import { readFileSync, readdirSync, statSync, writeFileSync } from 'fs' import { basename, join } from 'path' const endsWithTxt = /^.*\.txt$/ function walkDir(dir, callback) { readdirSync(dir).forEach((f) => { const dirPath = join(dir, f) const isDirectory = statSync(dirPath).isDirectory() isDirectory ? walkDir(dirPath, callback) : callback(join(dir, f)) }) } function convertAndSaveWordlistAsJSON() { const wordlist = {} walkDir('./generate/wordlist', (filename) => { // Not a txt file if (!endsWithTxt.test(filename)) return // Read the file const file = readFileSync(filename, 'utf-8') // Each line of the file to an array removing the empty lines const lines = file .split('\n') .filter((entry) => entry !== '') .map((entry) => entry.trim()) const set = new Set(lines) // remove duplicates const name = basename(filename, 'utf-8').slice(0, -4) // trim .txt wordlist[name] = [...set] }) writeFileSync('./src/wordlist.json', JSON.stringify(wordlist), 'utf-8') } convertAndSaveWordlistAsJSON()