2018-01-19 18:52:30 +01:00
import { re, error } from "./options";
2018-01-21 23:01:40 +01:00
import { readFile } from "./util";
import * as path from 'path'
import { options } from './options'
2018-01-19 18:52:30 +01:00
function getFromData(data: any, name: string): string {
2018-01-21 23:01:40 +01:00
name = name.trim()
// If not matches the valid pattern of a getter, return empty string
const valid: boolean = /^[A-z]\w*(\.[A-z]\w*|\[\d+\]|\[('|")\w+\2\]|\[[A-z]\w*\])*$/.test(name)
if (!valid)
return ''
name = name.replace(/('|")/g, '')
name = name.replace(/\[(\w+)\]/g, '.$1')
for (const i of name.split('.'))
data = data[i]
return String(data)
function replaceBetween(start: number, end: number, str: string, replace: string): string {
return str.substring(0, start) + replace + str.substring(end)
export async function insertImports(html: string, depth = 0): Promise<string> {
if (depth > options.max_recursion)
throw new Error('Maximal recursion in include statement')
const begin = re.begin + re.incude
const ending = re.ending
const exp = new RegExp(`${begin}.*?${ending}`, 'g')
const includes = html.match(exp)
if (includes !== null)
for (const i of includes) {
const template_name = i.slice(begin.length, -ending.length).trim()
const file = await readFile(path.join(options.template_dir, `${template_name}.${options.template_ext}`))
const render = await insertImports(file, ++depth)
html = html.replace(i, render)
2018-01-19 18:52:30 +01:00
2018-01-21 23:01:40 +01:00
return html
2018-01-19 18:52:30 +01:00
export function addParts(data: any, parts: (((data: any) => string) | string)[]): string {
if (parts.length === 0) return ''
const part: string | ((data: any) => string) = parts[0]
return (typeof part === 'string' ? part : part(data)) + addParts(data, parts.slice(1))
export function removeComments(html: string): string {
return html.replace(
new RegExp(`${re.begin}${re.comment}(.|\n)*?${re.comment}${re.ending}`, 'g'), '')
export function replaceVars(html: string): (((data: any) => string) | string)[] {
2018-01-21 23:01:40 +01:00
const begin = new RegExp(re.begin)
const ending = new RegExp(re.ending)
2018-01-19 18:52:30 +01:00
const ret: (((data: any) => string) | string)[] = []
2018-01-21 23:01:40 +01:00
let i = html.match(begin) // Starting char
2018-01-19 18:52:30 +01:00
while (i !== null) {
if (i.index === undefined)
throw new Error(error.parse)
// Push text before
ret.push(html.substr(0, i.index))
html = html.slice(i.index + i[0].length)
// Get closing tag
2018-01-21 23:01:40 +01:00
const j = html.match(ending)
2018-01-19 18:52:30 +01:00
if (j === null || j.index === undefined)
throw new Error(error.parse)
const sub: string = html.substring(0, j.index)
ret.push((data) => {
return getFromData(data, sub)
html = html.slice(j.index + j[0].length)
2018-01-21 23:01:40 +01:00
i = html.match(begin) // Starting char
2018-01-19 18:52:30 +01:00
return ret