diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 04f0e5e..ad7ac0a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
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Blaze is an ultrafast search engine designed to minimize data transfer between clients and servers, enabling users to browse the web in a minimalist manner.
@@ -79,9 +76,7 @@ Blaze addresses the issue of slow internet connections and enables seamless brow
2. **Reduced Bandwidth Consumption**: Blaze significantly reduces the amount of data transferred between clients and servers, resulting in lower bandwidth consumption.
3. **Battery and Processor Efficiency**: Browsing lightweight and minimalist web pages puts less stress on the device's battery and processor, leading to improved efficiency.
4. **Ad-Free Experience**: Blaze pages are mostly free from ads, enhancing the browsing experience and reducing distractions.
-5. \*\*Environmental
-Impact**: Blaze's minimal data transfer approach contributes to environmental sustainability by reducing battery drain, decreasing the need for frequent charging, and potentially lowering CO2 emissions. 6. **Emergency Search Engine\*\*: Blaze can be considered an "Emergency search engine." It provides access to critical information even in situations with poor connectivity.
+5. **Environmental Impact**: Blaze's minimal data transfer approach contributes to environmental sustainability by reducing battery drain, decreasing the need for frequent charging, and potentially lowering CO2 emissions. 6. **Emergency Search Engine\*\*: Blaze can be considered an "Emergency search engine." It provides access to critical information even in situations with poor connectivity.
## 🧑💻 Getting Started