<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" /> <title>Blaze The Page</title> </head> <body> <h1>Welcome to Blaze the Page</h1> <label for="u">URL to blaze</label ><input name="u" id="u" type="text" placeholder="Write an URL..." /><button> BLAZE IT! </button> <hr /> <h2>What?</h2> <p> What is "Blaze the page"? It is a small service that provides a minimal version of a web page. Simply paste a URL and click the button to obtain an extremely lightweight version of the page, concentrating solely on the content. </p> <h2>Why?</h2> <p> One day, I exceeded my monthly data limit for high-speed browsing. Consequently, my internet speed was reduced significantly. As a result, web pages took an extremely long time to load, and I encountered timeout errors 90% of the time. It was at that moment I contemplated a solution to this issue and conceived the idea of Blaze this page. </p> <h3>How?</h3> <p> It's actually very straightforward. When you click on "BLAZE IT!", the URL changes to https://ill-red-skunk-wig.cyclic.app?at= followed by the URL you pasted. This address is where the backend is hosted. When the site is accessed with the "at" parameter, a simple Node.js application retrieves the content and generates an extremely lightweight version of the page, retaining only the essential elements: the content. This minimal page is the result of the request and will be displayed in your browser. </p> <h3>Does it work?</h3> <p> Yes. The purpose of keeping this page as minimal as possible is to make it significantly lighter than a typical webpage. As a result, even with a poor internet connection, you can load this page relatively quickly. When you click on "BLAZE IT!", you receive a webpage that is only a few kilobytes in size instead of several megabytes. This makes it feasible to load the page even under challenging connection conditions, preventing timeout errors from occurring. </p> <script> const b = document.querySelector("button"), i = document.querySelector("input"); b.addEventListener("click", () => { location.href = `https://ill-red-skunk-wig.cyclic.app?q=${encodeURI(i.value)}`; }); </script> </body> </html>