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2023-09-19 15:51:13 +02:00
use App\Models\Application;
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
# Application generated variables
# SERVICE_FQDN_*: FQDN coming from your application (
# SERVICE_URL_*: URL coming from your application (
# SERVICE_USER_*: Generated by your application, username (not encrypted)
# SERVICE_PASSWORD_*: Generated by your application, password (encrypted)
function generateServiceFromTemplate(string $template, Application $application)
// ray()->clearAll();
$template = Str::of($template);
$network = data_get($application, '');
$yaml = Yaml::parse($template);
$services = data_get($yaml, 'services');
$volumes = collect(data_get($yaml, 'volumes', []));
$composeVolumes = collect([]);
$env = collect([]);
$ports = collect([]);
foreach ($services as $serviceName => $service) {
// Some default things
data_set($service, 'restart', RESTART_MODE);
data_set($service, 'container_name', generateApplicationContainerName($application));
$healthcheck = data_get($service, 'healthcheck', []);
if (is_null($healthcheck)) {
$healthcheck = [
'test' => [
'exit 0'
'interval' => $application->health_check_interval . 's',
'timeout' => $application->health_check_timeout . 's',
'retries' => $application->health_check_retries,
'start_period' => $application->health_check_start_period . 's'
data_set($service, 'healthcheck', $healthcheck);
// Add volumes to the volumes collection if they don't already exist
$serviceVolumes = collect(data_get($service, 'volumes', []));
if ($serviceVolumes->count() > 0) {
foreach ($serviceVolumes as $volume) {
$volumeName = Str::before($volume, ':');
$volumePath = Str::after($volume, ':');
if (Str::startsWith($volumeName, '/')) {
$volumeExists = $volumes->contains(function ($_, $key) use ($volumeName) {
return $key == $volumeName;
if ($volumeExists) {
ray('Volume already exists');
} else {
$composeVolumes->put($volumeName, null);
$volumes->put($volumeName, $volumePath);
// Add networks to the networks collection if they don't already exist
$serviceNetworks = collect(data_get($service, 'networks', []));
$networkExists = $serviceNetworks->contains(function ($_, $key) use ($network) {
return $key == $network;
if (is_null($networkExists) || !$networkExists) {
data_set($service, 'networks', $serviceNetworks->toArray());
data_set($yaml, "services.{$serviceName}", $service);
// Get variables from the service that does not start with SERVICE_*
$serviceVariables = collect(data_get($service, 'environment', []));
foreach ($serviceVariables as $variable) {
$key = Str::before($variable, '=');
$value = Str::after($variable, '=');
if (!Str::startsWith($value, '$SERVICE_') && !Str::startsWith($value, '${SERVICE_') && Str::startsWith($value, '$')) {
if (Str::of($value)->contains(':')) {
$nakedName = replaceVariables(Str::of($value)->before(':'));
$nakedValue = replaceVariables(Str::of($value)->after(':'));
if (Str::of($value)->contains('-')) {
$nakedName = replaceVariables(Str::of($value)->before('-'));
$nakedValue = replaceVariables(Str::of($value)->after('-'));
if (Str::of($value)->contains('+')) {
$nakedName = replaceVariables(Str::of($value)->before('+'));
$nakedValue = replaceVariables(Str::of($value)->after('+'));
if ($nakedValue->startsWith('-')) {
$nakedValue = Str::of($nakedValue)->after('-');
if ($nakedValue->startsWith('+')) {
$nakedValue = Str::of($nakedValue)->after('+');
if (!$env->contains("{$nakedName->value()}={$nakedValue->value()}")) {
// Get ports from the service
$servicePorts = collect(data_get($service, 'ports', []));
foreach ($servicePorts as $port) {
$port = Str::of($port)->before(':');
data_set($yaml, 'networks', [
$network => [
'name'=> $network
data_set($yaml, 'volumes', $composeVolumes->toArray());
$compose = Str::of(Yaml::dump($yaml, 10, 2));
// Replace SERVICE_FQDN_* with the actual FQDN
preg_match_all(collectRegex('SERVICE_FQDN_'), $compose, $fqdns);
$fqdns = collect($fqdns)->flatten()->unique()->values();
$generatedFqdns = collect([]);
foreach ($fqdns as $fqdn) {
$generatedFqdns->put("$fqdn", data_get($application, 'fqdn'));
// Replace SERVICE_URL_*
preg_match_all(collectRegex('SERVICE_URL_'), $compose, $urls);
$urls = collect($urls)->flatten()->unique()->values();
$generatedUrls = collect([]);
foreach ($urls as $url) {
$generatedUrls->put("$url", data_get($application, 'url'));
// Generate SERVICE_USER_*
preg_match_all(collectRegex('SERVICE_USER_'), $compose, $users);
$users = collect($users)->flatten()->unique()->values();
$generatedUsers = collect([]);
foreach ($users as $user) {
$generatedUsers->put("$user", Str::random(10));
preg_match_all(collectRegex('SERVICE_PASSWORD_'), $compose, $passwords);
$passwords = collect($passwords)->flatten()->unique()->values();
$generatedPasswords = collect([]);
foreach ($passwords as $password) {
$generatedPasswords->put("$password", Str::password(symbols: false));
// Save .env file
foreach ($generatedFqdns as $key => $value) {
foreach ($generatedUrls as $key => $value) {
foreach ($generatedUsers as $key => $value) {
foreach ($generatedPasswords as $key => $value) {
return [
'dockercompose' => $compose,
'yaml' => Yaml::parse($compose),
'envs' => $env,
'volumes' => $volumes,
'ports' => $ports->values(),
function replaceRegex(?string $name = null)
return "/\\\${?{$name}[^}]*}?|\\\${$name}\w+/";
function collectRegex(string $name)
return "/{$name}\w+/";
function replaceVariables($variable)
return $variable->replaceFirst('$', '')->replaceFirst('{', '')->replaceLast('}', '');