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synced 2024-12-22 08:16:25 +00:00
Fix #332. This adds a new "PreValidate" hook that is executed before checking the backup location. This allows, for example, mounting a remote source to make the directories of the location available. "PreValidate" is added as a new hook to avoid any breakage that might have been caused by changing the behaviour of the "before" hook. Documentataion updates included.
328 lines
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328 lines
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package internal
import (
const VERSION = "1.7.11"
type OptionMap map[string][]interface{}
type Options map[string]OptionMap
type Config struct {
Version string `mapstructure:"version"`
Extras interface{} `mapstructure:"extras"`
Locations map[string]Location `mapstructure:"locations"`
Backends map[string]Backend `mapstructure:"backends"`
Global Options `mapstructure:"global"`
var once sync.Once
var config *Config
func exitConfig(err error, msg string) {
if err != nil {
if msg != "" {
func GetConfig() *Config {
if config == nil {
once.Do(func() {
if err := viper.ReadInConfig(); err == nil {
absConfig, _ := filepath.Abs(viper.ConfigFileUsed())
if !flags.CRON_LEAN {
colors.Faint.Println("Using config: \t", absConfig)
// Load env file
envFile := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(absConfig), ".autorestic.env")
err = godotenv.Load(envFile)
if err == nil && !flags.CRON_LEAN {
colors.Faint.Println("Using env:\t", envFile)
} else {
text := err.Error()
if strings.Contains(text, "no such file or directory") {
cfgFileName := ".autorestic"
"cannot find configuration file '%s.yml' or '%s.yaml'.",
cfgFileName, cfgFileName))
} else {
colors.Error.Println("could not load config file\n" + text)
var versionConfig interface{}
viper.UnmarshalKey("version", &versionConfig)
if versionConfig == nil {
exitConfig(nil, "no version specified in config file. please see docs on how to migrate")
version, ok := versionConfig.(int)
if !ok {
exitConfig(nil, "version specified in config file is not an int")
} else {
// Check for version
if version != 2 {
exitConfig(nil, "unsupported config version number. please check the docs for migration\nhttps://autorestic.vercel.app/migration/")
config = &Config{}
if err := viper.UnmarshalExact(config); err != nil {
exitConfig(err, "Could not parse config file!")
return config
func GetPathRelativeToConfig(p string) (string, error) {
if path.IsAbs(p) {
return p, nil
} else if strings.HasPrefix(p, "~") {
home, err := homedir.Dir()
return path.Join(home, strings.TrimPrefix(p, "~")), err
} else {
return path.Join(path.Dir(viper.ConfigFileUsed()), p), nil
func (c *Config) Describe() {
// Locations
for name, l := range c.Locations {
var tmp string
colors.PrimaryPrint(`Location: "%s"`, name)
tmp = ""
for _, path := range l.From {
tmp += fmt.Sprintf("\t%s %s\n", colors.Success.Sprint("←"), path)
colors.PrintDescription("From", tmp)
tmp = ""
for _, to := range l.To {
tmp += fmt.Sprintf("\t%s %s\n", colors.Success.Sprint("→"), to)
colors.PrintDescription("To", tmp)
if l.Cron != "" {
colors.PrintDescription("Cron", l.Cron)
tmp = ""
hooks := map[string][]string{
"PreValidate": l.Hooks.PreValidate,
"Before": l.Hooks.Before,
"After": l.Hooks.After,
"Failure": l.Hooks.Failure,
"Success": l.Hooks.Success,
for hook, commands := range hooks {
if len(commands) > 0 {
tmp += "\n\t" + hook
for _, cmd := range commands {
tmp += colors.Faint.Sprintf("\n\t ▶ %s", cmd)
if tmp != "" {
colors.PrintDescription("Hooks", tmp)
if len(l.Options) > 0 {
tmp = ""
for t, options := range l.Options {
tmp += "\n\t" + t
for option, values := range options {
for _, value := range values {
tmp += colors.Faint.Sprintf("\n\t ✧ --%s=%s", option, value)
colors.PrintDescription("Options", tmp)
// Backends
for name, b := range c.Backends {
colors.PrimaryPrint("Backend: \"%s\"", name)
colors.PrintDescription("Type", b.Type)
colors.PrintDescription("Path", b.Path)
if len(b.Env) > 0 {
tmp := ""
for option, value := range b.Env {
tmp += fmt.Sprintf("\n\t%s %s %s", colors.Success.Sprint("✧"), strings.ToUpper(option), colors.Faint.Sprint(value))
colors.PrintDescription("Env", tmp)
func CheckConfig() error {
c := GetConfig()
if c == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("config could not be loaded/found")
if !CheckIfResticIsCallable() {
return fmt.Errorf(`%s was not found. Install either with "autorestic install" or manually`, flags.RESTIC_BIN)
for name, backend := range c.Backends {
backend.name = name
if err := backend.validate(); err != nil {
return err
for name, location := range c.Locations {
location.name = name
if err := location.validate(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func GetAllOrSelected(cmd *cobra.Command, backends bool) ([]string, error) {
var list []string
if backends {
for name := range config.Backends {
list = append(list, name)
} else {
for name := range config.Locations {
list = append(list, name)
all, _ := cmd.Flags().GetBool("all")
if all {
return list, nil
var selected []string
if backends {
selected, _ = cmd.Flags().GetStringSlice("backend")
} else {
selected, _ = cmd.Flags().GetStringSlice("location")
for _, s := range selected {
var splitted = strings.Split(s, "@")
for _, l := range list {
if l == splitted[0] {
goto found
if backends {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid backend \"%s\"", s)
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid location \"%s\"", s)
if len(selected) == 0 {
return selected, fmt.Errorf("nothing selected, aborting")
return selected, nil
func AddFlagsToCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, backend bool) {
var usage string
if backend {
usage = "all backends"
} else {
usage = "all locations"
cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolP("all", "a", false, usage)
if backend {
cmd.PersistentFlags().StringSliceP("backend", "b", []string{}, "select backends")
} else {
cmd.PersistentFlags().StringSliceP("location", "l", []string{}, "select locations")
func (c *Config) SaveConfig() error {
file := viper.ConfigFileUsed()
if err := CopyFile(file, file+".old"); err != nil {
return err
colors.Secondary.Println("Saved a backup copy of your file next to the original.")
viper.Set("backends", c.Backends)
viper.Set("locations", c.Locations)
return viper.WriteConfig()
func optionToString(option string) string {
if !strings.HasPrefix(option, "-") {
return "--" + option
return option
func appendOptionsToSlice(str *[]string, options OptionMap) {
for key, values := range options {
for _, value := range values {
// Bool
asBool, ok := value.(bool)
if ok && asBool {
*str = append(*str, optionToString(key))
*str = append(*str, optionToString(key), fmt.Sprint(value))
func getOptions(options Options, keys []string) []string {
var selected []string
for _, key := range keys {
appendOptionsToSlice(&selected, options[key])
return selected
func combineBackendOptions(key string, b Backend) []string {
// Priority: backend > global
var options []string
gFlags := getOptions(GetConfig().Global, []string{key})
bFlags := getOptions(b.Options, []string{"all", key})
options = append(options, gFlags...)
options = append(options, bFlags...)
return options
func combineAllOptions(key string, l Location, b Backend) []string {
// Priority: location > backend > global
var options []string
gFlags := getOptions(GetConfig().Global, []string{key})
bFlags := getOptions(b.Options, []string{"all", key})
lFlags := getOptions(l.Options, []string{"all", key})
options = append(options, gFlags...)
options = append(options, bFlags...)
options = append(options, lFlags...)
return options