isSwarm()) { $networks = collect($server->swarmDockers)->map(function ($docker) { return $docker['network']; }); } else { // Standalone networks $networks = collect($server->standaloneDockers)->map(function ($docker) { return $docker['network']; }); } // Service networks foreach ($server->services()->get() as $service) { $networks->push($service->networks()); } // Docker compose based apps $docker_compose_apps = $server->dockerComposeBasedApplications(); foreach ($docker_compose_apps as $app) { $networks->push($app->uuid); } // Docker compose based preview deployments $docker_compose_previews = $server->dockerComposeBasedPreviewDeployments(); foreach ($docker_compose_previews as $preview) { $pullRequestId = $preview->pull_request_id; $applicationId = $preview->application_id; $application = Application::find($applicationId); if (!$application) { continue; } $network = "{$application->uuid}-{$pullRequestId}"; $networks->push($network); } $networks = collect($networks)->flatten()->unique(); if ($server->isSwarm()) { if ($networks->count() === 0) { $networks = collect(['coolify-overlay']); } $commands = $networks->map(function ($network) { return [ "echo 'Connecting coolify-proxy to $network network...'", "docker network ls --format '{{.Name}}' | grep '^$network$' >/dev/null || docker network create --driver overlay --attachable $network >/dev/null", "docker network connect $network coolify-proxy >/dev/null 2>&1 || true", ]; }); } else { if ($networks->count() === 0) { $networks = collect(['coolify']); } $commands = $networks->map(function ($network) { return [ "echo 'Connecting coolify-proxy to $network network...'", "docker network ls --format '{{.Name}}' | grep '^$network$' >/dev/null || docker network create --attachable $network >/dev/null", "docker network connect $network coolify-proxy >/dev/null 2>&1 || true", ]; }); } return $commands->flatten(); } function generate_default_proxy_configuration(Server $server) { $proxy_path = get_proxy_path(); if ($server->isSwarm()) { $networks = collect($server->swarmDockers)->map(function ($docker) { return $docker['network']; })->unique(); if ($networks->count() === 0) { $networks = collect(['coolify-overlay']); } } else { $networks = collect($server->standaloneDockers)->map(function ($docker) { return $docker['network']; })->unique(); if ($networks->count() === 0) { $networks = collect(['coolify']); } } $array_of_networks = collect([]); $networks->map(function ($network) use ($array_of_networks) { $array_of_networks[$network] = [ "external" => true, ]; }); $labels = [ "traefik.enable=true", "traefik.http.routers.traefik.entrypoints=http", "traefik.http.routers.traefik.service=api@internal", "", ]; $config = [ "version" => "3.8", "networks" => $array_of_networks->toArray(), "services" => [ "traefik" => [ "container_name" => "coolify-proxy", "image" => "traefik:v2.10", "restart" => RESTART_MODE, "extra_hosts" => [ "host.docker.internal:host-gateway", ], "networks" => $networks->toArray(), "ports" => [ "80:80", "443:443", "8080:8080", ], "healthcheck" => [ "test" => "wget -qO- http://localhost:80/ping || exit 1", "interval" => "4s", "timeout" => "2s", "retries" => 5, ], "volumes" => [ "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro", "{$proxy_path}:/traefik", ], "command" => [ "--ping=true", "--ping.entrypoint=http", "--api.dashboard=true", "--api.insecure=false", "--entrypoints.http.address=:80", "--entrypoints.https.address=:443", "--entrypoints.http.http.encodequerysemicolons=true", "--entrypoints.https.http.encodequerysemicolons=true", "--providers.docker.exposedbydefault=false", "", "", "--certificatesresolvers.letsencrypt.acme.httpchallenge=true", "", "--certificatesresolvers.letsencrypt.acme.httpchallenge.entrypoint=http", ], "labels" => $labels, ], ], ]; if (isDev()) { // $config['services']['traefik']['command'][] = "--log.level=debug"; $config['services']['traefik']['command'][] = "--accesslog.filepath=/traefik/access.log"; $config['services']['traefik']['command'][] = "--accesslog.bufferingsize=100"; } if ($server->isSwarm()) { data_forget($config, 'services.traefik.container_name'); data_forget($config, 'services.traefik.restart'); data_forget($config, 'services.traefik.labels'); $config['services']['traefik']['command'][] = "--providers.docker.swarmMode=true"; $config['services']['traefik']['deploy'] = [ "labels" => $labels, "placement" => [ "constraints" => [ "node.role==manager", ], ], ]; } else { $config['services']['traefik']['command'][] = "--providers.docker=true"; } $config = Yaml::dump($config, 12, 2); SaveConfiguration::run($server, $config); return $config; } function setup_dynamic_configuration() { $dynamic_config_path = get_proxy_path() . "/dynamic"; $settings = InstanceSettings::get(); $server = Server::find(0); if ($server) { $file = "$dynamic_config_path/coolify.yaml"; if (empty($settings->fqdn)) { instant_remote_process([ "rm -f $file", ], $server); } else { $url = Url::fromString($settings->fqdn); $host = $url->getHost(); $schema = $url->getScheme(); $traefik_dynamic_conf = [ 'http' => [ 'middlewares' => [ 'redirect-to-https' => [ 'redirectscheme' => [ 'scheme' => 'https', ], ], 'gzip' => [ 'compress' => true, ], ], 'routers' => [ 'coolify-http' => [ 'middlewares' => [ 0 => 'gzip', ], 'entryPoints' => [ 0 => 'http', ], 'service' => 'coolify', 'rule' => "Host(`{$host}`)", ], 'coolify-realtime-ws' => [ 'entryPoints' => [ 0 => 'http', ], 'service' => 'coolify-realtime', 'rule' => "Host(`{$host}`) && PathPrefix(`/app`)", ], ], 'services' => [ 'coolify' => [ 'loadBalancer' => [ 'servers' => [ 0 => [ 'url' => 'http://coolify:80', ], ], ], ], 'coolify-realtime' => [ 'loadBalancer' => [ 'servers' => [ 0 => [ 'url' => 'http://coolify-realtime:6001', ], ], ], ], ], ], ]; if ($schema === 'https') { $traefik_dynamic_conf['http']['routers']['coolify-http']['middlewares'] = [ 0 => 'redirect-to-https', ]; $traefik_dynamic_conf['http']['routers']['coolify-https'] = [ 'entryPoints' => [ 0 => 'https', ], 'service' => 'coolify', 'rule' => "Host(`{$host}`)", 'tls' => [ 'certresolver' => 'letsencrypt', ], ]; $traefik_dynamic_conf['http']['routers']['coolify-realtime-wss'] = [ 'entryPoints' => [ 0 => 'https', ], 'service' => 'coolify-realtime', 'rule' => "Host(`{$host}`) && PathPrefix(`/app`)", 'tls' => [ 'certresolver' => 'letsencrypt', ], ]; } $yaml = Yaml::dump($traefik_dynamic_conf, 12, 2); $yaml = "# This file is automatically generated by Coolify.\n" . "# Do not edit it manually (only if you know what are you doing).\n\n" . $yaml; $base64 = base64_encode($yaml); instant_remote_process([ "mkdir -p $dynamic_config_path", "echo '$base64' | base64 -d > $file", ], $server); if (config('app.env') == 'local') { // ray($yaml); } } } } function setup_default_redirect_404(string|null $redirect_url, Server $server) { $traefik_dynamic_conf_path = get_proxy_path() . "/dynamic"; $traefik_default_redirect_file = "$traefik_dynamic_conf_path/default_redirect_404.yaml"; if (empty($redirect_url)) { instant_remote_process([ "mkdir -p $traefik_dynamic_conf_path", "rm -f $traefik_default_redirect_file", ], $server); } else { $traefik_dynamic_conf = [ 'http' => [ 'routers' => [ 'catchall' => [ 'entryPoints' => [ 0 => 'http', 1 => 'https', ], 'service' => 'noop', 'rule' => "HostRegexp(`{catchall:.*}`)", 'priority' => 1, 'middlewares' => [ 0 => 'redirect-regexp@file', ], ], ], 'services' => [ 'noop' => [ 'loadBalancer' => [ 'servers' => [ 0 => [ 'url' => '', ], ], ], ], ], 'middlewares' => [ 'redirect-regexp' => [ 'redirectRegex' => [ 'regex' => '(.*)', 'replacement' => $redirect_url, 'permanent' => false, ], ], ], ], ]; $yaml = Yaml::dump($traefik_dynamic_conf, 12, 2); $yaml = "# This file is automatically generated by Coolify.\n" . "# Do not edit it manually (only if you know what are you doing).\n\n" . $yaml; $base64 = base64_encode($yaml); instant_remote_process([ "mkdir -p $traefik_dynamic_conf_path", "echo '$base64' | base64 -d > $traefik_default_redirect_file", ], $server); if (config('app.env') == 'local') { ray($yaml); } } }