this->ip; } ); } public function previews() { return $this->destinations()->map(function ($standaloneDocker) { return $standaloneDocker->applications->map(function ($application) { return $application->previews; })->flatten(); })->flatten(); } public function destinations() { $standalone_docker = $this->hasMany(StandaloneDocker::class)->get(); $swarm_docker = $this->hasMany(SwarmDocker::class)->get(); return $standalone_docker->concat($swarm_docker); } public function standaloneDockers() { return $this->hasMany(StandaloneDocker::class); } public function swarmDockers() { return $this->hasMany(SwarmDocker::class); } public function privateKey() { return $this->belongsTo(PrivateKey::class); } public function muxFilename() { return "{$this->ip}_{$this->port}_{$this->user}"; } public function team() { return $this->belongsTo(Team::class); } public function isProxyShouldRun() { if ($this->proxyType() === ProxyTypes::NONE->value) { return false; } // foreach ($this->applications() as $application) { // if (data_get($application, 'fqdn')) { // $shouldRun = true; // break; // } // } // ray($this->services()->get()); // if ($this->id === 0) { // $settings = InstanceSettings::get(); // if (data_get($settings, 'fqdn')) { // $shouldRun = true; // } // } return true; } public function isFunctional() { return $this->settings->is_reachable && $this->settings->is_usable; } public function isLogDrainEnabled() { return $this->settings->is_logdrain_newrelic_enabled || $this->settings->is_logdrain_highlight_enabled || $this->settings->is_logdrain_axiom_enabled || $this->settings->is_logdrain_custom_enabled; } public function validateOS(): bool | Stringable { $os_release = instant_remote_process(['cat /etc/os-release'], $this); $datas = collect(explode("\n", $os_release)); $collectedData = collect([]); foreach ($datas as $data) { $item = Str::of($data)->trim(); $collectedData->put($item->before('=')->value(), $item->after('=')->lower()->replace('"', '')->value()); } $ID = data_get($collectedData, 'ID'); // $ID_LIKE = data_get($collectedData, 'ID_LIKE'); // $VERSION_ID = data_get($collectedData, 'VERSION_ID'); $supported = collect(SUPPORTED_OS)->filter(function ($supportedOs) use ($ID) { if (str($supportedOs)->contains($ID)) { return str($ID); } }); if ($supported->count() === 1) { ray('supported'); return str($supported->first()); } else { ray('not supported'); return false; } } public function isSwarm() { return data_get($this, 'settings.is_swarm_manager') || data_get($this, 'settings.is_swarm_worker'); } public function validateConnection() { $server = Server::find($this->id); if ($server->skipServer()) { return false; } $uptime = instant_remote_process(['uptime'], $server, false); if (!$uptime) { $server->settings()->update([ 'is_reachable' => false, ]); return false; } else { $server->settings()->update([ 'is_reachable' => true, ]); $server->update([ 'unreachable_count' => 0, ]); } if (data_get($server, 'unreachable_notification_sent') === true) { $server->team->notify(new Revived($server)); $server->update(['unreachable_notification_sent' => false]); } return true; } public function validateDockerEngine($throwError = false) { $dockerBinary = instant_remote_process(["command -v docker"], $this, false); if (is_null($dockerBinary)) { $this->settings->is_usable = false; $this->settings->save(); if ($throwError) { throw new \Exception('Server is not usable. Docker Engine is not installed.'); } return false; } $this->settings->is_usable = true; $this->settings->save(); $this->validateCoolifyNetwork(isSwarm: false); return true; } public function validateDockerSwarm() { $swarmStatus = instant_remote_process(["docker info|grep -i swarm"], $this, false); $swarmStatus = str($swarmStatus)->trim()->after(':')->trim(); if ($swarmStatus === 'inactive') { throw new \Exception('Docker Swarm is not initiated. Please join the server to a swarm before continuing.'); return false; } $this->settings->is_usable = true; $this->settings->save(); $this->validateCoolifyNetwork(isSwarm: true); return true; } public function validateDockerEngineVersion() { $dockerVersion = instant_remote_process(["docker version|head -2|grep -i version| awk '{print $2}'"], $this, false); $dockerVersion = checkMinimumDockerEngineVersion($dockerVersion); if (is_null($dockerVersion)) { $this->settings->is_usable = false; $this->settings->save(); return false; } $this->settings->is_reachable = true; $this->settings->is_usable = true; $this->settings->save(); return true; } public function validateCoolifyNetwork($isSwarm = false) { if ($isSwarm) { return instant_remote_process(["docker network create --attachable --driver overlay coolify-overlay >/dev/null 2>&1 || true"], $this, false); } else { return instant_remote_process(["docker network create coolify --attachable >/dev/null 2>&1 || true"], $this, false); } } public function executeRemoteCommand(Collection $commands, ?ApplicationDeploymentQueue $loggingModel = null) { static::$batch_counter++; foreach ($commands as $command) { $realCommand = data_get($command, 'command'); if (is_null($realCommand)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Command is not set'); } $hidden = data_get($command, 'hidden', false); $ignoreErrors = data_get($command, 'ignoreErrors', false); $customOutputType = data_get($command, 'customOutputType'); $name = data_get($command, 'name'); $remoteCommand = generateSshCommand($this, $realCommand); $process = Process::timeout(3600)->idleTimeout(3600)->start($remoteCommand, function (string $type, string $output) use ($realCommand, $hidden, $customOutputType, $loggingModel, $name) { $output = str($output)->trim(); if ($output->startsWith('╔')) { $output = "\n" . $output; } $newLogEntry = [ 'command' => remove_iip($realCommand), 'output' => remove_iip($output), 'type' => $customOutputType ?? $type === 'err' ? 'stderr' : 'stdout', 'timestamp' => Carbon::now('UTC'), 'hidden' => $hidden, 'batch' => static::$batch_counter, ]; if ($loggingModel) { if (!$loggingModel->logs) { $newLogEntry['order'] = 1; } else { $previousLogs = json_decode($loggingModel->logs, associative: true, flags: JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR); $newLogEntry['order'] = count($previousLogs) + 1; } if ($name) { $newLogEntry['name'] = $name; } $previousLogs[] = $newLogEntry; $loggingModel->logs = json_encode($previousLogs, flags: JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR); $loggingModel->save(); } }); if ($loggingModel) { $loggingModel->update([ 'current_process_id' => $process->id(), ]); } $processResult = $process->wait(); if ($processResult->exitCode() !== 0) { if (!$ignoreErrors) { if ($loggingModel) { $status = ApplicationDeploymentStatus::FAILED->value; $loggingModel->status = $status; $loggingModel->save(); } throw new \RuntimeException($processResult->errorOutput()); } } } } public function stopApplicationRelatedRunningContainers(string $applicationId, string $containerName) { $containers = getCurrentApplicationContainerStatus($this, $applicationId, 0); $containers = $containers->filter(function ($container) use ($containerName) { return data_get($container, 'Names') !== $containerName; }); $containers->each(function ($container) { $removableContainer = data_get($container, 'Names'); $this->server->executeRemoteCommand( commands: collect([ 'command' => "docker rm -f $removableContainer >/dev/null 2>&1", 'hidden' => true, 'ignoreErrors' => true ]), loggingModel: $this->deploymentQueueEntry ); }); } public function getHostIPMappings($network) { $addHosts = null; $allContainers = instant_remote_process(["docker network inspect {$network} -f '{{json .Containers}}' "], $this); if (!is_null($allContainers)) { $allContainers = format_docker_command_output_to_json($allContainers); $ips = collect([]); if (count($allContainers) > 0) { $allContainers = $allContainers[0]; foreach ($allContainers as $container) { $containerName = data_get($container, 'Name'); if ($containerName === 'coolify-proxy') { continue; } $containerIp = data_get($container, 'IPv4Address'); if ($containerName && $containerIp) { $containerIp = str($containerIp)->before('/'); $ips->put($containerName, $containerIp->value()); } } } $addHosts = $ips->map(function ($ip, $name) { return "--add-host $name:$ip"; })->implode(' '); } return $addHosts; } public function checkIfDockerImageExists(string $imageName, ApplicationDeploymentQueue $deployment) { $this->executeRemoteCommand( commands: collect([ [ "name" => "local_image_found", "command" => "docker images -q {$imageName} 2>/dev/null", "hidden" => true, ] ]), loggingModel: $deployment ); if (str($deployment->getOutput('local_image_found'))->isEmpty()) { $this->executeRemoteCommand( commands: collect([ [ "command" => "docker pull {$imageName} 2>/dev/null", "ignoreErrors" => true, "hidden" => true ], [ "name" => "local_image_found", "command" => "docker images -q {$imageName} 2>/dev/null", "hidden" => true, ] ]), loggingModel: $deployment ); } } public function createWorkDirForDeployment(string $workdir, ApplicationDeploymentQueue $deployment) { $this->executeRemoteCommand( commands: collect([ [ "command" => executeInDocker($deployment->deployment_uuid, "mkdir -p {$workdir}"), "ignoreErrors" => true, "hidden" => true ], ]), loggingModel: $deployment ); } }